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Started this a while ago , it's me working out the best way of doing Light Gull Grey and White paint schemes ..which I think I answered using Tamiya acrylics on the recent Skyraider. 

So in sequence this was before the Skyraider , I used MRP paint of the grey, pre shaded way to much and set it aside and concentrated on the A1.  .Then I squirrelled and did the Ferret , and built a SH Tempest for a GB elsewhere. 

so we are back here again ...and it's a Hobby 2000 Polish repop of the  2003 Hasegawa tooling . I've bought a bunch of ordnance to fill it out a bit . 


'Eres the look I'm going for .VMF 235 , Da Nang 1966. Yup , clean... is for kittens IMHO ..




Same Squadron -  lots of bombs and dirt from the Zunis









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So this is vanilla start point . Thought I had "pre" pix, but obvs not . I've over painted the grey and white to knock the preshading back down . so will sit with a coffee in the morning and work out what next ! 

Didn't like the canopy fit on the first attempt , we will see how presentable it is when the tape comes off ...that may want work as well .  





zoom zoom ...


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An evening decaling . Cartograph decals got to love them !

Even though this is a curvy bird, they went on without drama.

I needed a coupla shots of the old microsol to settle down those nose stars ....and that was all , the rest behaved. 

Now to do the other side. 

Only downer so far is the inside of the canopy looks marked ...I'm happy with the fit ...but it can't come off without probably destroying it . Hmmm. 



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Decaling looks perfect and completely, there is nothing as wonderful as working with Cartograph decals.  

Nice tip on the bottle holder. Of course, I went the easy route and bought a few of the 3D bottle and glue holders, which have more then paid for themselves in NO spills or disasters.

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I think it's a marketing thing with the tall Microset bottles. Make them easy to tip over so you have to buy more. 

The Crusader is looking nice. One of the iconic paint schemes for that plane. 

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I've eyed the Hobby 2000 repop of this but having seen this I think I'll definitely pull the trigger or stick it on the Santa list. Just a slimmer, better looking SLUF!

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  On 10/12/2023 at 8:01 PM, GusMac said:

I've eyed the Hobby 2000 repop of this but having seen this I think I'll definitely pull the trigger or stick it on the Santa list. Just a slimmer, better looking SLUF!


Jadlam had them on clearance when i bought mine , it was cheap.... £28 maybe ?  ...which is pretty good value . I tend to trawl their clearance section once a month to look at any bargains , plus their rewards system is about the only one I know worth signing up to . 

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Done most of the decaling on the starboard side (barring the stencils) , also started on the ordnance.

Kit Zuni's and Hasegawa MK82 dumb bombs on a multiple carriage. I bought a bunch of these weapons kits a while ago , before realising they all date from the 1980's and aren't as good as I'd hoped . 

Still impressed with the way that nose decal bends in 14 different radia . ! The framing needs touching up ...shhhh. 







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  On 10/12/2023 at 4:06 PM, BlrwestSiR said:

I think it's a marketing thing with the tall Microset bottles. Make them easy to tip over so you have to buy more. 

The Crusader is looking nice. One of the iconic paint schemes for that plane. 


I'm not sure about the SOL but the SET is just mainly white vinegar I'm told .....bloody expensive white vinegar . 

  • Like 1
  On 10/12/2023 at 4:06 PM, BlrwestSiR said:

I think it's a marketing thing with the tall Microset bottles. Make them easy to tip over so you have to buy more. 

The Crusader is looking nice. One of the iconic paint schemes for that plane. 



Seems all of the tall and thin bottle of whatever we use, always find a way of tipping over and emptying out all over the bench. Would be great to see some of the time tested products have their bottles/containers redesigned to possibly be a lot steadier on their fee. As the modeling crowd grows older. our spill/knock over rate increased dramatically.   :construction:


At the basic paint stage ...minor detail painting and the ordinance to follow ...but first ....let loose the oils and the reference pics !. 

Does that wing look high ? In no F8 expert 






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  On 10/16/2023 at 12:30 PM, Peterpools said:

Maybe just a tad high but if it was my F8, I would leave it as is, just looks so good.🏆



Cheers - I later found this pic where they look a biot higher ?? so no sure at all now. Im aware the French ones apparently went higher because their carriers were smaller. 

The Navy seem to keep their planes cleaner than the Marines as well lol ! 





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  • PanzerWomble changed the title to Hasegeewow F8E USMC 1966 Crusader - RFI

Sticking a fork in this one .

Overall ....ok-ish  ...this old Hasegawa (2003)  is not a slick as the older tool from them for the Phantom (1987) . Personally not convinced with the gun smoke staining but in the end with was a practice job to try out MRP paint and continue with OPR practice. 

Make you realise what a big bird the Skyraider was . 

All this leads up to the final model of the Vietnam 3 .....





























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  • 2 weeks later...

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