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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Intermediate Twin GB beauty pageant Winner !!!

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Dear all.

Since we extended the GB, I feel like there should be a reward for those of you guys who made it to the original deadline. Well, only one actually.  

It was incredibly hard to decide. The number of kits that I ( subjectively) like the most is in two digits, all of your work is simply impressive. And I mean it, joy to follow and especially fun. Thank you for that and without further ado ....

The prize  1/32 Tamiya F-4J , so twin engine ( you see , what I did there)  is going to Belgium. Congratulation Mark @mark31, your Tornado is an absolute stunner, dynamic and lifelike.  Please contact me with your shipping address via PM.

For the rest of you gentleman, there will be a final prize called by Ernie @Clunkmeister at the end of summer.





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  • Martinnfb changed the title to Intermediate Twin GB beauty pageant Winner !!!
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Martin, EXCELLENT idea since there was an original date and lots of people got their builds in on time.  

@mark31 - Terrific build but also display.  The in-flight allows for a much better view of the armament and underside.  Congrats on the Tamiya F-4J!

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