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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Airfix 1/24 Mosquito WIP

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  • 1 month later...

It's been a while since my last update, things have been a little slow due to the better (?) weather - more time spent out on the mountain bike than at the bench with the Mosquito.


The .303 gun bay is all but finished, as is the cockpit, having scratch built the GEE radar receiver and indicator unit behind the pilots seat. The port Merlin is complete as are both undercarriage bays.


Thanks for looking in......
























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I don't know wich part at this time I love at most, doesn't matter where you look at, there is so much to see. Pictured with the right light, it will look like real!!!!!!!!!



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  • 9 months later...

Well its been just over 9 months since I last posted the WIP. I lost interest in the Mosquito and spent last summer away from the model bench and in my garage restoring two motorbikes I bought. I also kind of lost any enthusiasm in modelling for a while, but I've got my mojo back and its onto the Mosquito to get it finished. I think I spent so much time and effort into adding tiny details, that I ran out of steam, I guess we all go through a stage where something else grabs our attention.














I am currently going through the weathering process, oil wash etc hoping to have this one finished in the next week or so.




Thanks for looking in

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