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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Revell / AIMs 1/32 Junkers Ju188 E2 – Aeronavále 10.S.10

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So, while I also have a DH Hornet on the go, my discipline has weakened and I am starting another project..


I figure all this stuff is in for the long haul so I need to just do my thing and enjoy building things coolio.gif

I am a big fan of the airframes the Luftwaffe created in the heat of battle and of those I figure the Ju88 was one of those white-hot designs that held a purity and level of adaptability that was rarely matched..


..but it was developed...  so I have been collecting parts to build a Ju188 – not the peak of development (and I itch to do a Ju388) but even so the 188 is a proper aeroplane, a multi-tasked fighter/bomber so count me in...


..just to build the aeroplane has been a mission of collecting and accumulating (aren’t they all hmmm.gif) – so far I am at:


  • Revell 1/32 Ju88 A4
  • AIMs 1/32 Ju188E conversion (on it’s way)
  • G-Factor Ju88 U/C legs
  • Eduard Brassin Early Ju88 Wheels
  • RB Productions PE Luftwaffe Rudder Pedals
  • Revell 1/32 Fw190 A5
  • Everything airscale does innocent.gif







Slightly unusually there is a Revell 1/32 Fw 190. I have no intention of building a ‘what-if’ Mistel, but rather I read the early Hasegawa (& Revell re-pop) of the Fw190 has a full BMW801 engine which I intend to have opened up and on display. Anyways, it got here from Korea and for the £20 I paid  I am happy it will be the basis for some magic I need to work on it ninja.gif


Enough preamble - I like unusual colour schemes, so have decided to model a French Aeronavále E2 version that was used for post war Missile testing of German designs like the FX 1400 "Fritz X" and Henschel Hs293.


Escadrille (Squadron) 10.S. received four aircraft that were basically built from parts found in factories in France, Belgium and Germany by SNCASE.

Registered 10.S.10 to 10.S.13 there is still debate about the colours used, with 10.S.10 thought to be Blue and 10.S.12 green. The same post war scenarios abound as with Czech He219’s in that the suspicion is local (i.e. German spec) paint was used, however at the same time Aeronavále Hellcats & F4Us were in Glossy Sea Blue so that’s the way I am leaning for now...


..I have this magnificent book and fully credit it for anything I give as fact and maybe a few illustrations on the way – i only hope I can reflect the efforts made to record Ju188 history in my own way – thank you Pierre Dumollard





Here is the only picture I have found of 10.S.10...






Collection A Bissol



..and what may be the same aircraft, but crucially this time carrying an Hs293 (does anyone make a 1/32 Hs293, or is it included in any kits you know of – it seems not??) ...




Just like the DH Hornet, there are no survivors to crawl all over or even find walkaround shots for, so my obsession with detailing is going to be a bit of a challenge...


Fortunately, a lot of the aircraft is common to the much better documented Ju88 so it is really just in the cockpit I need to unravel the mystery, though I have found some period Technical Manual pictures which will help..





..will likely take me a bit of time to get organised, but hey I think this is going to be fun..


Until next time...




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evening chaps smile.png


got home to find the postman had been yippee


..now I have what I need to get started so thought I would share some pics for those that haven't seen the AIMs Ju188 resin kit before - top, top quality, I am really impressed..


before that, some other goodies - I got a 1975 edition of Scale Models as it has some good plans in it, I got the Wurth book and the ebay Fw190 arrived squashed from Korea - not that I care, I only want the BMW801 engine...




..these are the engine parts I will work with - the AIMs kit has engine fronts, but I want cowlings open so thought this would be the easiest way...




..so onto the Ju188 - some great instructions and comprehensive decals from Fantasy Printshop (who we use at airscale, they are second to none...)..




...this is the PE and a small selection of bags of smaller bits - there are bombs & ETC racks etc I won't be using..




..beautifully cast tail, rudder & wheels...




..engines, nacelles etc - these are really cool one piece castings...




..the bit I was most worried about was the glazing - having just learnt to vacform on my Sea Fury I was dreading having to maybe replace the glazing on a 188, it would be a whole new ballgame, but here you get two sets like this...




...and just to prove how optically clear they are I put the Sea Hornet instrument panel behind one to see how good they were - I think the result speaks for itself, they are superb...




...the last and most significant part is the one piece nose section - another work of art..




..I expect I will play around with this and maybe make false walls so I can do my thing with the detail - as a canvas to work from it is exceptional and I suspect built out of the box would be more than enough for most, but with my 'illness' I expect to spend a few months on detailing wub.png




..thats it for now folks - next time will be some actual building wicked.gif ...




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I found the depth of the pit to be a little bit of a hindrance when it came to airbrushing. I had to use real low pressure and thinned paint so it didn't blow around and leave a rough finish.


Can't wait to see you tackle this, and that Sea Hornet IP looks amazing  :respect:

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I found the depth of the pit to be a little bit of a hindrance when it came to airbrushing. I had to use real low pressure and thinned paint so it didn't blow around and leave a rough finish.


Can't wait to see you tackle this, and that Sea Hornet IP looks amazing  :respect:


thanks Jim - interesting you say that as my first thought when I saw the one-piece nose section was to cut it in half laterally (sacrilege?) as I didn't think I would get the access to detail it as I wanted - now you rightly call out it is tricky to paint too I think my mind is made up - out with the micro saw...


..afterall there are no cahunas like the ones you use when sawing your new kits into bits and think you know better right... :rolleyes:


prolly back with the band-aids and filler pretty soon



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evening ladies :)


so today was all about butchery - taking your nice new kit, thinking you know best, and taking a saw to it to cut it in half...


..I love the one-piece nose that come is the kit and I have spent some time admiring it as a casting achievement - however, I thought I needed to get in and work on the space in the cockpit and thought I would get frustrated trying to shoe horn things in - for example, I want to fully detail the side walls and add the pull down seat and all the other gubbins..


..at this point I want to offer a public and very big thank you to Matt Low who shared a full set of Ju188 Tech Manuals which means I have much more of an idea of what I want to do - I post elements of these at my risk and hope Erhard Milch doesn't sue me..


..here is the sidewall with the pull down seat illustrated - I love this sort of info...




..other drawings call out the station points (ringed in red), or bulkheads so positions can be seen..




..and with a factory plan of the station points I can calculate what goes where - for example the seat goes between bulkhead 3 and 4a..




..I also found some other pics after many hours on the net that show the seat location and details...




..so, it's one thing to know what stuff looks like and where it goes (and for me sometimes that takes longer than making it), but the challenge is how to integrate this into the model via this beautiful casting...




..ummm - I thought I would cut it in half...




..before I completed the surgery, I measured a number of datum points so I can get the nose back how it should be once I have detailed it - I will shim about 0.60 of card to make back the material lost through sawing it when the time comes..




..now I have some space to work and two large bits of resin...




..this is where I will probably grind out everything and start to scratch the seat & side-wall details (sorry Pastor John..)




..and sooner or later (likely much later) these bits will end up as a Ju188..




..thats all for now




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evening chaps smile.png


..thanks for such kind words - much appreciated


..I still feel a bit guilty for hacking the nose casting in half, but in my defence I hope to add a lot to the interior so hopefully John at AIMs will forgive me rolleyes.gif


..I want to add all the instrumentation and just wouldn't be able to do it any other way...




..anyways, this is what I had to destroy next - the forward fuselage interior...




..out with the dremel (and a mask) and I got rid of quite a bit of the structure to get back to skin level for the fold down second pilot's seat..




..soon cleaned it up - I only went back as far as I needed as the door structure will create a new false wall to mount new panels to..






..started to add the structure from card and fine brass channel..








..good to get started, but have lots to do..




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evening all smile.png


..managed to get a little bit done and maybe enough to be 'postworthy'...


..actually, I am embarking on my favourite part of any build - the cockpit.

It seems no matter what the kit, I will always do my own thing - one day I will do a Tamiya Spitfire and part of me wonders even with something as good as that whether I will bin the instrument panel and start my own...


..anyways, after a lot of delving and rumaging on the web and in the manuals Matt sent I managed to sort of cobble together the detail on the fuselage wall on a print out. No special science, I just cut & pasted images together and shunk them to scale size & hit 'print'...




..this is then stuck with paper glue (Pritt-Stick in the UK) to thin card and used as a guide to punch out the dial apertures...




..I then needed some world class photo-etch instrument bezels and cockpit details - hmm, wonder who makes those.. whistle.gif




..started to add details to the main panel - all the other panels will be built seperately to sit slightly proud of this one as per the original..




..the upper panel gets the same treatment..




..and you get the idea..




...lots (and lots) more to do but it's a start..




..until next time my friends



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Oh wow!! This is an education in itself. It's great to see something so complex as the interior of the 188 undergoing this transformation. I've never owned a punch & die set, but I have one coming shortly. Pretty eager to try an instrument panel from scratch, just like this one. I was thinking of trying it on the Me 410.

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evening chaps smile.png


..thanks for such kind words - much appreciated


..I still feel a bit guilty for hacking the nose casting in half, but in my defence I hope to add a lot to the interior so hopefully John at AIMs will forgive me rolleyes.gif










That's his job.... ;)

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evening chaps :)


..got a few hours benchtime this weekend, so another small step forward...


..I cut out the kit weapons panel switch and fixed it to the cockpit false wall.. also added some switch gear from our PE..




..the main sidewall is made from a scrap of thick card which needed some rectangular holes made in it..




..the edges of these then needed bevelling as the real thing is some sort of pressing...




...scribed in some access doors, added handles and a hinge and started drilling out holes around the edges for the fixing screws...




..eventually had the false wall and pressed side panel finished up...




...checking layout with a little dry-fit..








..thats it for now - back soon..



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Oh WOW! Without a doubt, it was worthwhile slicing that nose in half has really paid off. Your internals always make me envious. This is one of my favourite parts of a build, and I'd love to get within 1000 miles of what you achieve. 

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