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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

Zoukei Mura Focke Wulf Ta 152H

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So with the Male Tank coming close to finishing... I am wanting a fairly quick and easy build to tackle.. I was thinking of rocking with another Tamiya kit, but Jim made me take a pic of the stash and told me to do the 152... So here I go....


Its going to be built from the box, but I will add HGW Belts and brass tubing for the gun barrels a I think I will give it a go riveting it too.


My chosen scheme will be one of Willi Reschke Ta 152's, since it has the Bare Metal underside panels.


Ta 152 H-1 Green 9


Ta 152 H-0 Black 13



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So Jim didn't only force you to take a pic of your stash (and i do hope that means a pile of boxes down there in NZ) but he also made you build your ZM 152?

Did Jim choose that scheme too?




Jeroen, yes. Yes I did.


I even picked the tools to use, and those to ignore.

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Made a start on the 152.. Please excuse the poor phone pixs!


The cockpit has been built up and sprayed with Mr Color RLM 66. I have left out the parts that won't been seen. This will quicken the build with out worrying about details that won't be seen etc.




Lower wings panels glued to the spars and tail has been made up.




The rivets in the wheel bay are pretty soft in detail, I will be sanding these off and adding some of the HGW rivet lines to replace them.



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