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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

1/35 Tamiya SdKfz.164 Nashorn

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So this has been moved up to the bench the other day...


Its going to be out of the box.. Only additions will be Kaizen Panzer III/IV Tracks and RB Models 8.8 Pak 43 barrel... I was very temped with the Voyager PE sets that just been released.. but I withheld! :D



I haven't decided on a scheme yet.. But I am leaning towards an Kursk or Italian campaign scheme..

I started off building the hull and wheels while I was waiting for the Kaizen Tracks to arrive from Luckymodel.

In a few hours I had it looking like this, and Typical Tamiya! Shake and bake kit... I will be looking forward to the Jagdpanzer when it arrives at my mates store.


I am pretty happy with the Kaizen tracks so far.. I been sitting in front of the TV each night doing a little bit at a time. So after three nights, I have finally finished one set of tracks..


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So when I am not having fun by building Tracks, I have been attacking the next best thing.. Injector Pin marks!


So these have been filled with Tamiya putty and then sanded back with my handy Toothbrush sander thing I made... and then primed with Mr Surfacer Black to make sure I haven't missed anything.




So the parts have been added to the interior compartment and armour plating has been glued into place to the main hull...








So thats pretty much where I am now... I really can't do much more till the barrel turns up in the mail, which should be this week!

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There were a couple of other little things that I missed on adding the other day, like the barrel lock and the shell cabinets in the rear. So i finished that off last night and gave everything a prime for its first colour coat once the gun has been built up.. I need to start thinking of a scheme now too!











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The RB Model barrel finally arrived yesterday, so I been working on the 88 today. I think the barrel is made for the Dragon kit, but I had no issues getting to fit on the Tamiya kit. I just need to sand away some locating pins and it all locked into place... So this will be off to the paint shop tomorrow to be primed and then its base colour!



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Broke out the primer and primed the 88 and then painted everything with Mr Color C39 Dark Yellow... Still undecided on what way I am going with this... I sound like my wife with the dress shes wearing to work! :o





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