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Hi all, 


I've decided to join the group build with my Roland C.II.

I'm a slow builder, so I hope I make the deadline. :-)


I've tried to emphasize the wickelrumpf with some washes and MIG filters. It's quite rough, but the effect should be somewhat overstated because most of it will be left in the darkness of the interior.




The engine. I've added spark plug leads from fishing line and wrapped the intake pipes in Tamiya tape. The rest of the engine will be hidden, so I've left that in basic paint. The radiator pipe on top has received a light wash, but will be finished at the end of the build.




The rest of the cockpit:


First the observer's seat. I noticed that I've left the handle of the pump in the base colour. Will fix that later.




The pilot's seat. There was a lever missing on sprue A (no.53). You can see the unused slot under the steering wheel. Will be near invisible when it's all closed up, so I didn't bother fashioning a new one.

I've left the backs of the seats in bare aluminium colour, the cushions are painted with oils.



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And this is where I finished today: fuselage closed up, fin and underside panel added. Next job: filling and (re)shaping the ridge on the spine and belly.



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  • Administrators

Welcome to this GB!!

Glad to have you here!!

Damn fine work! :)


Thanks for the kind words!


No AM, James, just some fishing wire and Tamiya tape.


I am impressed with your work to date. The engine in particular looks terrific! I plan to be more active in the build now so I am looking forward to your progress!

RAGIII/Rick Geisler


Some progress this weekend. I reshaped the join line on the spine and belly a little and attached lower wings and tailplanes. 

The top wings haven't been glued yet, I've just attached them to get the correct placement for the struts.

The attachment tab of the top wings is a little thick and it split one of the joins of the upper fuselage panel... Will have to repair that later.


The radiators have tiny drainage taps on the top and bottom. I hope they survive to the end. ;-)


I'm planning on doing scheme A2. That's von Schleich's bird with the fish-shaped anemometer on the wing (I love how WnW keeps calling it 'fishy' in the manual :-) ), but without the added Lewis over the roll-over hoop.

It's got a light blue 'scumble' finish over CDL. Anyone have any tips on how to achieve this effect? Sponge it on with oils like wood effect?





Slow progress... I've masked and glued the windows. Still have to clean up some joins...


I'm still thinking on how to do the paint job. I'll try to do some testing on an old model this weekend.



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I experimented a little this weekend on an old Roden Gladiator wing. (Bad quality picture, the light isn't very good for photographing right now...

From left to right:

- White base, XF-55 CDL, sponged on oil paints, streaked.

- Same, but stippled oil.

- Black based mottle (XF-55 and XF-23) with oil-dot filter.

- Black based mottle without the oil.


The oil paint is a mix of Naples Yellow Green with a little Cobalt blue.


I think the mottle with oil-dot filter looks the best.

Just some tweaking to be done... Lighter mottle, apply the filter a little finer. I'll also make a few mixes with slight variations in the hue to make more layered filters.



  • 3 weeks later...

I've finally found some time to slap some paint on the Whale.

Went with a black-based CDL, which I then covered with oil paint. (Naples yellow green + Cobalt Blue and a little white for blending).


This was a big experiment, but I think it worked out nicely.


First I prepared the surface with a little odourless turpentine (from 502 Abteilung), then applied a quick layer of light blue oil paint. Some dots of lightened and darkened base paint were then blended in roughly.

On the wings I used a streaky effect, using an old, wide, round brush. On the fuselage I stippled the paint with the brush, in an angle of 90°.

I wasn't happy with the effect on the wings, so I used some of the lightened base, added it using the oil-dot technique and stippled it with the same brush, but now I just laid the hairs of the brush flat in the direction of airflow.


So, on to the pictures:

1. Black base.



2. CDL roughly applied. I thought the fin would be all white, so I didn't put a lot of paint there. The oils covered most of it, but you can still see more shading in that area than elsewhere. More CDL is applied over this in a fine mist. Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture at that stage...



3. General view of the airplane with oils applied.



4. Detail showing (I hope) the difference between the fuselage stipple and wing stipple.



Now I can only wait until the oils are dry...

  • Administrators

Great work on the paintjob!

Thanks for sharing!

I thought that i read something about a tecnhique to do the walfish painting effects but I cant remember where....

  • 5 weeks later...

Hi people,


Sorry about the lack of updates, but pictures of paint drying maybe aren't that interesting anyway. :-)

I've let the oils dry, finished construction, applied a gloss coat and have decalled the Whale.


I'm now working on finishing the accessories: propeller, turret ring & MG, exhaust...


The finish line is in sight now.



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Totally agree with George. I love watching paint dry, because that's when things start coming to life! Also agree that some washes and finishing coat will really make this finish "pop". Great work, inside and out!



  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all,


I have a week off so I had some extra time to finish the Walfisch!


I managed to accentuate the external ribs on fuselage and wings with MiG Panel Line Wash, which made it look quite dirty. :-)

Rigged the bird with EZ line and some brass tubing (didn't have enough Gaspath buckles left...)

And I finished it off with some last-minute details like oil/smoke stains and some pigments on the underside and landing gear. 


It's not perfect by far, but I'm happy with it.


The pictures were taken with my phone camera. I'll try to take some better ones once my camera batteries are charged and when it finally stops raining for long enough to have some decent light. :-)





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