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Questions relating to Resin and Photo etch ...


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Hi All ...


Just a couple of quick questions:


I've been told that I need to wash the resin before I work with it, so:


* Will normal dish washing soap be ok?

* How hot/warm does the water need to be?

* Will I need to scrub the parts with a brush or just immerse them ... and if so, for how long?


Also ... I don't normally "prime" my plastic before painting - with Tamiya acrylics ...


* Do I really have to prime the resin or the photo etch?

* Will Tamiya acrylics stick to either properly?


Rog  :)

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Like Jim said, if oily - wash. I normally don't either.

But like Aaron I prefer automotive primer too in combined PE / plastic / resin builds to get a good and even paint-holding surface on the

different materials - I use the Halford's yellow/green car primer type.


Put the spray can in a bucket of warm ( not too hot ) water and shake very well. The higher temperature will give more pressure and control

and a finer spray. ( Dry the can thoroughly with a kitchen cloth before use - you do not want water droplets on your sprayed piece...)


Or, much to be preferred, you can use this primer decanted in the airbrush, as in: take an empty airbrush paint bottle and spray the stuff in straight

from the can until the bottle is about half full, then add a little normal cellulose paint thinner at about 10 or 15 % and mix well.

This will cover PE, plastic or resin with a tough and nice even semi matte coat.


In both methods:

Spray very thinly, adding thin layers until you have even covering - do not try to cover in one go but wait about 30 sec / 1 minute for the next pass.

The resulting coat is ideal for painting in enamels or acrylics. 


Here's an example - plastic, resin and PE all neatly and evenly covered and ready for further painting ...


Thanks George ...


Haven't a lot of time to post a reply due to the build ...


I grabbed a couple of Tamiya Primers while I was out at the hobby supplier yesterday (I needed a few things, so I just added some primer to the list)


Also, I have to pop by the panel repairer with my car this week to get something sorted, so I'll ask the question about tinned automotive acrylic gear while I'm there also!!


Rog :)

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