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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025


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So while my current Wingnut Wings build dries after putting the laquer on I decided to start on this commissioned build.


Having started assembly I quickly realised I wanted one for myself so with the colour ranges I need in hand it was time to hit the hobby store!




So first up was mixing the special "black" 






The kit really is a snap-fit kit and goes together without the need of and glue, however as there are joins in visible areas I would need to bond the plastic to enable me to sand them smooth.






The body again was very easy to assemble  - I might have to get the Storm Trooper set and build them with my son!!




I decided to to do as much of the detailing by hand as I could.








so far I'm really happy with the result the head still needs some scratches and damage.










Also Admin - I really like the new system, this was uploaded and posted from my phone!!

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So I had to take a day off school as both my kids are on spring break - I work in a different school district so my spring break is out by a week to theirs. (It has its benefits though! HAHA) So I was able to dedicate a little more time to this build.

So it was time to go at the shoulder joints and mixing up the beautiful golden orange that highlights the joint - which meant cleaning off all the original paint I had laid last week and starting again.

I started with a flat white base.



Followed by that glorious orange - yellow that was mixed up specifically for the build.


Time for some more masking, I also used Vallejo chipping medium to prepare the edges where they appear chipped on the iconic droid in the movie. Time for some flat grey!


And then finally a little more masking and the different shades of silver and gun metal.S__8331381.thumb.jpg.cb0df33334de1855e9a9a1f4e466fa6e.jpg


I also wasn't very happy with the finish of the chrome ring around the Droids torso as I had used a punch for the masks - this time I used my circle cutter - which if you don't have one I highly recommend you get!

You can see from this photo where there are gaps in the ring - those will soon be gone!



Mr. Metallic polishing colors Chrome is what I used for the ring and it's absolutely fantastic - once down let it cure and then buff that sucker up!


My Nikon had a real hard time trying to pin point the focal point - my circle cutter lurking in the background!


Note: Wash your hands after getting this stuff on you, otherwise you'll leave sparkly finger prints EVERYWHERE!

So time for a bit of assembly!


Next up the abdomen and groin joint - the painting gets a little tricky here!



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Some more quality time on Saturday due to poor weather! :D

The abdomen was a little tricky to paint and so I decided to paint before assembly, due to the nature of the kits it's nice to be able to preassemble to see how it will look and then unsnap the parts and then permanently bond them.


I had to take a break from the work to pick my son up from his soccer camp so took the opportunity to pick up some other goodies!


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Sorry for the poor quality images, was using the phone camera as the wife needed my Nikon for work.




The legs were next up and these proved to be a little fiddly with all the little details - especially the chrome around the top of the thigh.



Time for some assembly.




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