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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

PayPal and Credit Cards


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Hi all ...

Up until now I've had my bank account directly linked to Paypal ... I use PayPal to purchase and money is withdrawn from my account.

If I link up a Credit Card ... How does the PayPal transaction effect the Credit Card ... is it treated like a cash advance or do you get the normal interest free "Purchase" period ... Since PayPal is doing the foreign currency conversion ... would the Credit Card be debited in local currency or would I get slapped for international fees also?

Rog :)

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It affects my credit card as a normal transaction and I do get 6 months free interest from paypal when the criteria is met. I can't recall buying something from China negating the free interest for purchase over 100.00

Can't answer the international fees question.

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Paypal acts as a ordinary merchant when debiting your credit card. If you are buying in a foreign currency, they do the conversion (and make money from it, btw) and debit your card in your account currency.


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Excellent ... so no additional charges beyond what I would have paid via the debit card!

Decided to take the punt yesterday and attach it to PayPal ... bought gear from Spruebrothers.

Thanks all for chipping in!!

Rog :)

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