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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

My recent LSM builds

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As i'm new to the forum i just wanted to give you guys an idea of my builds and my ahem....skill level. These have all been completed in the last two years. One or two has a few little bits missing. Joys of having kids touch things they are not supposed to! I'm not a great builder but i enjoy it and that is the main thing. My skills are improving and i am always open to trying new things.

First one i did was a 1/32 Hasegawa Fw190 F8. Nice build and loved doing the painting on this.


Next. 1/32 Hasegawa Fw190 A8. Always wanted to do this scheme. Used EagleCals for the snake.


Lastly. My latest completed build. 1/32 Revell Bf109 G6/R6. Used Montex masks for the first time although i made a massive boo boo and put the crosses in the wrong places. The Erla scheme was done using P-Mask. The underwing cannons are Barracuda resin.




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