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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

1/32 AV-8B Harrier II+ with Zotz Decals

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It's hard to stress how glad I am to get this kit finished. It's still disappointing after all these years that Trumpeter made so many errors with accuracy and fit/design of their harrier series.  Considering how well engineered most large scale trumpeter kits are (in my opinion), the annoyance caused by the following led me to shelf this build many time, and probably also are the reason that I can count on one hand how many of these kits I've seen completed:

  • exhaust nozzles
  • HUD
  • gear wells (especially nose well)
  • exhaust nozzles again
  • gaps in intake where front fuselage plugs in
  • ejector pin marks in intake
  • fit of intakes to fuselage
  • exhaust nozzles
  • LERX being hollow underneath
  • and yes, again, the exhaust nozzles.

he Zotz decals are simply superb. I liked them so much that I actually used two whole sets of the decals on the plane! Granted, I didn't clear coat before decalling the first time so silvering was everywhere, but I don't think Eli will complain that he got an extra sale out of me! whistle.gif


Thanks for looking






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Who doesn't love a Harrier - even if it is the Trumpy one with its associated problems?

Mike, you'd never have known those issues existed looking at your build ... It looks wonderful ! Cracking build, just cracking.

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