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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Bf 110D-3, 6./ZG 76, "M8+AP" (1/32 Dragon)

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Only the second completed project to leave my bench this year, but it was a big project literally and figuratively!  Really a great kit, had some problems with the wing to fuselage fit but I think the next time I do one of these I can overcome that problem by altering the assembly sequence.  Other than that fit was outstanding.  The instructions and decals (lacking info stencils) are nothing to write home about about, but those are minor gripes.


Add-ons were:


HGW Seatbelts

Quickboost exhausts

Montex Masks used for markings


The model portrays a Bf 110D-3 operating from Argos, Greece in the spring of 1941.  The instructions with the mask portrayed this aircraft as a D model with the extended tail, in the well known photos of the aircraft it's a C model with the standard tail.  Either Hauptmann Nacke changed aircraft at some point or the instructions with the masks are incorrect.  I've talked myself into the former. ;-)


As always, thanks for looking.











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Stunning Mike! I want to do this exact D-3 one day. Lovely work.


Tell me about the grass?


Looks like a fancy-pants grass mat, but the ones I've seen of that quality are barely big enough to stage a 1/48 P-51 on.


Matt, the grass mat (this one is AUTUMN BROWN SAVANNAH GRASS MAT)  is by Silfor, good stuff but a little pricey.  They come in 12" x 19" sheets, It took 2 1/2 sheets of them to completely cover the piece  1/4" poster board that I use as a base, but actually two of them would suffice for the majority of 1/32 projects.  I've been eyeing them for a long time and finally bit the bullet to buy six of the mats a few months back.


Full range here, always had great service from these folks too:



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Doug, I was actually unsure of that one.  There seemed to be different antenna configurations, I used "Bf 110 in Color Profile" by John Vasco as a reference and it showed a single attachment point for the "D" model so that's what I went with.

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