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Everything posted by mark31

  1. Nice to see you work with foil And yes not easy but it gives a nice result. I have tryd a few times but i have to give it a go in the future. I have used difrend brands of alu foil to give some panels different shine. Looking forward to see more. Mark
  2. Small progress Engine work Last pic is a dry fit so far so good and very happy with the fitting off parts. Almost like a tamiya kit. Mark Now going to sand a bit to make a good fit off the engines
  3. Thanks Yes its a great kit didnt found great problrms its almost like a tamiya kit Itq straight forward build Now i only have to find time to work further on here. Work load is high at the moment but its almost time for vacation for me So i hope to get some bench time Mark
  4. looks good with the primer on Cant wait to see the paint on I hope to get some bench time soon but with the temprature around the 35C you cant do anything model related. Mark
  5. Thank you Mark
  6. Nice i have the same over here only lost the instructions off mine. Mark
  7. wonderfull work. nice to see the lights working. Mark
  8. Found this 3 kits cheap 35% below retail price. Time to build and learn New techniques to make it look good Mark
  9. Will try thanks Mark
  10. intake parts of a mig 23 the parts on the left thats what i need Mark
  11. Recievd them by mail Iff you whant i can sent them to you Pm inbound Mark
  12. Just recievd from the mail woman
  13. What i mean is landing lights on and taxi light off Taxi light on . Landing light off
  14. Looks great to me the exhausts Just a small heads up on the light set I have taken a good look on my set and iff i see it right the landing lights and taxi light are on at the same time. So far what i can tell is its taxi light on landing light off ore the otherway. Thats what i found in my references Keep up the great work
  15. Is there a way to get replacement parts from them? I have a kit over here and missing 2 parts. Thanks Mark
  16. More work done next up engines and wings Mark
  17. Will do give me some time
  18. Yes its a great kit no major problems so it can go fast Yes im painting the wings later Didt a test fit and i see no problems for that It looks beter for me to paint it like that. Mark
  19. Looki g forward to see this build Mark
  20. Ye indeed. Mark
  21. Nice and looks that is a great price. Never used that before Mark
  22. To much free time today Mark
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