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Everything posted by mark31

  1. Thanks So no good words for sac landing gears Will keep that in mind. Mark
  2. Pickd this kit up from a friend that is quiting the hobby. The box is beaten up But boy what is inside. All aftermarket that there is and some sets double and only for 70 euro damn happy
  3. great progress. Mark
  4. great work and you are going fast. Mark
  5. Thanks Peter not a easy job but with some patience we get there Yes and a lot off bending to make it fit Thanks Kai Thanks and yes the are not cheap this kits. I have the luck that i found my kits cheaper then normal. I also have take a look at there bikes but so far not one in the stash. Maybe in a far future. Mark
  6. Whoopi nice haul Peter Mark
  7. Still working on the camo fine tuning
  8. Ooo boy Count me in for this party Mark
  9. you have done a great job i like it Mark
  10. great job Peter I need some bench time to get somthing done here. Will keep following Mark
  11. More things done Gun turrets still needs detail painting and masking fun Thats it for now. Tomorrow going for a ride onthe bike Mark
  12. What can i say just wonderfull. Mark
  13. Thank you all And yes the are family. Right now we have 3 other cats walking around. The oldest is already 18 and we tought she will be the first because here age. All the cats we have are adopted to give them a good life. Its always hard to make the dissision but it whas the best we can do for here Mark
  14. Woow great start Will try to follow Mark
  15. Try to get a bit off time to work with all things happend today. Exhausts in place not a easy job but its done Needs some repainting Mark
  16. Today we have dicided to put ore cat to sleep. Here name is Min and she is part of ore family for 14 years. 2 weeks ago she whent blind so we whent to the vet. A few x rays later it becomes clear she have a tumor. She came back home with medication so we can give here more good days Sadly the tumor won and we decided to let her go before she has to muchpain Im goingto mis here. Hunt well on the green fields. Mark
  17. mark31


    Welcome to the forums. Hope you will have a great time Mark
  18. Yes indeed most parts where painted Also i have orderd 6 bottles ofpaint at once so its from the same lot to have no color difrence from that. All little things helps when painting. I have learnd with mistakes from the past. About reparations almost there. This weekend not much building because the high temprature out here. I hope to get bench time next week. Mark
  19. Wonderfull work and like Peter say watch out for carpet monster. Mark
  20. Just to show the difrence in color. One part polishd wet with micro mesh the other one just paint. So you can see big difrence on how to bring the color to life. Now next round of polishing its to Hot out here to do paint work Almost 32 ° c out here Mark
  21. Thanks Peter. But i think it wil be ok. Still need to polish and clearcoat the other parts. Im doing it the same way like my lotus and that turnd out good. Will see how it go. Mark
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