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Everything posted by mark31

  1. Going tru some boxes and found this one. Mark
  2. Need more masking tape lol thats it for this week Mark
  3. Thanks Peter. And yes one day i will be back building planes now just going slow with the viggen Will get there its a lot off work for masking but its a nice camo. I hope to have a update in the weekend Mark
  4. Will do my best kai to get here done. Slow going but will get there
  5. Small progress mark
  6. Recievd yesterday. Im happy.
  7. Yes indeed but thanks to you this happend Mark
  8. I love it so far. Great progress looking forward to see more. Mark
  9. No news on this its on the shelf like the last pics. I dondt know why but i have lost intrest in planes. Already sold some stash off planes. Maybe later i will work further on here. Mark
  10. Nice work you have done on this little kit. Mark
  11. Thanks Harv Thanks Thanks but still long way to go Mark
  12. More tubing done on the frame Also other parts hope to do some more in the weekend Mark
  13. You are doing a great job. Nice going. Mark
  14. Wheels painted half off exhaust in place dryfitting some parts Thats it for now Next up more tubing on the frame off the engine Mark
  15. Engine in place dryfit of the nose Still more things to go on engine like the exhausts and more frame tubing. But thats for later Mark
  16. First decals in place time to clean up other parts and put them togheter also time for a bit of dryfitting and paint fun Mark
  17. Yes indeed Mark
  18. These are 3 of the 4 cats in the house. On the left is odi 17 years old. on the right Holly 14 years this is Min 13 years all are adopted but now odi is suffering some medicatie issues but we will give him the best we can for is old days Also whe have another cat already 18. Will search for a pic off here
  19. My New ride and my first mtb First 34km done yesterday. More to go.
  20. Just starting mtb pickd up today at the shop Didt my first ride today in the Rain Just didt 34km and loved it. Just fun and enjoy the nature Mark sorry for crappy pic Already planning for the next ride
  21. Ok here we go. Clear coat is the old good x22 from tamiya. A lot of People use 2k but you can see you can get great results wit tamiya. Iff of cours you take your time. Mark
  22. Yes indeed its because the Light Will post beter pic after the clear coat. Thanks Peter Still a long job to go before ready. I dondt know how many hours of pollishing i have spend to get it like that. Still more hours to go for the clear coat then time to put some decals on I hope to get them on next weekend. Mark
  23. So here a small update. Im working on engine nr 2 this one will get placed in the car. Not yet don steel needs gear box an exhaust also done a bit of paint job on the car. Still needs clear coat. today i hope to do some other small parts on the engine and going to put some clear coat done. Mark
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