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Everything posted by brahman104

  1. Incredible work Kai, especially on the lighting! I've been tempted by those set a few times but I've done my own for the B-17, although I still have to work out a suitable power supply....... Craig
  2. Thanks Harv. I've got to admit I'm pretty sloppy and sporadic posting on here, but I'm glad you're enjoying the updates!
  3. Thanks very much Martin! Definitely a huge compliment coming from both of you . Amazing how time flies.... I'd say this may very well come close to a 10 year project. There's always things I could have done better, but it's taught me some valuable lessons along the way.....
  4. It's been a while since I posted here. Just thought I'd let you guys know the project is still ongoing I'm currently working to finish the bomb bay, and once that's done I can finally get the tail on. Enjoy the pics Craig
  5. Still an impressive amount of scratchbuilding for a "quick" project Oliver! Very nice indeed! Craig
  6. Thanks Gaz and Peter! Progress has slowed somewhat recently, but is still going on slowly. I'm hoping to average a panel or so a day, although it doesn't always work out that way! Thanks as always for your continued encouragement and interest Craig
  7. Happy New Year Everyone! Not sure what crack Dami87 is on, but I'm still continuing progress on the panel work. I've pretty much finished the LH side as much as I can, now working my way forward on the right. As I move forward, I'm also now able to tackle some more complex and challenging pieces such as the radio room fairing and turtle deck. Enjoy! Cheers, Craig
  8. Nice work on the Lib so far! Really enjoying seeing it come together. Craig
  9. This is looking great! I really like the weathering you're doing. Craig
  10. Thanks Gazza! Yeah polishing is going to be bit of a mission, especially handling it so it doesn't end up covered in fingerprints! Thanks Peter! Slowly getting there. Little by little Cheers, Craig
  11. Thanks Gents! I realise it's been a while since I posted here, but work is progressing.... I've been working my way forward along the underside of the fuselage as that's the way the panels overlap. I'll let the photos do the talking though shall I? Slowly but surely she's getting some clothes on! Thanks for looking. Craig
  12. Looks great to me Gazza! Craig
  13. Thanks guys! Working steadily away at it.... lots done with lots more to do. Slowly making my way up the LH side of the fuselage! Cheers, Craig
  14. This is cool! Great work mate. Craig
  15. Beautiful work as always Peter! The ignition wiring is amazing Craig
  16. Thanks Kai and Peter, Just realized I haven't posted any pictures of the start of the skinning process. Each panel has to be traced out in masking tape, then traced again onto a reverse image to give me the rivet and panel locations. Once each rivet is "wheeled" out it is then deepened with a beading tool and finally the metal is pushed back down around the outside of each rivet to make them really sharp, and to reduce surface distortion. Some panels can take upwards of an hour or more to make, and there's a lot of panels to cover the fuselage, but I'm really enjoying the process so hopefully I'll have more to show you soon! Cheers, Craig
  17. Nice and clean as always Peter. I'm looking to do just such a project when I finally finish my B-17! Craig
  18. And on it goes. After a seam-sanding marathon, I had all the joins pretty much smooth enough to start drawing out the panel lines on the exterior, reading for the skinning process to begin. Here's how the skin panel diagram looks: The length of the panels is easy to work out, as they start and end at fuselage stations. The width of the panels is a little harder, as they're not only not straight, they also start and end a different circumferential points..... This was an in progress photo with many mistakes I made in interpreting the above diagram.... I also permanently added the bathtub! Some of the nose panel marking out in progress. The panels start from the bottom rear, and then work their way forward and up, with each panel overlapping the previous one. I also did some work on the tail fairings, but I'm ready to make a long awaited start on the skin panels! Very excited to be getting to the business end of the build finally! Craig
  19. Thanks Peter! Me too 😉
  20. Awesome work Peter! I've never used HGW seatbelts but they do look quite complex; I imagine that I'd struggle with them too.... Interesting to hear about how the instructions are so bad. You'd think they could have at least go that right! Loving your progress though 😉 Craig
  21. Thanks Kai. Should look even better once the whole thing is covered in metal! Craig
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