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  1. I have not used Gundam Markers in years. I didn't like them at the time, but they were very early versions. What I do like are the AK weathering pencils. But, again, not always useful in every situation. And they are oddly inconsistent. Some work really well, other's don't. I have no idea why. I am also experimenting with enamels for washes. Not sure they are better than oils, but in certain circumstances they seem to be. Another tool in the tool box. Keep your options open.
  2. Shipping box. Make sure it survived the trip. 👍
  3. Finished. Delivered . Found out today it reached it's happy home intact. Stock kit, no additions .
  4. Big 1/16 Puma. Probably gravitating towards the bench sooner than later. Stuart "Honey" Cause it's adorable. And I love Caunter scheme. And these. Not a fan of the E model Eagle, but the story of these brave men and women made me want to build one . Now I need to find one.
  5. Moving forward on the F. Found a split seam on the G, that now needs attention. F is the one going in the mail so I am focusing on it to get it done and in the box.
  6. Jeez. Are you and that other guy trying to corner the market on Corsairs?!? 🤣
  7. I bought one Spitfire, to support their efforts, even though it's not my favorite plane. I will be buying a couple of these, cause I love 109's.
  8. 1/72 Erla / Regensberg production line. Building a G-10 for myself and an F-2 for a friend. Eduard kits. Pretty typical Eduard so far.
  9. So perhaps this is just humor, but I would be perfectly happy to see a Lysander in 1/35.
  10. I am happy with it. I was a professional model builder for over 25 years. I get the scale difference. I even did the math on the Kate, just for fun. I don't see it as an issue worth bothering with. I wanted a Kate, now I have one, without waiting for an Infinity kit "In the right scale" that's never going to see the light of day. Or, worse IMO, a resin kit. Most civilians, lets say, who see my models never will never know the diff either, to be honest. I'm planning on buying Borders Zero when it comes out.
  11. I love my drunk designed Kate. I should have bought the deck/Island for it as well. Then maybe hide a Tamiya tank on the other side... 🧌
  12. Agreed. Love that plane, for the oddness. But it was also superbly functional. So how new is that Airfix tooling? I'm not very optimistic about a 32 scale one coming along any time soon.
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