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Dave J

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Everything posted by Dave J

  1. The last couple of nights I have been spraying the Whippet... I started first by paint it with AK interactive Khaki Base from the Brit WW1 tank set... Took me age to get the paint to spray nicely... I don't know why I try to use the AK paint, as I always have to clean out my Airbrush 2-3 times, and its a real ass to get it to spray correctly.. But it did look nice and smooth once it was dry... Till I realized that I painted it the wrong colour!!!!!!!! So after checking the paint call outs (which I should of done in the first place!) I had to figure out what Ammo paints convert too... I couldn't find any charts from Ammo to anything else, so I jumped onto 1990.co.jp website and had a quick look what Meng had listed for their Whippet... Luckily it was Vallejo 71.015 Olive Grey which worked out to RLM 71, which I have plenty of! So back to spray booth and this is where I am at the moment....
  2. The tracks were piss easy to do.. Pretty much a copy of a Tamiya's Mk.IV tracks.
  3. Cheers Mike!
  4. Hahaha, Ok should we share the blame then?
  5. So I have to blame Jim for this one... A little while back, Jim introduced to me to world of 1/6 Collectable figures... So my first one is due to arrive shortly, which is Luke Skywalker, Red 5 X-Wing Pilot during the First Death Star Attack of the Battle of Yavin... So its fitting that I have a X-wing Built to display Luke next too... So I just had the Bandai 1/48 X-Wing arrive the other day. If you haven't see this kit, check out Jim's review of it here - http://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/4204-148-x-wing-starfighter-%E2%80%98moving-edition%E2%80%99/ Its going to be built from the box.. As I am aware there is no AM for this! But I may try to add another LED to light up some more of the cockpit...
  6. I am waiting for it... But then I can't wait for it too!
  7. What kits do you have Jim? Is there anything in particular your looking for?
  8. The Meng Kit looks great.. I would of pick that one up instead, but I don't think it was out at Telford...
  9. Not to sure... I thought it was me, and had it misaligned. But I unglued the parts to double check and still had the issue the second time around. Yes indeed! I guess its the simple shapes that catches me.
  10. It's all glued. Tracks will come off prior to painting. And the exhaust is the only thing I have to attach
  11. Yes... Yes.. I finally pulled my finger out of my ass and made some good progress on a project! Takoms Whippet which I picked up at Telford for 30 pounds, which I thought was a pretty good deal! I am building it from the box, so it should be straight forward build.... I have started off by gluing and sanding one side of the wheels and then realized that its going to be all hidden. So I stopped the hard task of sanding each wheel and quickly cleaned them with sprue cutters. I find the wheels are pain in the ass to do, so I skipped one side for the moment and came back to it later on... One small little mod I made, was with the tension bolts for the rear main wheels. I removed a section of the bolt between the hull and middle nut, and re-glued it into place. Side hulls are attached to the floor section. Nice fit no issues what so ever! I did have a small fit issue with the roof... I couldn't get the small gap to close, but I have seen a couple of other builds with the same issue... So maybe its a Kit issue and not me! I left the door ajar a tad to give it a bit of character, as I planning to display it on a base looking abandoned... And with a little bit of Child labour, my oldest son gave me a hand clicking all the tracks together. Took us about 5 minutes to do both sides... So this is were I am currently... Pretty quick build, maybe 4-5 hours spent this afternoon. A couple of small things to tidy up.. But I should be getting some primer and paint onto pretty soon.
  12. I want to get one... They pretty cheap on Aliexpress.com
  13. Find your scheme and post here. I am sure one of us can tell you what you need
  14. That comes down to the scheme that you choose. Mike will have a better idea than me!
  15. If someone has them listed for the G10 that's incorrect. The only thing that the G6 and G10 share that's incorrect is the top gun cover with the MG 131 spacing. To me its not a huge issue.
  16. Its a great little kit. I picked one up at Telford.. Looking forward to building it soon!
  17. Mish, if you getting the G-10 you won't need the small bulge correction (Beule) ,its only required for the G6
  18. Oh this is going to be awesome!
  19. Glad to see this one is back!
  20. I use Mr Color GXIII... Drys fast, and super hard! you can polish the crap out of it.
  21. Both are great kits... I would say what scheme catches your eye the most
  22. Welcome! Looking like a nice start!
  23. Looks great! I think I have a spare Star n Bar if you want one...
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