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Dave J

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Everything posted by Dave J

  1. HeyHeyHey! Your back on to it! I am very temped to start mine too! But I do need to get a couple of things out of the way first!
  2. Its been delayed completely to the Japanese market.
  3. I use Lacquers on the Bandai Kits.. Its the White Spirits/Turps weathering products that has issues. I had problems with my AT-ST, but nothing with my 2 TIES.
  4. Looking great! If your planing to give it a wash with White Spirits/Turps base washes... make sure you glue everything and seal all the mating points of parts as they will crack!
  5. Oh Yea! Go with the 44!
  6. That looks fantastic! What are your options for the next one?
  7. My pile of Bandai SW Kits keep growing! I have this one too... I really should build them!
  8. Man thats looking Fantastic! You should sell these!
  9. Looking awesome.. I have one sitting in my warehouse at HLJ... Just awaiting that Ywing to be released and then I will hit go!
  10. Looking great Jim.. Just wish those builders would stop dragging their knuckles!
  11. Interesting... And very temping! When is the last day for committing to this project?
  12. Thats very cool! What did you use for the body for the Thompson? Is it resin?
  13. No Members can not delete posts. Only Admin can.... Hit the Report button on the post and one of the Admin can delete it for you. EDIT - I think I found the Post you were refering to.. I have removed it for you.
  14. Nice Pile there!
  15. Maybe upgrade you PC Motioner to a small LED TV that you can plug the PC into... Then you can watch TV/Movies at the same time!
  16. No more shaggy red carpet?
  17. Another Bandai Kit knocked off! Again completed in a day... Painted with Mr Color and washed with AK Interactive Grey Wash for Grey Decks and NATO Wash.
  18. I will be hitting the TIE Fighter next. Then not too sure what after that! Still have R2, C3P0, Stormtrooper and a Xwing to go! But I want that Y Wing!
  19. I had no issues with the AK washes on the TIE. But I had the same problem with the AT. The difference on this is that I glued everything. No matter how well it clicked into place the joints got some tamiya extra thin thrown at it.
  20. So this is Bandai's Tie Advance x1 in 72nd.. Fantastic kit..Took less than a day to complete. Painted with Mr Color Blue Grey and weathered with AK Interactive NATO Wash.
  21. Looking forward to playing with your drawers when I am over there in 4 months Jim!
  22. Even better! We have a full box review! http://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/1383-132-pby-5a-catalina-limited-edition/?hl=catalina
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