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Dave J

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Everything posted by Dave J

  1. Mike you will love that AB! I got one at the beginning of the and it's the Bees' Knees! It's so good that I convinced Fran to get one too. Word of warning... The .15 needle is fragile and the nozzle is made of cheese! I already need a replacement.
  2. Didn't know that you had an Rx7 Mike! I had a 1982 Series 2 Speical Edition but it had Series 3 tail lamps fitted to it. It also had a 13b from an Rx5 fitted with a 3.5kg Flywheel and lighten driveshaft. The best thing it had Poo Brown Leather interior! God, I really miss it, and I wish I never sold it. One of my regrets.
  3. Mike, I love MRP and my Mr Color Laquers, but for the last 10 months I have been solely been painting with Misson Paints and I just love them. They spray on great and thin out beautifully. The Jagdpanzer I posted the other day was painted with them. I can't highly recommend them enough! And the customer service that Jon from Mission offers is awesome. If you have any issues, he's more than happy to help you and talk you through it. I have pretty much every colour bar two!
  4. Been wanting that 787B kit for ages. I tried to build it when I was younger and stuffed it up. I loved my Rotarys back then and still do! Miss my series 2 Rx-7!
  5. Cheers Guys!
  6. I am sure most of you are in the same position... Trying to finish those last projects for 2018! I just managed to knock this one off a few moments ago that I started back in March. As per normal.. Family life, work and another round of back surgery have keep me busy. Having some free time today, I picked this one up an managed to finish it was it was pretty much weathering that I had to complete. It's my 4th Tank I have ever built. Tamiya's 1/35 Jagdpanzer IV /70 Lang. Built from the box, but I did use Kaizen tracks. Painted using Mission Models Paints, Camo was painted free hand. and weathered using AK Interactive Washes and Pigments.
  7. So I have been pointed to an Starboard image of it belly landed... And of course the engine cowl is up and someone is standing in the way... But something is there. Is a stain or an Angel??
  8. Hey all, Since I have a few weeks off work after having surgery, I am looking at pulling out my Trumpeter P-40B and building it as Flight Leader Robert Smith's, Hawk 81 of the 3rd. PS, American Volunteer Group, Kunming, January 1942. I have seen a few profiles with the Hells Angel on both sides of the fuselage. I have the Cutting Edge decal sheet, but they only supply the one Angel on the port side. I haven't found any images as of yet showing that area of the starboard side... Whats peoples thoughts on this? Should there be two Angels or one?
  9. Airscale does an upgrade kit for the panel https://www.airscale.co.uk/store.php#!/1-32-Scale-Avro-Lancaster-B-Mk-1/p/121136238/category=16104112 and Master has a Barrel set too
  10. Where abouts in NZ are you moving too?
  11. I just found an art print of two Wellingtons on a snowy landscape that I forgot I had... I will throw that into the prize pool...
  12. Count me in too! If I get time during the weekend, I will see if I have something that I can throw into the ring too
  13. Got mine Pre Ordered at Telford! Will be collecting it next weekend!
  14. Cheers... I am no Armour builder at all, this is the third Armour build that I have ever completed.
  15. I think this one should come home in my luggage since you have already built one!
  16. Looking great John... Thanks for letting me know the sprue codes that come with the D the other day. I managed to source the sprues and turn my extra A into a D! I have two more on order at Luckymodel at the moment for my planned diorama. Just waiting for them to have another sale on so I can grab the Brassin sets I want.
  17. I can confirm there are no Squirrels in New Zealand...But we do have Possums!
  18. I will be there somewhere behind a table or two...
  19. Love to see the Cat Ernie! I have one in my stash.. But been hesitant to start it.
  20. Nice Stuff John
  21. Great Pic Mikey!
  22. You can get resin wheels here - http://signifer.chez-alice.fr/uk.htm
  23. Nice review! I just saw one of these yesterday at the Canberra War Memorial Annex. Its a really small tank!
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