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Everything posted by Iceman

  1. Iceman

    WnW newsletter

    Why I stocked up on WnW kits over the past few years. They were a bargain as far as I am concerned, and with the pricing increases, the kits still offer a great value compared to price.
  2. Thanks Paul, that is where I was going, but just looking for some input on best materials to use. Kirk
  3. I am in need of some resin castings for some scratch-built parts are I am doing for the HK 1/32 B-17G, such as the personal oxygen tanks that were located in the crew stations. I have not done any casting in the past so was looking for some recommendations on the best and easy to use silicon molding and casting resin materials for use at the workbench. Appreciate your comments and recommendations. Thanks, Kirk
  4. I get it gentlemen, but I am old school, starting building models in the late 1960's. I prefer nice printed materials to come with the kit(s), technology has it's advantages but then again what is the average age of modelers today? has to be 50 something I would think. Kirk
  5. As long as the Big T brings out the P-47D in the 1/32 series (P-51B by the Big T would be a very close second), then I will be a happy guy . Love the 262, but please, enough of them already.
  6. LOL, with the quality of Wingnut WIngs and ZM manuals, I agree that I would consider that in a nice Leather-clad binding for my bookcase or coffee table, just for that special occasion!
  7. Understand, but I would be willing to pay a bit extra for good quality printed instructions, producers may wish to consider adding that as an option because in the future I will be weighting that in my decision to buy or not. If Tamiya or Zoukei mura decided to replace their instructions with CD's, I can guarantee their sales would fall off. While of course they enjoy a much larger market than do the smaller cottage producers, they still offer a considerable value to price product offering. Kirk
  8. Ok this is a rant. Up and coming trend with several cottage companies producing resin kits and/or conversion kits is to replace printed instructions and reference material on CD's rather than offering printed versions. OK, I get that printing costs have gotten to be expensive, and if edits or updates are required then they have to be reprinted, but for Pete's Sake, I am paying a considerable sum for the kit and then I have to print the materials, sometimes they have been condensed, two pages fit onto one PDF file page, etc. It is just a pain in the ass that is not necessary. Quality of the kits are very good to excellent, but PLEASE, can we get back to printing the instructions. OK I am done. Kirk
  9. Already added that one to my WnW collection, the early Albatros was simple elegance. Zdenko Bugan's build on that for WnW is stunning too, as usual.
  10. No layering whatsoever, these are just like extremely well cast resin figures but without the usual cleanup involved with the casting process.
  11. Big things from a small desk!
  12. Either the airbrush or the cheap brushes sold by Testors work well too, they are fine and course, perfect for cleaning out recessed details.
  13. Nice work Jeroen, looking forward to the progress on this kit. I have had some issues in the past with the Montex canopy masks coming loose, they do not seem to like the smooth glassy surfaces. Hopefully you will have any issues. Kirk
  14. Grey Matter Figures does in fact after resin replacement parts for the kit, cockpit and landing gear are excellent, I have both for the Trumpeter 1/24 D-9. Engine looks great, like the finish. Kirk
  15. All hands on deck! .........ReedOak figures arrived in the post this week, these are the 1/32 (54mm) modern USN aircraft carrier crew. Showing them just as they came out of the package, no pour blocks, seams, flash or even assembly. Simply in awe of these.
  16. Beautiful!!......and fast job of it of it too!
  17. Wow!!!! stunning work, really like the work in progress pieces too!
  18. Huge fan of Aitor's work, just wish the copy I ordered would show up in the post!
  19. Excellent work with weathering, I really like the realism you captured, simply stunning model! Kirk
  20. A few photos of ReedOak's upcoming figure releases, these are outstanding!
  21. I just discovered these figures being produced by ReedOak Rubber Composites utilizing the 3D printing process. Detail and quality look to be truly outstanding. I ordered the three different deck crew in 1/32 (54mm) for an upcoming Trumpeter A-6E vignette I have in mind. http://reedoak.com/ https://dpbfm6h358sh7.cloudfront.net/images/7093396/289208891.jpg https://dpbfm6h358sh7.cloudfront.net/images/7093396/289208903.jpg https://dpbfm6h358sh7.cloudfront.net/images/7093396/289208954.jpg
  22. Like it, but just cannot keep up with all superb kits being released. Still have the B-17 & B-25 awaiting.
  23. I added a couple of those to my WnW collection earlier this year, figured they would not last long. Kirk
  24. Dave, $189.00 USD - Power Hobby located in New Jersey, USA. Price included shipping so good deal. Kirk
  25. The temptation of the Black Friday Sales, before Black Friday was just to much to overcome, so this is the result of my failure to not be assimilated:
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