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Marcel du Long

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Everything posted by Marcel du Long

  1. Thnx folks for your input! Doing a 1/48 gloss red Mosquito (civil racer) project and want to achieve a heavy gloss finish. Marcel.
  2. Hi folks, I'm i need of a good clear gloss coat to spray with my airbrush. Till now I used a gloss coat from the spray can (Games Workshops' 'Ardcoat) but I need more control using an airbrush this time. So does anybody use a nice to handle gloss coat? Preferable an acrylic one. Thnx in andvance! Marcel.
  3. Hey folks thnx! Yep but still what a ride! Got some other flying (1/48 & 1/72) thingies in the cue now... I'm in doubt about the new 1/32 Italeri Mirage III kit. That kit looks very promising. Marcel
  4. Thnx folks for your flattering words. Just finished this one. http://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/4186-mikoyan-gurevich-mig-3-132-trumpeter/ See ya, Marcel.
  5. Hi folks, Finally finished this one. Took me almost 4 years to finish it due to the nerve wrecking nature of building planes. Big repsect to you all folks building planes! Still have to finish 2 maintenance figures and a simple circle shaped base. More pics here. In progress thread: http://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/3729-mig-3-naked/ See ya, Marcel du Long.
  6. Hi folks, I consider this one done... More here: http://www.marceldulong.com/plastics/lost-in-the-desert Cheers, Marcel.
  7. Masking, oh yeah! Great result so far! Marcel.
  8. Yep, love this very much. Very nice pics as well!
  9. Looks superb. Very neat finish on the washes. Well done.
  10. Superb super neat job! Marcel.
  11. Thnx Jeroen. Here some wip pics...
  12. Thnx folks. I used gouache for the washes on the bottom but when dry those pinwashes are still quite fragile so I went for acrylic ink for the top surfaces. The end result is more or less the same but when inks are much "stronger".
  13. Thnx folks! Just started with the pinwashes and almost finished the bottom. Thnx god planes having a bottom e.g. experiment area. Since I dind't want to screw up the intesive paintjob I did not want to use the white spirit/ oil combi neither the acrylic ink/Tamiya X-20a combi. So I used gouache (water-based paint) and demake-up stuff. But after washing the panel lines with gouache and rubbing of the paint with a cotton pad the paint still came out of the panel lines. So I used a polishing wax together with a cotton stick & pad and that did work a very well! Oh my, that was an EUREKA moment you can say. Not only the excess paint was removed but also the painted surface was polished. A win win. Even a win win win cause I still can the tweak/remove/adjust the pinwash with water. The wheel bays are yet only treated with a pencil so they still need a pinwash. I try to finish this one first as clean as possible and no weathering is yet applied. When that's done I gonna add tear & wear. Bye, Marcel.
  14. Thnx Aaron. I saw your builld and it's very inspiring. Very nice and clean build. Got some Ushi wood decals here but wanted to create my own handcrafted wood as you can see. Oh and your canopy finish is da bomb! Superb shiny. Marcel.
  15. Thnx Johann. Like I mentioned in my introduction thread; I don't bother about historical correctness. Just want to have fun building & finish models, dios & vignettes and rivet counting or research on specific RAL colors etc.. is boring me. I just leave that to others. Marcel.
  16. Hi Jan, I guess I saw this one at Moveleo Modelforce. Very sweet finish and love the greenish/off white color you applied and the subtle weathering. I think the base does not do justice to this build but that's very personal. Still a sweet build! Marcel.
  17. Thnx folks. Posed the figs. These are converted figs from some 1/35 Miniart sets and some arms from the sparebox. The right figures head is from Hornet and I got no clue were the left head is from. The Miniart 1/35 figs are quite tall in comparison to 1/35 Dragon or Tamiya ones so these ones fit good with a 1/32 plane. Hard to find some descent 1/32 mechanics. There a loads of WWII/WWI aces etc.. and Zoukei Mura but that's about it. Should switch to 1/48. The tail of the plane will be lifted from the ground with some wooden structure so the plane will be in horizontal position. Marcel
  18. Thnx Dan. That were my thoughts exactly. Things "impossible" to scratch are within a certain reach now although for me.
  19. Hi folks, Started building a Mig 3 a couple of years ago. After a couple of years on the shelves (cause building planes is sooooo stressful) I picked this one up and here some wips pics. For some reason (probably cause it's so cool ) I decided to finish it in bare metal, wood & green primed aluminium. But hey listen up, I'm not that much interested in historical correctness and just want to have a fun ride. So we go with some pics. The status as it was a week ago on my desk: Painting the wood starting with masking. Primed it white and applied a pre-shade. Airbrushed a basic wood color layer with some streaks. The wooden panellines were carefully masked and airbrushed. The grain effect was hand-painted using a flat brush & Liquitex acrylic ink. The bare metal was done straight from a Humbrol spraycan. Yup I'm lazy. The elevators and other stuff to steer a plane. Masking for pre-shading. And the easy way to do a pre-shade. Added a black thinned acrylic wash and after drying I sanded it with a 1000+ grain. Green painted aluminium result. The 3 materials together. Okay folks now you are all up to par. Right now I bashed some figures and will post some pics of them soon. Marcel
  20. Perhaps nitpicking but you can add a little light colored pinwash to the radio elements in the back. This will enhance the dark details you've got there. Just a thought. Marcel
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