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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Clunkmeister

  1. Bomb bay is OOB and builds up very well. As does the equipment bay. All will be lost forever except for the dinghy bay, the black boxes visible only through the use of an IPMS-USA patented 500x magnification penlight and magnifying glass combo, that only works when a judge picks up your model with his bare, greasy hands, so spending anything but the most basic of time on this is time wasted.
  2. Cockpit builds up nicely. Some extra lead wires still need adding.
  3. I also pulled out a couple Resin2Detail R2600 fast fix engines… Ive never been a fan of HK’s R2600’s, a d today is no different. I have a feeling I may substitute these instead.. I also looked at Brassin’s resin wheels. Flat tires included at no extra charge.
  4. With Eli about to introduce a new decal set for this kit, and after seeing a speed build of this kit at San Marcos, I figured it’s time to take a stab at it. So, I grabbed some Brassin pre-flattened wheels, an Eduard Space panel set, an Airscale cockpit set, an ASK 3D printed seat, along with an A-20 kit, and away we go…
  5. Nice to see you kicking it into shape, John. Revell does need a bit of work, but in the end it’s up to whether a builder wants a bit more work in exchange for 1/4 the price… I like Revell. I find them fun. But if I needed a good build quick, it’d be Tamiya every time.
  6. I’d assume that with such an important screw, it is probably secured with Red Loctite….
  7. My friend, you obviously haven’t visited Quebec lately, have you? Their “French” will make you’re head spin. To anyone taught Parisienne French, Quebecois French is abhorrent.
  8. Hubert, I’ll be joining you soon enough, and I’ll be using your build as a guide. Stunning work!
  9. A lot of South American Nations have and have always had a very large German influence. You gotta remember, before WW2 finished them off, Germany has historically been an Imperial Nation with as big a colonization practice as France, Portugal, Italy, England, or the US. Germany had colonies in the Middle East, Africa, and South America. Also, during WW1, German Immigrants were one of the largest Ethnic groups in the US and Canada. People kind of forget that. We adopted a lot of French and British influences on our society in North America, and even some German influences. South America was Spanish, yes, but also extremely German. Chile and Argentina’s signs, up until fairly recently, were bilingual: Spanish and German. As far as a German influence here, take a look at USMC headdresses close to the end of the 19th Century. Pickelhauben, anyone? Colonial influence is all through our society. Chile adopted German style uniforms over a Century ago. Those looking for a reason to be offended can find one anywhere they wish
  10. They’d have a field day in modern day Chile…
  11. Me too. For years. Never a problem till now, and it was two pics on the middle of a dump of 40 pics.
  12. Hubert, Facebook is fine with the exploitation of minors, (as long as it’s don’t offshore). I have taken steps to make all my WW2 German aircraft pictures Facebook friendly by using images they are comfortable and happy with. So, from now on, all swastikas will be removed and replaced with the Hammer and Sickle. That SHOULD satisfy Facebook’s social justice lean.
  13. Martin, that Dornier has to be one of the most beautiful German airliners ever built. It’s truly gorgeous. Was it runnin HPH Junkers-Motoren Diesel engines at this time, or BMWs? For some reason, I seem to remember the 205 style diesels we’re looking mighty promising for long distance air travel in the mid 30s.
  14. Martin, I see that the FB people have simply smacked me down for DARING to post pictures of extremely well researched German aircraft that were presented with the wrong paint scheme. I ask everyone here to refrain from politicizing this. My intent on posting the thread was to ask y’all to be careful. Nobody needs to be banned from FB or any other communications tool. Ive informed Jeroen and Fran to pick up the slack for the next several days as I rot away in Facebook jail.
  15. I just got banned for a week because of my Nats pictures… These two got me a week off, and strangely enough, a YEAR not being able to log on to, comment on, or manage my Church’s FB page. I’m a bit perplexed over that one, but I suppose not too surprised, given the divided nature of this Nation. Yes, I’m appealing the decision. And I expect I’ll be successful, because if they reject it, off I go to the National New Services. These two pics were buried among a group of 40 or 50 I put up. So someone took offense.
  16. Judas Iscariot,.. on a chariot! I’m stunned beyond words. I really need to snag this kit ! Truly stunning build, Ron! Those tracks will have me sniffin’ glue, though!
  17. I’m calling it all but complete. It was on the tables at the Nats, where I didn’t expect to place, and didn’t place. I saw the last minute application of the cowl decal bite me in the arse, as it silvered due to my lack of prep. I had also neglected to place a bomb on the centerline… Both issues are being rectified as we speak…. It’ll go in the Fort Worth Scale Modelers IPMS show at the end of this month, competing against my other Infinity build, the Helldiver.
  18. A fairly easy and straightforward build, as well. The kit’s big weakness are the decals. I recommend the resin engine and exhaust as well.
  19. I was told Marines can’t read, period. 🤡
  20. Eli, this is great news for us modelers, but I know I speak for everyone here in that your own personal health comes first and foremost, with everything else being completely secondary. Speaking for myself personally, you have been in my Prayers every single day since we last talked, and I know our Risen Savior keeps us all here through great trials and tribulation until He is truly done with us here. Only then are we called Home. Blessings, my friend, please stay safe and take it easy. Ernie
  21. Aren’t I such a fine example for the great world out there?
  22. I think us large scale guys can figure something out…
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