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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Wumm

  1. Where dat Brad? Still yet to appear up here in Qld to my knowledge. Although they may have sold out already... Still, $50 + $10 for postage plus whatever more for the aftermarket to cover the fundamentals that Revell should have included is a lot more that $25 Stateside. Or for that matter the bunch of Hasegawas I picked up along the way for $35 Au. S
  2. The Breda 65 is just quirky enough for my liking Andy... But that early Macchi would also go down quite nicely too, thank you! Interested to see how Special Hobby would approach it vs the PCM effort. S
  3. FWIW... Special Hobby announced a 1/32nd scale Macchi C.200 early version at the start of 2007... So long ago that George W. Bush was the U.S. President, Tony Blair was the U.K. Prime Minister, And John Howard was still Prime Minister here in AU. http://www.ipmsdeutschland.de/Ausstellungen/Nuernberg2007/Nuernberg_2007.html#table0 So long ago, that the Second World War could have been fought and won in the interim! I don't think its coming... S
  4. You have it right Mike, The resin piece you have circled is the firewall, which on the D-13 is missing the ammo cases that are present on the D-9 and A series aircraft. The cut-out pieces go towards the front, they are the fuel filters which sit inside small recessed boxes. There should also be a rectangular opening at the face of the firewall, for the cannon to insert into, or at least abutt against. There should also be a representation of this cannon inside the cockpit, which to my knowledge is not included in either the Grey Matter or Renaissance correction sets, but which are available through Aires or other aftermarket suppliers. HTH, Steve.
  5. Well... At least they don't have thrusters on their legs like the Strike Witches. Erm... You do know you're not supposed to watch it for the tanks Rog, right? S
  6. Thanks for the well wishes Grant... Hope your procedure also went well. BTW, has anyone heard from Harvey, post-Whiskey? Harv? S
  7. No all good Nicko... We think they know what she has, and it's non-progressive at this stage. They are just looking for the confirmation. Half a dozen Doctors and they can't seem to reach a consensus on what they're looking at. Kind of sounds like the Buelen on the 1/32 Revell Bf109G-6! I think I need a drink now... S
  8. Sure beat my Saturday Harv... Spent most of it at the Hospital while my Wife had a battery of MRI's. Remember to look after the ticker Mate, but in the end just sitting in a darkened room twiddling your thumbs will eventually do you in... So you may as well be happy. Do what you enjoy, and enjoy what you do. Steve.
  9. Oops... Sorry Mike, I missed your PM you sent a while ago. And yes, red legs are good, and besides that compliment the scheme nicely too. Lovely build Mate! S
  10. Wumm


    Well I never really thought it would happen... But here we are. Confirmation of "Rule 34". Steve.
  11. Fantastic colours, build quality and weathering there Bevan. A remarkably atmospheric presentation. I'd say you passed the test! Steve.
  12. Hi Ítalo, We have learned many new things since the original Revell 1/32nd scale Bf109F model kit was released. Among these things, is an itemised breakdown of the actual early 109F airframes which were either modified or built with the external stiffeners fitted. One of these airframes was MTT Regensburg built W.Nr.5628, with the stammkennzeichen "SG+GW"... The Bf109F-1 of Major Werner Mölders. However, this airframe was first manufactured without the external stiffeners, which were only added later after their use became necessary. Photos of the airframe with the stammkennzeichen visible do not show them, but later views with the chevrons and full rudder victory tally show them fitted by this stage. So, you have a choice of whether to put them on your model or not, depending on the paint scheme and time frame that you choose. Steve.
  13. Short answer: No. Long answer: Just spent, on an off, the last 3 hours trying to find evidence of any F-4 from the 10001-10290 Erla production batch with the external stiffeners fitted. Still looking... S
  14. Er, no John... You were right the first time... http://www.asisbiz.com/il2/Bf-109F/Bf-109F-JG27.3-%28Y14+%29-Marseille-3/pages/Bf-109F4Trop-3.JG27-%28Y14+%29-Hans-Joachim-Marseille-WNr-10137-Africa-June-21-1942-01.html S
  15. Thank you for your insight John, Given that you "wrote the book" on this subject, hopefully this information will be taken in a positive light, and can benefit all who might choose to model this subject in the future. Steve.
  16. I'd like to Nick, But unfortunately I don't post on that site anymore. They know why and seem comfortable with it. But I'm sure the Tempest will be a nice kit though... S
  17. Just to put it into perspective a little... Jerry Crandall was consulted in the production of PCM's Ta152H kit too... You know the one, where we were treated to the wrong cockpit, wrong oleos and gear bays, wrong engine etc. Subject knowledge doesn't always convert to an accurate kit, when the consultant doesn't have a hands-on role. Granted, PCM's quality has improved since then, however I would still prefer to see the kit in it's entirety before I were to pre-order it sight-unseen. Got burnt on the Ta that way... S
  18. It's about respect Grant... The question posed by the Original Poster, goes to the quality of this new kit being released. Plenty chimed in with "it looks good" comments, but as I have a little background knowledge of the subject I offered a bit of balance to the equation. Some of the errors I had pointed out were even later highlighted by the person Revell have selected to produce a detailed publication on how to build said kit. To date on this thread, no-one has disputed any of the errors I have pointed out, that go to the O/P's question. Instead, we've been treated to insults about "experts", the quality of their model building skill sets, the never-ending cries of the "just build it" crowd to just be happy with whatever the manufacturers slide our way, and an example put forward by you of how another person's opinion was hijacked on another Forum because someone didn't respect his opinion. Are you getting the correlation yet? Sorry to upset the spirit of the Forum, just thought some of you might be interested in actually discussing the topic at hand... S
  19. Grant, Firstly, there's no need to take things so personally. You've completely missed the point of my post... Secondly, you brought ignorance into the conversation, not I... Perhaps I can be a little more clear... "Be happy in your ignorance of the the flaws that others may find in the kit, and embrace the kit and build it as you so desire." Thirdly, you seem yourself to be guilty of the crimes you accuse myself and others of... Hounding others because their values don't match yours. S
  20. And another perspective... Let's look at Brett Green shall we? Site owner of Hyperscale, experienced modeller, published author. Even with titles on the Bf109 http://www.tower.com/augsburgs-last-eagles-brett-green-paperback/wapi/117194150 Chosen By Revell to write a "How to" guide on this very kit. Knows a bit about the Bf109. Here's an excerpt from his recent review and build of the Revell test sprues: "There are a number of areas that could have been done better. The characteristic cowl bulges are undernourished and do not appear to carry far enough to the top of the fuselage; the circular front of the supercharger intake is thin and some details are absent; the sides of the oil cooler housing lack the curves of the original; the propeller blade shape is not quite right, while the small cowl scoops and exhaust ejectors are moulded solid. The shapes of the 300 litre drop tank and ETC rack have not been captured perfectly either." These are not my words: they're his, although they mirror some of my concerns. Add to this the port-side cockpit vent, and the inexplicable join on the spinner that must be filled and then re-scribed lower down to look anywhere half-decent. I never at any stage said that this kit was fatally flawed, or was un-buildable. But it has many simple errors that should not have been made; given the wealth of references available, the criticisms of the Hasegawa kits that have been around for a dozen years, and the anticipation of many in the hobby that this was going to be somehow different than all of the other large-scale late Bf109 offerings available to the market that have yet fallen short in some form or another. S
  21. Some points... If you're part of the "just build it" crowd, no-one's making you feel silly. If you don't want to take part in a thread like this, discussing the merits of a particular kit, then don't read it. Be happy in your ignorance, embrace it. Build it however you want. Rather than chip in with insults. Ever notice how those you deride as "experts" never seem to pile on like the "just build it" crowd? Never seem to want to deny you your point of view, simply because they don't agree? Build it however you want... But please don't deny my right to do the same. S
  22. Price is another thing entirely... Price to a modeller in Europe, for a kit manufactured in Europe, has no bearing on what others might pay in the rest of the world. Something that bugs me about Forums... Why are they always full of people who want to censor other's opinions, simply because they don't happen to agree? Especially when that opinion is given because someone asked for it in a discussion Forum, as in this case with the Original Poster? S
  23. This is completely confusing now... And as I stated, I was hoping to be proved wrong on this, as the alternative was just another Bf109 kit with incorrect dimensions. However, Revell may want to adjust their promotional material, which has gone from the original 280mm to the now-stated 284mm. Well, which is it now? At first slightly short, now slightly long? http://www.revell.de/index.php?id=203&KGKANR=0&KGKOGP=10&KGSCHL=1&L=1&page=1&sort=0&nc=&searchactive=&q=4665&SWO=&ARMAS4=&PHPSESSID=712c1c6051223e2a3d9b8000203cb843&KZSLPG=&offset=1&cmd=show&ARARTN=04665&sp=1 I would not expect to be taken seriously were I to contact Revell directly. They appear to have made engineering decisions based on their available references, and seem happy to let the aftermarket industry take up the slack. This is more than confirmed in the Hyperscale review by Brett Green, who knows a thing or two about Messerschmitts himself I believe. His admission that there are or will be aftermarket fixes for the shortcomings he has identified means that we can almost guarantee that Revell have decided to leave those errors in. The 1/32nd scale Hasegawa Bf109's have a few shortcomings, but these kits are 12 years old now. Quite a few aftermarket sets were created to make those kits more accurate, but we now seem to have come full circle in the hobby. We are now having kits released where the Manufacturers admit the shortcomings before they are even released to the public, while relying on the aftermarket industry to provide fixes for the errors the Manufacturer can't be bothered to do right in the first place. So, 12 years on, we still have glaring inaccuracies, just different than those on the Hasegawa kits. And this is progress? Were Tamiya to do a Bf109G; I'm sure we would not see a seat tub with the seatbelt moulded on, nor inaccurate MG bulges and kompressor intake, nor a port-side cockpit ventilation hatch that's so far back it cannot be reached by the pilots left hand! S
  24. No really, It's not that bad. Fantasy Print Shop's minimum run is 25 A4 sheets, which when quartered gives 100 regular sized decal sheets. Granted, it's not the 3 or 4 sheets the O/P asked about, but put half a dozen options on the sheet and you might be able to sell the rest, or at least enough to break even. http://www.fantasyprintshop.co.uk/Trade-Printing-Details_A5EZ9.aspx Steve.
  25. Not jumping to conclusions... Merely stating what is obvious. By posting these sprue shots before release, Revell has an opportunity to use the resources of the wider Modelling community to recognise these kinds of errors and make the necessary changes, such as Zoukei-Mura are doing with the front canopy of their He219. S
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