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Everything posted by Wumm

  1. For what it's worth... HLJ's pre-order items are usually initially offered at a significant discount from the regular price once in stock. The ¥15840 price was most probably what you would have paid. S
  2. Thank you Mods... It certainly is appreciated. The measure of an online Forum is not just the contributions of the Members, but also the tone and content set by the Moderators. This is what makes LSM a standout IMO, despite the small Membership. Thanks Guys, Steve.
  3. It goes without saying, Happy to help with advice should you need it with the G-6 kit. S
  4. Nice haul there! I had the AIMS G-6 conversion, it's a wonderful piece of kit (or should that be a wonderful kit of pieces?), but unfortunately had to sell it as it was composed of too much resin at a time when my Doctor was telling me not to have any contact with the stuff. Maybe one day in the future... S
  5. I think in fairness... It reads as you get a refund less $7 if the minimum order amount isn't reached. But if they do get their full quota, then production will go ahead, and if you then change your mind you lose your original stake - probably because they've made the commitment to the Manufacturer themselves. Which I supposenis fair enough? I agree with Rog, it appears to require a little bit of a leap of faith... but how badly do you want a Blenheim? S
  6. Hi guys, I kind-of covered this earlier in the thread, but not specifically regarding the accuracy of the Eduard undercarriage set. The Eduard set appears to be correct for a Fw190 with low pressure in the strut, for whatever reason that may be. The weight or specific load on the airframe has no great bearing on this compression. The struts were pressure-adjustable, as indicated by the graduated stencil often seen on the outside of the main gear door. The main gear door attaches to the main strut, while the wheel door bolts to the wheel and telescopes up and down with the compression... the small wedge at the rear of the main door also moves with the wheel, and it's position indicates the strut pressure on the stencil guide. The way Eduard have cast the resin gear door is consistent with the length of the gear leg they have provided, and represents an aircraft with low strut pressure. As I said before, this in not dependant on aircraft load, but more for ground clearance - an aircraft operating from tarmac without bombs or tanks required less clearance than one taking off over a bumpy grass field with ordnance underneath. Furthermore, low strut pressure may simply be a case of the lack of facilities to be able to increase the pressure, for instance at a forward field etc. So in short, the Eduard undercarriage set is not "wrong", but simply a variation of the circumstances seen on the Fw190. S
  7. Thanks Nick, I'm finding that keeping busy is the best solution at the moment, so I might take the Dodger up on that offer after all. S
  8. I would Rog... Even though I was the "Steve" that sent Darin the photos on the other site. But it will need to wait for a time unfortunately, received some very bad news on Thursday so it's all stop here for the time being. Will send you a PM... S
  9. It's a fair point Rog... But Metro/VH have to run a business and make a profit all the same. After all, they're a Hobby business on a different continent across an ocean from the point of manufacture. But then again, so are Sprue Bros as well. But even at $50 it's still twice the price that our US compadres pay. All these new Eduard sets look really nice, but I think I'll see whether they can be made to fit some of the Hasegawa kits I already have in the stash. S
  10. And I always thought that making scale models was an impediment to meeting women! http://m.snopes.com/2015/05/27/hobby-lobby-abduction/ S
  11. Ooh... Cockpit too eh? Interesting to see whether these Eduard sets will (or can be made to) fit the Hasegawa kits. S
  12. The firewall and gunbay set looks good... Hopefully it won't be long before we see a review of that set here too. But I can't help thinking that it's just another add-on to cover the inadequacies of the original kit. It's no sleight on Eduard, they're only offering sets that they think there'll be a demand for. And that's fine if you're in the US and you're paying $24 for the base kit... but quite different if it's 3 times that price where you happen to live. http://metrohobbies.com.au/revell-1-32-focke-wulf-fw190-f-8.html S
  13. Thanks Matt, Jim... The Fw190 undercarriage legs were of course pressure-adjustable (the reason for the stencils seen on the outside of the doors). If the Revell legs are the same length as those on the Hasegawa kit, then they are not at full extension, and within the tolerances seen on even heavily-laden period photos of Fw190's. S
  14. Jim, There is some information being bandied about elsewhere, that the Revell struts are too long, especially at the oleo. Are these Eduard struts the same length or shorter than the Revell parts? S
  15. Not that I'm that into it or anything... But right-side breast attachment point is for the restraining bolt. S
  16. The decals in this kit are of the "Vanilla" white variety anyhow, and practically unusable. Masks would be a better option... S
  17. Just a short FWIW... Stammkennzeichen for W.Nr.240108 would be VG+PO. This is comfirmed by counting forward from '102 / VG+PH and eliminating the "J" that would normally be found after the 240104 code from the sequence. It appears that Dornier, like many other German manufacturers of the time, preferred not to use the "J" in their codes (IYKWIM). This would also make the last letter of 240105 an "L", and not "K" as referred to in the instructions. However, it seems that after 240102, Stammkennzeichen were not used on the A-0 batch anyway, there are no signs of such on contemporary photos of W.Nr.240107, which was extensively photographed at the time. S
  18. Nice saving! The equivalent Yen price a of a Hasegawa release. S
  19. Well done Dave... Something for all us tyros to aspire to. Now if I could only just finish one! Steve
  20. Rick, It is the front attachment point for the 'Wikingschiffer" pylons carried by the bomber, trainer and nightfighter variants of the Me262. The Hendon aircraft was built as a '262A-2 fighter-bomber variant, whereas the NASM example was a pure fighter version. S
  21. Hey Rob, Three things; firstly, nice save on the I/P dials. Some very nice work in that cockpit... Secondly, the outside seat brackets are most likely for a map case or likewise storage for documents. Similar brackets are evident on period photos of Bf109's back to the F-2 series. Lastly, the third photo from the Falke Eins site is of a later K-4 variant, which had the long stroke tailwheel leg as standard. Keep up the great work, Steve.
  22. Oops, soz Rick... In that case ISIHAC. S
  23. Probably a silly question Rick... But I notice that the Hakenkreuz is back-to-front. Is it possible that you put them on upside-down? S
  24. Thanks for the pointers Jim, Already have the Eduard p/e set meant for the older Hasegawa kit, might see if some of that can be made to fit. So, would we like to see this, or the Fly Natter made next? S
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