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  1. One of the most wanted kits out there when it comes to 1/32 jets...and Tamiya is not considering a re-issue as they do with the F-14 or Phantom series...I wonder why?
  2. This is still viable I think: https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234965337-132-focke-wulf-fw190a-345678-d-9-by-zoukei-mura-box-art3d-renders/ The current situation is not helping perhaps, but the FWs will come surely.
  3. Beauty! Excellent build.
  4. and this site: http://umm-usa.com/onlinestore/index.php?cPath=21
  5. the Waldron set is great. https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/WRP035
  6. Hi All, does anyone know how you can submit suggestion to Tamiya directly? On the website they just mention a line under the Q&A but that is it. Tim
  7. unfortunately also the Trumpy one is ok, but has a serious defect which is a major part of the appearance: the intakes. http://www.zactomodels.com/ So, if Tamiya would just scale it up (since they apparently completely measured the beast for the 48 scale) we could have a Tomcat that is as accurate as the Corsair or Mossie they issued around the time Top Gun 2, aka Top Gun: Maverick comes out...
  8. Since Tamiya surprised us with the F-14A in the 1/48 scale and considering it is a great kit, would it not be a good idea to have them upscale this to 1/32? What are your thoughts?
  9. Jeroen actually introduced me to a show...I believe it was near Eindhoven...AK interactive brought the sales lady....Beautiful shape and form...I think the stand was sold out rather quickly...
  10. have the book too; inspiring man!
  11. very impressive! Isn't it an idea to request a visit at the Udvar-Házy museum on behalf of the largescalemodeller community?
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