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  1. I have this kit and I have to say I'm a tad dissapointed with the amount of pin marks the kit contains and in the most awkward places.
  2. Beautiful work Jeroen I have this kit on order and the more progress I see on your build the more it's motivating me to get started on my build. Sean
  3. I've just ordered my kit after watching this build it's spurred me on , lovely work so far.
  4. Sounds like we're both on the same boat mate! I to am currently miniless but I won't go into that! Yes they are addictive , problem now here in OZ the price of an early mk1 is ridiculous and it doesn't even have to be a genuine cooper so will probably always be well out of my price range. I'll just stick to building models of them!! Sean
  5. And your a mini man I noticed the KAD sticker in the background , long live the mighty mini!! Bad luck About the masks though !! Bugger:( Sean
  6. Ok I've just discovered the answer to my own question cheers Sean
  7. Hi Dave, Thanks I better put my order in then! Is it the same deal with the Walrus as well as I'm going to order one of those as well
  8. Could someone please enlighten me as to where I could purchase a copy of one of these kits? Cheers Sean
  9. How do you achieve such stunning results Sean
  10. Stunning work Dave! Pity about the Canopy parts but I'm sure you'll get that sorted. Sean
  11. INSANE!!!! And I thought my Snipe turned out ok, you put me to shame! Sean
  12. No I don't have a website the Modelling work seems to just find me, never a dull moment! I only build large scale cars from the classic 50's and 60's Le mans and F1 period . A lot of my building is Pocher kits either modified or straight from the box. At the moment I'm finishing a highly modified Airfix Bentley and working on a run of fully scratch built 1/8th scale Brabham BT24 cars Jack Brabham (My Idol). If you have face book do a search for "Racing Classics in Brass" and you'll get a small Idea of what i'm up to. What are your interests? Sean
  13. Thank you all for you kind words once again. Grant I'd love to have a go at a group build but at this point I have my Auto modelling commitments calling, a very impatient client waiting for his Bentley!! I do plan on building the WNW Eindeker next with AM goodies so a group build sounds the go! Sean
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