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Everything posted by mikec

  1. . Greetings Jeroen; Nice looking SE-5 ................ I have one of these in 1/32 scale. Every once and a while I take it out and look at it. May-haps be, one of these days I will do something other than look at it ............................. Nice work, Mike
  2. . . ..................................
  3. . . Greetings Johann; Nice looking armor collection that you have started ..... Have a good one, Mike
  4. . . Greetings Guys & Gals; ..... This is a up-date to the Hobby Boss 1/32 scale, Eduard P-61 PE sets. Eduard has add a few parts to the wheel well PE .......... .... .... .... Interior PE .... .... .... .... . Exterior PE .... Formation lights .... .... Wing landing lights .... . ..... This is a up-date ONLY, it is NOT a complete listing of Eduard's PE sets for the HB model kit. You can get a copy of the build instructions for each of the individual PE sets from Eduard's web site. Have a good weekend, Mike
  5. . . Greetings Guys & Gals; Did you say OD with invasion stripes ........... ..... . Or may haps this one .... . The one I am working on is a early P-61/B, with the single piece well wheel doors. If I go to the trouble of detailing the WW I would like to be able to show them off. The next P-61 that I would like to build is the F-15. I am sure there will be a conversion coming out soon. The F-15 Reporter ..................... .... . Mike
  6. . . Greetings Stickpusher; ..... That is the way it appears to me also.......... The idea they are promoting, is to use them as wallpaper ...... I am unsure about copyright .... infringement......... You will probably be oK if you only don't try to sell them. Some of pics are quit nice. Enjoy, Mike
  7. " The link works but doesn't mean a .whole lot I'm afraid " Greetings; On this Russian web sit you can get copies of paintings, of your favorite armor subjects, artillery, tanks, and infantry units of all country's. Unfortunately, if you cannot read Russkie, you will need to use a translator program. Have a good one, Mike
  8. Greetings Guys & Gals; Russia does tanks, and other types of armor. .... .... .... ..... .... .... URL: http://warwall.ru/photo/warwall/dragon/6404_m4a1_dv/11-0-684 Enjoy, Mike
  9. Greetings Guys & Gals; What does one do on a rainy 4th of July........ Daaaaaaa .... .... .... May-haps be, we could play with the Pets .... . I have another web site for you. A couple of samples. Coming to you from Russia..... .... . .... .... .... .... . .... .... .... .... . The URL: http://warwall.ru/news/uchenija_na_poligone_klerka_sau_gvozdika/2013-04-14-446 By the way, How is your Russian .... ? Enjoy, Mike
  10. Greetings Finger smells, .... I do not have the funding avertible,........ nor am I in the sociable class to be abele to own an ............. apple. May haps be. one of these days it will change, ...... Mike
  11. Greetings Guys & Gals; ..... This is an add-on to the early message written at 0200 today. I was rather tired, and it had been a long day. As I mentioned earlier. You may view the manuals on line or send them to your printer. If you are using a computer running the Microsoft operating system, or DOS, you have another option that you may take advantage of. This is called printing to a file. By doing this, the operating system will save a file that is similar to the PDF format. ..... Double clicking on the file will bring up an XPS viewer. This document viewer is part of the Microsoft Windows operating system. So......... you already have it...... To print to a file you will need to go into you printer setting file, and select.... print to a file. If you have not made any file changes the file should go to documents, or my documents by default. I am totally amazed with the Reference material, and the quality of the models that we have at our finger tips now day. " We have come a long way.... indeed." .... Eye candy .... This P-61 manual is NOT the same one, or the two that are floating around the web. I have the free one, and the one that Zero's has for $14.00, US. This P-61 manual is much better and goes into the aircrafts system. The manual is 120, or so pages. **** Highly Recommended **** .... .... .... .... .... .... This is just an example of the manuals that are available. As always ......... Enjoy, Mike
  12. Greetings Guys & Gals; ..... Yes it is Monday again ....... But I have something for you that may brighten your day. *** Manuals are us ***....... Pilots Manuals, ((I think the British call them) Pilots Notes), Engine Maint. Manuals, and Equip. Manuals. Guys and Gals you may want to check out this site. You can read these manuals on line or send them to your printer. If you would like a copy of the original manuals there is a charge. But, you can view them on line, or print them for FREE. URL : http://aviationshoppe.com/aircraft-manuals-documents-t-12.html Enjoy, Mike
  13. Greetings Steve; ..... I can understand where you are coming from, up to a point, then I have to disagree with you. If you half a** it, and it comes out nice, you may want to show it. What are you going to say, when the judge's ask questions ........... Hopefully this will help. .... A-4 armed with a Shrike .... .... Shrike on a F-105 .... .... Be Cool ......... , Mike
  14. Greetings Chris; ..... Everything, ...... everybody, said X 3 = Outstanding ......... May have taken a year to build, but, it is one in a lifetime. I think it is still the best Mosquito that I have seen, and I will be bold enough to say....... " It is going to be awhile before we will see another to compete with it ". Very nicely done, indeed ......... .... .... Mike
  15. . . Greetings Guy, & Gals; For those of you that are planning to build, or just like the Widow, this is a must see site. Plenty of great photos, and Reference on the aircraft systems. *** For those that are look at a possible build of the F-15 *** Several large photos with greet detail. URL : http://napoleon130.tripod.com/p61blackwidow/id1.html Enjoy, Mike
  16. . . . Greetings Paul; ..... I have line drawings of the Air Induction system on the P-47. This is the first time I have seen it laid out for real........ Thanks for sharing, Mike
  17. . . . Greetings Dave, ..... I am thinking about the same.... The exterior, and the Wheel Wells look good ...... But, I was disappointed with the Eduard interior sets ...... ... and they did a smashing job on the 1/4 scale model kits.... .... Avionix .... Mike
  18. Greetings All; Part II of Eduard's P-61 up-dates. .... The pilots cockpit .... .... .... .... . The gunners cockpit .... .... . The Radio/Radar operators position .... .... .... So now we come the big question ....... Which of the Two interiors is the one that you like. The Avionix, ((see Davs review) of the P-61), or the Eduard interior. I have mixed feelings, at this time............ If funding permits, I may get both ........... . Be cool, ........ Mike
  19. . . . Greetings Guys, & Gals; ..... For those of us that has been wondering, what is Eduard been up to with the P-61/A & /B aircraft this month. I know some of us have been holding our breath. I hope this will help. The first up-date I am going to show is the Main Mount Wheel Wells. *** Note*** If you are going to build a P-61/A, or the early P-61/B, this up-date will apply to you..... On the mid production line of the P-61/B, one of the mods covered the Main Wheel Well Doors. Note: in the photo, the two part doors on this P-61/B .... . and a line drawing . .... .... So you may or may not what this upgrade. The up-grade .... .... .... The exterior up-grade .... .... .... .... .... . .... Work Calls ....... I will cover the Pilots Cockpit, Gunners cockpit, & the R/R operators position in a few minutes. Mike
  20. . . . Greetings Guy & Gals; ..... Very nice ........... these decals look very close to fabric. They also look very nice realistic when viewed from the cockpit. If you build WW-I, German aircraft, they are Highly desirable ........ . Mike
  21. . . . Greetings; ..... Nicely done ................ Mike
  22. . . . Greetings Thomas; ................... Every thing, every body else said..... X 2, Very Nice .................... ......... . Mike
  23. Greetings All, ................... . Mike
  24. . . . Greetings All, .......... AMAZING ................... .... .... . Mike
  25. . . Greetings Dave, Guys, & Gals; ...... Looking good. The interior of the cockpit should look nice, after painting. Nice work ..... , Mike
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