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Everything posted by mikec

  1. . . . ........... Very nice........ :) :) :) :) :) .... Mike . . .
  2. . . . Greetings P G, ..... Very nice work on the P&W 2800 .................. :) This should show those that one mans line. Is not where others Start. Mike . . .
  3. . . . Greetings Ulrich, .............. Nice Hien ................. :) Mike . . .
  4. . . . ..... Greeting Jeroen, Looks like a nice dio idia.......... good luck........ Mike . . .
  5. . Greetings Bob, Nicely made, and informative Turnbuckle video. Thanks for sharing ............ :D Mike
  6. . . . Greetings Bevan; A very nicely built and painted Revell He-219........ :D Mike
  7. . . . Nice Looking aircraft ..... An interesting use for Ordance Tape ..... I would have thought that it would be to thick ..... mike . . .
  8. . . . ..... One of the nicest P-47s that I have seen. Exellent Wheel Wheels. The PW-R-2800 is very nice ........... ........................ Mike . . .
  9. . . Greetings Cees; ...... The Tempest is looking great ........... Mike . . .
  10. . . . ..... Greetings Jacek; A very nice model build of a Me-262/A-2A ............. The Wheel Wells, and the additional detail on the engine is a nice touch ...... Mike . . .
  11. . Greetings Mike; Nice Fw-109/D ............... Mike . . .
  12. . Greetings Jacek; ...... Nice P-51 ............... Mike . . .
  13. . . . Greetings Jose; ..... Welcome to the group .............. Nice build ....................... Mike . . .
  14. . Greetings Jeroen; The rigging looks like a nightmare, or mayhaps a daymare. For such a small a/c the rigging cables seem awful extensive. I would expect this on a larger aircraft, like the Gotha. ..... You did a very nice build with this model ........ I also think your engine is very realistically built & painted ........... Mike . . .
  15. . Greetings James; ....... A very nicely built, and painted Me-110. I like the interior very much. Nice work ................. Mike . . .
  16. . Greetings James; ..... Looks like a nice interior set.............. Mike . . .
  17. . . Greetings Dave; Another Excellent B-25 build ....... Very nice ............ .................. ......................... Mike . . .
  18. Greetings Peter; The JU-88 Cockpit is looking real nice ...... .......... Mike . . .
  19. . . Greetings Rick; ...... The resin parts look good ......... If you can pull this build off ................. it should be ............ Looking Good ........... Mike . . .
  20. . . Greetings Dr. Dave; Nice work on the Pfalz D-III/A ................ Mike . . .
  21. . . Greetings Thomas, ..... A very interesting vacuum form project. All I can think to say is ..... Excellent .......... .................. ................ Mike . . .
  22. . . . Eerrrrrrr ........... I knew that ........ Well, May haps be....... A long time ago. ............ Thanks, for correcting my error. Mike . . .
  23. . . . ................... Nice.............. Love it ............... ..... ..................... Mike . . .
  24. . . Greetings Cees, Guys, & Gals; ..... I am sorry to hear about the bad news with the Dutch Uhu find ................. May haps they may find another one. On a positive note.......... OOPS decided to grace me, by coming by today. I received my long awaited SWS items. For the SWS fans out there, this is what I received today: Mk-103..... 30mm Automatic cannons ........ .... .... .... Mk-108.... 30mm Cannon ..... .... .... Wheels................... Eerrrrrrr, axially Tires. I have read several comments about whether Eduard was going to make resin wheels for the SWS Uhu. The answer is yes, and no. They are making them but you can only find them from a VOLKS dealer. At this time there are two. VOLKS usa, & VOLKS japan. ..... I, myself think they are very nicely done. This is one of my pet peeves, I almost always buy new landing gear, and wheels..... the model kits never seam to get them right. Anyway ......... Wheels...... The Main Gear ..... SWS has two different sets of Main Mounts.......... with, or with out tread. I like the tread ..... .... This is the Nose mount .... The Guns, Wheels, and the the excellent Eduard instrument panel, radar combo .......... Have a nice day, and happy building, Mike . . .
  25. . . . Greetings Nick; ..... Congratulations on your X-mas present.... The Nichimo model kit of the Cessna 172 is very nice, expressly the horizontally opposed engine. For a model kit this old, it is interesting that they used slices of metal to make-up the look of the cylinders. ..... The miniature springs that Nichimo gives you for the control surfaces can be saved for other future projects, or, of course used. To bad Nichimo did not continue with other aircraft like the Cessna 310, and may haps the Piper V-tailed Bonanza. Anyone having time in the Skyhawk may what to give this kit a second look. Mike . . .
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