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Everything posted by rverissimo

  1. WW2 German Most Iconic Vehicles Vol. I Author – Several Publisher: Ak Interactive Price: 24,95€ Available in English or Spanish Introduction AK has been established as a renown brand for modelling products and high-quality publications. The book is in a A4 format with 159 Pages, with soft cover with reinforced inner cover. The paper is satin finish, with a good touch and with excellent printing, giving a lot of quality to the colors and image. This publication is part 1 of 2 dedicated to models used by units of Waffen-SS, covering 12 1:35 builds from 8 modellers, ranging from medium tanks, to halftracks, self-propelled, antitank armoured and transport vehicles. A historical introduction, model presentation Historical units’ description is made by Carlos de Diego Vaquerizo. As for the content goes, and consulting the index, we have the followings: 1. Sd.Kfz 234/3 by Roger Hurkmans The first article presented is a compact one, with succinct description regarding the figure’s conversion and painting, the building, vehicle and base. 2. Panhard P204(f) by Abilio Piñeiro Grajera This article depicts a French Panhard in German use. The focus is on the vehicle paint and weathering process, concluding with a overall description on the building and base elements. 3. Sd.Kfz. 124 Wespe by Rick Lawler Using the well know Tamiya 1:35 rendition of this SPG, the article describes in a graphic step by step, the assembly, painting and weathering of the vehicle and correspondent base. 4. Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. M by Łukasz Orczyc-Musiałek This build focus on the build, detail, paint and weathering Dragon’s 1:35, using several aftermarket sets. The result is a very realistic and balanced model, using several weathering technics and materials. 5. Steyr RSO/01 by Fabio Mosca Using the old Italeri 1:35 as basis for this diorama, the author, present us with a deep and detailed article, covering several upgrades on the model, using scratch build or aftermarket parts as resource. The build is a classic example of multimedia, as several type and sources are used. The painting process is well explained in the step by step, as well as the ground build and paint sequence. 6. Sd.Kfz. 247 Ausf. B by Łukasz Orczyc-Musiałek This article presents us a 1:35 resin model from Sovereign 2000 upgraded with scrathbuild items and aftermarket bits and retrieve from other models. The result is a very original diorama of a very unusual vehicle. 7. Pz.Beob.Wg. III by Jaffe Lam This article describes a complete step by step of the model and base, includes in depth pictures and description for the painting, weathering, again using several techniques and products, and on this chapter, the use of pigments and associated material to proper address the road wheels and tracks. 8. Sd.Kfz. 251/9 Ausf. D by Łukasz Orczyc-Musiałek This article presents a vignette using as a base the Tamiya Model, being the centre piece, the focus is the model assembly, painting and weathering. 9. VW Type 166 Schwimmwagen by Marcin Skrzypek This is for me, one of my favourite builds. Again, using the classic Tamiya’s model, the author descrives in a graphic step by step the assembly and painting of the vehicle. The figures also are included, with complete instructions of the paints used in the process. The house is a scratchbuild one, and despite no detailed photos are provided, some notes are presented as some close-up pictures of some details of it. 10.StuG. III Ausf. G by Łukasz Orczyc-Musiałek The 10th article presents us a very original Stug III Ausf. G, using 1:35 Dragon’s model. The author presents us with a in depth, step by step, of the painting and weathering process of this model, concluding with the base and terrain construction, detailing, painting and finishing. 11.Sd.Kfz. 250/1 Neu by Fabrizio Mercuri This build is quite simple and compact but presents a lot of detail and care on it. the first part of it focuses on the vehicle assembly, starting on the interior, resorting to scratch build items and aftermarket sets. The exterior is also presented with detailed photos and captions of the process. The small base construction is also presented with a compact but very complete step by step. 12.Bocage Road (Sd.Kfz. 251/1 Ausf. C) by Roberto Del Cima The last article presented is a small vignette where the primary elements are two figures, complemented by the front part of a sd.kfz 251. As so, the focus of the build are the figures, and a very comprehensive step by step of pictures and captions, are provided, describing with detail all steps of it. also provided are the colour sets used for painting. The complex camouflage presented on the uniforms catch my attention, as these are very colourful and complex to paint. Nevertheless, the description is clear, and the author “disassemble”, making it quite simple to understand. I do think that in the end, the modeller’s hand and sight make all the difference! The secondary element, the Sd.kfz 251 is also described as a step-by-step photo guide, with captions, not as depth as the figures, but also clear. The last element to be presented is the base, with also deserving a step-by-step process. Conclusion This is a long review, but the book deserves it and I really hope that the pictures will help to understand why. Nowadays we are blessed with a boost of information from several sources but sometimes, we are at our workbench and there is nothing better that read a book, consult it, inspiring us to build, create and evolve. This book is a must, as it covers several aspects of the theme, aggregates several technics and present it in a very attractive reading and visual guide. Highly recommend! My thanks to Fernando Vallejo and Ak-interactive for the review sample.
  2. Plusmodel Aero Line Series 1:72 C-47 racks for drop container #AL7046 Introduction This small review presents us with a very original enhancement to any 1:72 scale C-47. A set with six parapacks attachable to the C-47 under fuselage. When I received this set for review, I was not aware of this accessory existed for C-47, and after a bit of investigation, this is what I found: Each airplane could mount up to six of this container in each flight, which contained useful supplies for military or partisan ground forces, under their wings. The packs were wired to a control panel located by the aircraft's cargo door. The jumpmaster used this control panel to select which parapack to drop. He could drop them in any sequence or drop them all at once with a salvo switch. Releasing a Para pack from the bottom of the plane also deployed the pack's parachute. A picture of this can be consulted in this link . What’s on the box bag In the clear bag, the content is visible for inspection, 12 light grey resin, 6 containers and 6 parapacks. On the back of the presentation paper, there is a diagram explaining the location of each parapack at the belly of the C-47. Each set is composed by a container and a parapack. The container presents a nice and exquisite detail, starting from the internal framing and in the exterior, with the presence of rivets and the attach points for the parapack. As the parapack concerns, the detail is adequate, with natural folds for the exterior of the pack and detail for the straps is correct for the scale. The assembled set Conclusion This set will update and replicate a unique feature for any 1:72 scale C-47. If you want to display your Dakota in a rather original feature, than this set is a must. Our thanks to Plusmodel for the review samples and all the support given. To purchase this directly, click THIS link Ricardo Veríssimo
  3. Plusmodel 1:72 Propeller for C-118 / DC-6 #AL7032 Introduction This recent release from Plusmodel was designed to replace / improve the propellers for 1:72 scale C-118 / DC-6B. The only model available is Heller’s. Being the only game in town for this elegant airplane, this set is a must improvement comparing the model’s original offering. What’s on the box Inside the clear blister there is 20 resin objects composing: 3 sets with four propellers 4 propeller hubs 4 Spinners This set, allows to represent the Hamilton Standard 43E60 usually equipped in DC-6A and B early versions. Nevertheless, please remember that this airplane still flies nowadays and check your reference about the propeller used. No propeller stencils are provided. Propeller hubs The propeller hubs are nicely detailed. Even though no jig is provided to properly align the propellers to the centre hub, plusmodel came up with a clever system: The back end of the propeller has a rectangular end, that allow it to proper fit into the propeller Hub. All that it needs is to glue it with a small amount of super glue, and the fit is perfect. Propeller The propellers are nice detailed and the removal from the casting mould is trouble free, just take your time, a fine saw and a mask (to protect from resin powder) should do the job. As mentioned early, the propeller base has a rectangle shape for proper fit on the propeller hub. Spinner The spinners have a small mould base, that can easily remove with a fine saw. The fit is perfect and guarantee a proper shape and pristine finish. Conclusion This set is a strait forward replacement and improve over the model’s parts. Highly recommended Our thanks to Plusmodel for the review samples and all the support given. To purchase this directly, click THIS Ricardo Veríssimo
  4. Hello, I would like to show a completed model , finished last year. It's a Fujimi's 1:72 EA-6A Intruder. This model was one of my "shelf Queen" , has had sit on my workbench for about a decade. It turn out a decent model with a fine engraved detail and ok cockpit detail. The ejection seats were replaced by a resin aftermarket. For painting i used AK RC colours and Gunze. Thanks for watching! best regards from Portugal Ricardo Veríssimo
  5. Hi Harv! thanks for watching and input! Regards Ricardo Veríssimo
  6. Plusmodel Aero Line Series 1:72 C-119 Boxcar Wheels - Early #AL7039 Introduction This small review presents us with an easy enhancement to 1:72 scale C-119 Also, this set has a new layout, presented in a clear bag. What’s on the box bag In the clear bag, the content is visible for inspection, 10 light grey resin parts and a small vinyl type white paint mask. Set detail is very crisp and it will upgrade the detail, comparing with the Kit’s plastic wheels. Italeri C-119 Main wheels Italeri C-110 front wheels The main wheels are composed by a complete unit containing the tyre and front hub. The detail is delicate, and it will show under a layer of colour. Also worth of note is the tyre groove pattern and the tyre maker logo, perfectly detailed on the tyre. The rear rub is moulded as separate part. The front wheels, despite the small size, presents a magnific detail, especially the groove pattern on the tyre. The last part is a small vinyl pre-cut paint mask. Should you prefer to paint the wheel first and then the tyre, you have two sets available. Also, if you prefer to paint the tyre first and then the centre rim, also two sets are at your disposition. Conclusion This set will provide an accessible and efficient way to detail and enhance the wheels of Italeri’s 1-72 C-119 early version. Our thanks to Plusmodel for the review samples and all the support given. To purchase this directly, click THIS link
  7. Hi Rob ! thanks! Ricardo Veríssimo
  8. Hello everyone, i would like to present my last build. Hobbyboss 1:48 TA-152 C-0. A simple and quite enjoyable model. Paints used from AK RC range, thinned with their own thinner. thanks for taking a look! best regards from Portugal Ricardo Veríssimo
  9. Plusmodel Aero Line Series 1:72 C-47 Skytrain wheels without cover #AL7045 Introduction This small review presents us with an easy enhancement to 1:72 scale C-47. Also, this set has a new layout, presented in a clear bag. What’s on the box bag In the clear bag, the content is visible for inspection, 3 light grey resin parts and a small vinyl type white paint mask Set detail is very crisp and it will show in the finished model, as the C-47 has a unique landing gear, allowing the wheels to contrast. The main wheels are composed by a complete unit containing the tyre and hub. The detail is delicate, and it will show under a layer of colour. Also worth of note is the tyre groove pattern and the tyre maker logo, perfectly detailed on the tyre. The rear wheel, despite the small size, presents a magnific detail, especially the groove pattern on the tyre. The last part is a small vinyl pre-cut paint mask. Should you prefer to paint the wheel first and then the tyre, you have two sets available. Also, if you prefer to paint the tyre first and then the centre rim, also two sets are at your disposition. Conclusion This set will provide an accessible and efficient way to detail and enhance the wheels of any 1-72 C-47. Our thanks to Plusmodel for the review samples and all the support given. To purchase this directly, click THIS link
  10. Plusmodel Aero Line Series 1:72 B-26 Marauder Late (groved) wheels #AL7042 Introduction This small review presents us with an easy enhancement to 1:72 scale B-26 -B / -C or even later models. Also, a new format in a form of a transparent bag. What’s on the box bag In the clear bag, the content is visible for inspection, 4 light grey resin parts and a small vinyl type white paint mask No reference picture is provided, but with the internet available, it is possible to consult some reference for painting. According to my references, the wheels hubs should be painted metallic. This set allow to represent a late B-26 -B / -C or even later models. The main wheels are composed by a complete unit containing the tyre and hub. The detail is delicate, and it will show under a layer of colour. Also worth of note is the tyre groove pattern. The front wheel, despite the small size, presents a magnific detail, especially the tire pattern, and this is particularly visible as the B-26 as very distinct and visible front gear. The rear hub is cast as separate piece and the wheel spokes have a fantastic detail. The last part is a small vinyl pre-cut paint mask. Should you prefer to paint the wheel first and then the tyre, you have two sets available. Also, if you prefer to paint the tyre first and then the centre rim, also two sets are at your disposition. Conclusion This set will provide an accessible and efficient way to detail and accurately represent a late B-26 -B / -C or even later models Our thanks to Plusmodel for the review samples and all the support given. To purchase this directly, click THIS link
  11. Plusmodel Aero Line Series 1:72 B-26 Marauder Early (groved) wheels #AL7058 Introduction This small review presents us with an easy enhancement to 1:72 scale b-26 (early) Also, a new format in a form of a transparent bag. What’s on the box bag In the clear bag, the content is visible for inspection, 3 light grey resin parts and a small vinyl type white paint mask No reference picture is provided, but with the internet available, it is possible to consult some reference for painting. According to my references, the wheels hubs should be paint metallic. This set allow to represent an early B-26 -A or an early -B version. The main wheels are composed by a complete unit containing the tyre and hub. The detail is delicate, and it will show under a layer of colour. Also worth of note is the tyre groove pattern. The front wheel, despite the small size, presents a magnific detail, especially the tire pattern, and this is particularly visible as the B-26 as very distinct and visible front gear. The last part is a small vinyl pre-cut paint mask. Should you prefer to paint the wheel first and then the tyre, you have two sets available. Also, if you prefer to paint the tyre first and then the centre rim, also two sets are at your disposition. Conclusion This set will provide an accessible and efficient way to detail and accurately represent an early B-26 – A or early -B. Our thanks to Plusmodel for the review samples and all the support given. To purchase this directly, click THIS link
  12. Plusmodel Aero Line Series 1:72 F-101 B Voodoo wheels #AL7052 Introduction This small review presents us with an easy enhancement to any 1:72 scale F-101 B Voodoo. Also, a new format in a form of a transparent bag is presented. What’s on the box bag In the clear bag, the content is visible for inspection, 6 light grey resin parts and a small vinyl type white masking template. No reference picture is provided, but with the internet available, it is possible to consult some reference for painting. According to my sources, the wheel rims should be metallic. The rear wheels are composed by the tyre and front rim and the rear rim as a separate part. The tyre pattern is nice as the details on the rim itself. The tyre pattern is nice as the details on the rim itself. The interior half of the rim present us with a nice detail for the scale and it does beg for metallic paint a proper weathering. The front wheels are a nice representation of a F-101B wheel, presenting a adequate detail for such a small part. Upon analysing several photos from reference, the detail and wheel pattern is correct. The last part is a small vinyl pre-cut paint mask. Should you prefer to paint the wheel first and then the tyre, you have two sets available. Also, if you prefer to paint the tyre first and then the centre rim, also two sets are at your disposition. Conclusion This set will provide an accessible and efficient way to detail and enhance a area very time neglected by many of us. The interior rim of the wheels has a hole that allows a direct replacement into the model’s landing gears. Our thanks to Plusmodel for the review samples and all the support given. To purchase this directly, click THIS link
  13. Plusmodel aero line series 1:48 F-101B Ladder #AL4086 Introduction Plusmodel offer us a small but very interesting set for any 1:48 F-101B Voodoo. What’s on the box Inside the card box there’s 2 sprues containing 3 plastic parts each, confined on a plastic bag. A stair will fit the front cockpit and the second one, the rear. The instructions are provided on the box’s back as two steps (one diagram showing the parts layout and a second one with the complete piece). The image on the box’s front suggests a colour for the ladder (yellow). The detail Is adequate for the scale and my “less” regard is the mould line on the centre of the pieces, nevertheless a sharp blade and a new square of 600 / 1200 Sandpaper will quickly eliminate the mould line. Conclusion This is a very simple and accessible accessory for any F-101B Voodoo, that can differentiate our model, making it more “real” and catchy. Recommended Our thanks to Plusmodel for the review sample Ricardo Veríssimo
  14. Plusmodel aero line series 1:48 Mig-29 Ladder #AL4087 Introduction Plusmodel offer us a small but very interesting set for any 1:48 Mig-29. What’s on the box Inside the card box there’s 1 spruce containing 5 plastic parts confined on a plastic bag. The instructions are provided on the box’s back as two steps (one diagram showing the parts layout and a second one with the complete piece). The image on the box’s front suggests a colour for the ladder, but a quick internet search returns yellow or orange options. The detail Is adequate for the scale and my “less” regard is the mould line on the centre of the pieces, nevertheless a sharp blade and a new square of 600 / 1200 Sandpaper will quickly eliminate the mould line. Conclusion This is a very simple and accessible accessory for our 1:48 Mig-29, that can differentiate our model. Recommended! Our thanks to Plusmodel for the review Sample. Ricardo Veríssimo
  15. Plusmodel aero line series 1:48 F-106 Ladder #AL4084 Introduction This small, simple yet detailed set by Plusmodel, represents a access ladder for any 1:48 scale F-106 delta Dart. What’s on the box Inside the card box there’s 1 spruce containing 14 plastic parts confined on a plastic bag. The instructions are provided on the box’s back as two steps (one diagram showing the parts layout and a second one with the complete piece). The detail Is adequate for the scale and my “less” regard is the mould line on the centre of the pieces, nevertheless a sharp blade and a new square of 600 / 1200 Sandpaper will quickly eliminate the mould line. Also, some care is needed to proper remove the stairs from the sprue, due to their size. To ease the assembly task, the ladder structure has moulded holes to facilitate the stairs alignment between the two main halves. Conclusion This is a very simple and accessible accessory for our 1:48 F-106, so go and take Monogram’s ancient and classic 106 or the more recent release by Trumpeter and adorn it with this accessory to complement a very elegant model! Recommended! Our thanks to Plusmodel for the review samples and all the support given. To purchase this directly, click THIS link Ricardo Veríssimo
  16. Plusmodel aero line series 1:48 F-22 Ladder #AL4085 Introduction This is my first review of this small and simple set by Plusmodel, representing access ladder for any 1:48 scale F-22 Raptor. What’s on the box Inside the card box there’s 1 spruce containing 11 plastic parts confined on a plastic bag. The instructions are provided on the box’s back as two steps (one diagram showing the parts layout and a second one with the complete piece). The image on the box’s front suggests a colour for the ladder, but a quick internet search returns some interesting deviation (red, black, red or grey) options. The detail Is adequate for the scale and my “less” consideration is the flash line at the centre of the pieces, nevertheless a sharp blade and a new square of 600 / 1200 Sandpaper will quickly remove the excess plastic. Conclusion This is a very simple and accessible accessory for our 1:48 Raptor, that can differentiate our model, making it more “real” and if painted red or blue, really make it catchy. Recommended! Our thanks to Plusmodel for the review samples and all the support given. To purchase this directly, click THIS link Ricardo Veríssimo
  17. Plusmodel aero Line Series 1:48 Crew F-14 Tomcat #AL4089 Introduction Plusmodel offers aeroplanes modellers fans, a quick and easy way to complement a simple vignette with a 1:48 scale F-14 Tomcat. As previous releases and reviews made by me at LSM, the word associated with these products is: simplicity. So let's look at the box We are presented with a transparent blister type package that allow to properly observe the content. The back paper shows a draw of the set that can be used as assembly and painting guide. No colour guide is supplied. The set represents a F-14 flight crew on it's pre flight briefing. Pilot 1 This figure represents a flight officer holding a clipboard on one hand and the other one pointing to a hypothetical paper containing mission notes. It’s dress with full flight suit, including anti G jump suit, helmet and breather. This pilot has its harms represented in two separated pieces in order to facilitate the painting process. Attachment to the body is made by a ball pin allowing a strong bond to the torso. Pilot 2 Presented in a relax pose with both hands in a “Rest” position, at the hips, it has the head slightly turning right in a pose typical of someone receiving a briefing. As by the pictures, the detail is adequate and with a good quality brush and steady hands can create a very appellative complement to our model airplane. As special note, a modeler with a gifted hand can create a very impressive paintjob on the helmet, as some pilots carry very colorful ones. Conclusion This is a nice and easy addition to any 1:48 F-14 Tomcat available on the market. A simple base with the bird and pilot(s) is always a perfect duet! Recommended! Thanks to Plusmodel for the sample review Ricardo Veríssimo
  18. Plusmodel 1:72 Propeller for C-46 Commando #AL7033 Introduction This recent release from Plusmodel was designed to replace the propellers of a rare and vintage model: William Brothers 1:72 C-46 Commando. Being the only game in town for this classic transport mule, this set is a must improvement comparing the model’s original offering. What’s on the box Inside the clear blister you’ll 6 resin objects composing: 2 sets with four propellers 2 propeller hubs 2 early type Spinners The back paper presents a colour picture of a completed and painted propeller as reference. This allow to represent the Curtiss electric cuffed propeller usually associated with early versions of the C-46. Nevertheless, please remember that this airplane still flies nowadays and check your reference about the propeller used. Propeller hubs The propeller hubs are nicely detailed. Despite the fact that no jig is provided to properly align the propellers to the centre hub, plusmodel came up with a clever system: The area where the propeller meets the hub are sloped, so in order to proper fit the parts, they need to align in a reverse mode. This guarantees a proper alignment of all propellers around the hub. Propeller The propellers are nice detailed and the removal from the casting mould is (almost) trouble free, just take your time, a fine saw and a mask (to protect from resin powder) should do the job. As mentioned early, the propeller base has a mark to cut in angle for proper fit on the propeller hub. Spinner The spinners, on my analysis, are the difficult items to work, due to their small size and by their connection points to the casting block located on the front of it. Careful removal and sanding are required to guarantee a proper shape and pristine finish. Comparing…. I was lucky to get my hands on the original model (Thanks Pedro!) and plusmodel set are a major improvement over model’s offering. Conclusion This set is a strait forward replacement and improve over the model’s parts. Some attention is necessary on the spinner mould block removal and in the end you’ll get a better and detailed model of this iconic airplane. Highly recommended! Our thanks to Plusmodel for the review samples and all the support given. To purchase this directly, click THIS Link Ricardo Veríssimo
  19. Plusmodel 1:72 Wheels for C-46 Commando #AL7034 On our beloved hobby, on what airplane modelling concern, there’s still room for new models. It’s not the case for the model for which this set is intended. The 70’s 1:72 Williams Brothers C-46 is the only offer if you pretend to build this model. What’s on the box The box is clear about the content. Two main wheels and a rear one. On the back paper, photographs of the set already paint and weathered, to serve as inspiration. As many WW2 American airplanes, the wheel hub’s painted Metallic and the tyre painted on the eternal black, or tyre black, or dark grey, whatever suites the modeller’s personal interpretation. Main wheels The main wheels are composed by the tyre and front rim and the rear rim as a separate part. The removal of the casting blocks can be done with no effort, using a small saw, as the attachment to the casting mould is minimal and it’s located on the area of the tire in touch with the ground. The tires are mould with weight effect. The overall detail of the wheels is good specially comparing to the kit’s offering. Rear wheel This is the smaller wheel to fit on the tail landing gear. As the main wheels, detail is good and it will enhance, again, the kit’s offering. Comparing Plusmodel’s wheel with the plastic one the gain Is clear, despite some surgery is required to remove the kit’s original with the resin replacement. With some patience and a panpipe playlist on your favourite digital player will do the job. Conclusion This set is a improve on the kit’s parts, mainly to the fact that the mould has its first release on the 70’s. The main wheels are an easy replace to the original ones and the rear one will require a small intervention to replace but nothing too difficult. This is a must set to enhance the look of the original model and as so, recommended. Our thanks to Plusmodel for the review samples and all the support given. To purchase this directly, click THIS link Ricardo Veríssimo
  20. Hi all! Let me present the first concluded build of this year. This model was hunting my workbench at least 4 years, and it was the ideal time to conclude it . The model it self is not bad at all and I've already built the RAF rendition of the Allison Engine P-51 almost a decade ago. Some attention is necessary to guarantee a decent fit or we are going to have lot of troubles with joints. In the end it will look like a early P-51 Mustang The beginning (cockpit what else...) All parts were removed from the spruce and prepared for primer and interior colour ( i opted to a zinc chromate green from Vallejo ModelAir range) All small details were brush painted with vallejo ModelColor. cockpit parts and radio rack painted with the base colours. Cockpit (almost ready) . I opted to paint the seat metallic shade, as i checked some references that state that this would be possible. If it was correct or not, i liked the colour variation. Electric wiring was added to the bulkhead in order to simulate misc cables. In the end.. if you look closely to the cockpit you'll see it, but some times i wonder why i even bother to add details that no one will notice ! I also painted at that time the exhausts ( Metallic enamel paint ( XF-56 Tamiya ) then highly diluted Brown and black from Tamiya (acrylic) via airbrush followed by located brown washes. Several years later.... I decided that this model really needed to get out of my shame stash... some Putty was required on the wings root and in the bottom end ( as pictures show) . Once again i like to mention that this work was caused by the modeller that, despite several years of experience ALWAYS make the same mistakes... Perhaps due to the fact that his beloved hobby is limited to improper hours usually after a day's work and parent assigned duties. anyway I've found out that i had in stock a set of Eduard Masks for this model and what better time to use them. The wind shield required some "blending" to the fuselage with tamiya putty and Gunze Mr Surface. A tedious but worth every second spent. Gear bays and radiator outlet covered with Masking putty. Ready to paint. All the fuselage had been sanded and polished with 2000/ 3000 sand paper. I'm a clumsy modeller, one of my trade marks is one of my fingerprints carved on the plastic due to excess glue. It's like a imaginary mystic entity drive my finger to precisely the point were the glue was. Let the painting begin... I prepare my favourite primer ( in this case Vallejo Grey primer ) and applied several light coats. followed by another polish session with a 2000 Grit sanding pad . I work in a garage and it's not the most adequate place to perform such "cleaning" tasks. Then i started painting the upper colour ( Tamiya XF-62 Olive Drab) highly diluted and applied a panel at a time. When i start painting i don't have a idea of the concluded model. All i know is that i wanted to replicate a machine operating in North Africa so... so worn colours were required. I don't have the correct formula, but i added several tones of yellow and green to the base colour and.. i had fun... The bottom colour was Neutral Grey from Tamiya, also in the same pattern. I apologize as i didn't take any pictures of the process. How to complicate or spend one hour of modelling time to paint stripes The combination of decal stripes and me simply doesn't work. So.. lets paint some yellow stripes. Mark the stripes location Outline the stripes Mask the exterior Add the base ( several light layers) white Then yellow Masks removed ( damage control at standby) then i hurried up, painted the underside and sealed with a coat of clear gloss Fast Forward some weeks and the decals already in place. At this time i still didn't have a clue about the final look. so i did the logical and rational step.. i started weathering... Oils spils were created with several Oils ( what a cliché..) from (former) Mig Productions range. I kept chipping to a minimal using a silver pencil on the wing root. Ochre Oil tones were used to give the wing a Dust look. I took some artistic freedom ( remember i was having some fun with my hobby). The insignias were weathered with acrylic colours and washes. the exhausts stains were airbrush painted with grey, brown and black colours all from Tamiya Acrylic range ( XF-19 / XF-10 and XF-1) highly diluted with Tamiya's acrylic thinner Fast Forward some months... ta daaa... final result ! Canopy, antennas, navigation lights, landing gear and doors, pitot tube and cannons added. Conclusion It's concluded. And it looks like a early P-51 Mustang. I enjoy it and its concluded. Thanks for watching and i apologize for any grammatical or opinion error. Let me know your thought on the comments below! thanks once again! best regards!
  21. Hi all! I would like to present my last model ( actually the first armour model this year). It's a T-72Av 1:72 scale from Modelcollect. the model is well detailed and not very complex to complete. Im my opinion one of the weakest part of the model is the tracks ( um piece vinil / kind of Dragon's Magic tracks ). All paint used were Vallejo ModelAir . weathering was achieved with oils from (former) Mig Productions and Vallejo Pigments mixed with Airbrush Thinner. Painting with the first stage of weathering ( oils ) Finished model And the final picture, on his base, not made by me, but build by José Brito! thanks for watching!
  22. Hi Maru! Thanks for the feedback! Indeed it is with some nice detail ! Now where did i put My 1:48 Corsair's stash?
  23. Plusmodel 1:72 Correct engine set for C-121 Constellation #AL7022 Introduction On our beloved hobby, on what airplane modelling concern, there are some parts, areas, location sometimes neglected as they are away from focus. This set from Plusmodel focus on the engine area and propellers for the venerable 1:72 Heller Constellation (L649 /749 or C-121) offer, as direct replacement for the kit’s parts. So, what’s on the box Inside the card box, you’ll get 4 Bags with 46 resin parts, a small PE sheet, a decal sheet and a flyer containing a simple instruction guide. All parts are numerated for an easy identification The resin parts layout is composed by the following: Engine cowlings 8x half engine covers (left and right side) for the 4 engines. This represents an early variant (with only one exhaust on either side of the engines); Please note that the radial engine itself is not included so the Kit’s part needs to be fitted when assembling. Also included the cooling grills (which allows to choose between closed and open) a part for each option and side. Also available is the oil cowl, which can be posed on the open position. Eight resin exhaust tubes are also included. Propellers On this department, this set represents the Curtiss electric cuffed prop, so it comes with the following: 4 sets of 3 propellers; 4 propeller hubs and 4 early type spinners, 4 PE parts representing the outer Hub and a decal sheet with the propeller stencils Also provided is an assembly jig, that allows the propeller correct angle on the hub. Instructions: A simple flyer is provided with all information required for the assembly, with no information regarding the paint to use (specially for the propellers), so check your references. Normally I would conclude my review on this part. Nevertheless, I felt that a small demonstration was in need to properly present this review. So, I selected a set of engine cowlings, remove it from its casting blocks (an easy task with a photoetch razor) The fit is adequate, and the panel lines are recessed with nice detail. A simple dry fit shows a small gap on the top and bottom. The parts do have location pins to ease the join between the two halves, but based on the tests made, the removal of this location pins will allow a better adjustment of parts fit, minimizing the gap. As i was not able to obtain Heller's model, i was not able to test the fit on the model, but comparing photos of the model part's with the Plusmodel's offer, they appear to be direct replace. Conclusion This set is a strait forward substitution of the model’s parts. Some attention is necessary on the engine cowling assembly, in order to minimize the gap between the half’s, and this is the main issue, but a necessary one due to the part in hand. The propeller set is also presented with a nice detail and a improve over the Kit’s offering Recommended! Our thanks to Plusmodel for the review samples and all the support given. To purchase this directly, click THIS link Ricardo Veríssimo
  24. Plusmodel Aero Line Series 1:48 Pilot F4U Corsair #AL4082 Introduction Plusmodel offers aeroplanes modellers fans, a quick and easy way to complement a simple vignette with a 1:48 scale P-51 Mustang (WWII) As previous releases and reviews made by me at LSM, the word associated with these products are: simplicity. What’s on the box? The clear plastic box shows what you get, one resin piece containing a 1:48 representation of a WW2 F4U Corsair pilot, again as common feature on this series, in a relax pose, with both hands on the trousers pockets. The model is on full flight set, composing the helmet with goggles and a Mae West life jacket. Hanging from his left shoulder, a holster with service handgun. Despite no painting guide is supplied, the label’s back is printed with a large full colour draw of the figure. Lots of inspiration on this subject through a quick internet search using your favourite search engine A small mold line is detected along the length of the legs and arms, most probably due to the cast process, but nothing that a modelling knife and a 600 abrasive sandpaper won’t fix. As proof of my writing, I went to my cave and proceed with the mold and resin excess clean. At the end of 15 minutes work, this was the result: ready for a soapy wash and when dry, some primer. As by the pictures, the detail is adequate and with a good quality brush and steady hands can create a very appellative complement to our model airplane. Of special notice on a finished model is the contrasting yellow life jacket, on the rather khaki overall flight suit. Conclusion This is a nice and easy addition to any 1:48 WWII F4U corsair out there! Tamiya, Hobbyboss, Hasegawa or Academy! A simple base with the bird and pilot is always a perfect duet! Highly recommended! Thanks to Plusmodel for the sample review Ricardo Veríssimo
  25. Plusmodel Aero Line Series 1:48 Tempest pilot Ref: AL4081 Introduction Plusmodel offers aeroplanes modellers, a quick and easy way to complement a simple vignette with a 1:48 scale Hawker Tempest pilot (WWII) As previous releases and reviews made by me at LSM, the word associated with these products are: simplicity. As a (almost) dedicated airplane modeller, the act of painting a figure to complement a set of plastic injected built and painted to look like a scale flying machine, looks scaring and a new territory. What’s on the box? The clear plastic box shows what you get, one resin piece containing a 1:48 representation of a WW2 Hawker Tempest pilot on the typical RAF flight uniform and wearing a life vest and on a rather relax pose, with both hands on the trousers pockets. As usual on this sets, no painting instruction are provided, but the label’s back is printed with a large full color draw of the figure. Lots of inspiration on this subject through a quick internet search using your favourite search engine. A close up pictures provide some detail. A small mold line is detected along the length of the legs and arms, most probably due to the cast process, but nothing that a modelling knife and a 600 abrasive sandpaper won’t fix. As proof of my writing, I went to my cave and proceed with the mold and resin excess clean. At the end of 15 minutes work, this was the result: ready for a soapy wash and after dry, some primer. As by the pictures, the detail is adequate and with a good quality brush and steady hands can create a very appellative complement to our model airplane. Please note that the "seam" visible on the interior and exterior part of the trousers are in fact the representation of the stitching line and not a fault on the mold. Conclusion This set is a nice and easy addition to any Tempest on 48 scale and it will pair with Eduard’s new release and already reviewed here ! Highly recommended! Our thanks to Plusmodel for the review samples and all the support given. To purchase this directly, click THIS link Ricardo Veríssimo
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