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About beaz

  • Birthday 11/27/1965

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    Durham, North Carolina, USA

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  1. Welcome back Dave, was starting to wonder about you! Sorry to hear about your back, but sounds like congratulations are in order on the new addition to your family!?! Brother, I know exactly how that can affect the time one has to devote to one's hobbies. Love the fit and finish on your Corsair. That faded intermediate blue looks perfect to me, and the oil, exhaust and other stains make it look like it came right off of the island tarmac. Gorgeous build. Gotta get back to mine...
  2. Inspirational work on the pilot figure, doubt anyone will notice the wonky instrument panel now. Unless Tamiya steps up to the plate, this is looking like our best option for a large-scale, BoB era Spit to go with all of the 109 Es out there. Looking forward to your final assessment of this kit, not to mention the build article itself.
  3. Really enjoying both builds here, Dave. That mottled finish on the C.II looks so much like the finish on the original aircraft, and gives such life and scale to what could otherwise be a very dull and monochromatic finish. Great job!
  4. The Walfisch (or "Whale") was just beautifully schlumpy, IMO. And MvR flew several, including this one: How cool is that?
  5. Dying to know what the new kit is going to be. Isn't it tomorrow there by now?
  6. Epic build and a brilliant finish!
  7. Top-flight build. Love the chosen color palette, meticulous finishing and the obviously keen attention to all of the little details that add up to create an incredible miniature representation of the real thing.
  8. Wowee...zowee, this is spectacular!
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