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Everything posted by Artful69

  1. Ok ... so 2 things happened today ... Steve proved himself right as usual ... and I was invited to complete some inductions for a new job in FIFO ... and so it begins!! .. You're not often wrong Steve, but you were right this time Also another package arrived in the mail ... This one contains another couple of Citadel related kits ... firstly the Takom Blitz StuG.III Ausf.G I've had a peek inside the box and can confirm that the lower hull and related sprues are the same as their Pz.III Ausf.M and N kits ... so this will be tagged into the Pz.III chassis production line WIP when it starts ... The next kit is the Ferdinand ... I did a review search on each manufacturer to release a kit of this subject in 1/35 ... and considering the expense of Dragons example along with the excessive parts count and dodgy DS tracks - that one was ruled out ... In the end it was a toss up between the Amusing Hobby and Zvezda kits ... both had pluses and minuses ... BUT ... the thing in this kits favour was ... A/ it was on sale ... B/ It has a second kit - a Strabokran which no self respecting Kursk related dio should be without given the amount of breakdowns occurring with the Ferdinand, Panther and even the Tigers!! ... C/ Individual track links, metal barrel, photo etch, copper cable and clear bits ... and D/ the 2 kits in one box are together cheaper than the Dragon kit ... sold! Given there's a rather big vehicle in the box and 2 kits ... its in a BIG box ... It has a full interior also ... as with the Takom Panther - and the MAYBE build on the RFM early Tiger - there's a full interior which I may ... or may not ... build. Next up ... to fill out the order a little I grabbed some individual track link sets ... RFM has a decent reputation for getting most things right ... so I got these to replace the DS tracks in either the Mid or Late Dragon Zimmerit Tigers I have ... I'll get some more later ... Same with these ... suitable for any 40cm wide tracked Pz.III or Pz.IV ... NOW ... I can use these for any of my non-early war Panzers or StuG's So I'm considering using them on Tamiya's StuG.III because there's a non-Zimmerit StuH.III option in that boxing!! ... which means a 10.5cm Howitzer for something a little different with my GD section of the dio ... That's it for this round ... hopefully I can kick off my WIP before I get to fly out and make some headway into the build ... plus ... I have a couple of targeted kits for the dio's that I might be pulling the trigger on before heading out for my first stint of away work ... a couple of them are 2 in 1 types which I'm REALLY keen on Rog
  2. I know, right?? ... This is what I was alluding to on my comment for Andys Model Headquarters review of the Border Tiger - How far along we've come now in model parts casting ... a long long way since Dragon was the king of the hill ... now a 10,000,000 parts count and supreme accuracy are all they have going for them ... very little extras in the box (if any now) - and until they start either reissuing Magic Track or turn everything into a Neo Smart Kit with link-and-length tracks, you really need to go AM - on what is already an expensive kit - for decent track sag ... This Tamiya kit is a perfect example of the comparison between Dragon and the rest of the competition now ... In Australian Pesos I can buy the Dragon kit $83.00, While I can get the Tamiya Kit for $80 ... Now the mouldings, detail level and accuracy are about on par ... The Dragon kit comes with some additional photo etch and copper cable ... and the Tamiya kit comes with string, poly caps, copper cable AND a set of figurines. The dragon kit will have the dodgy DS tracks ... while Tamiya is using the link and length style they've made so popular now ... also the Tamiya kit has a MUCH less parts count meaning less headaches in the build. I actually don't think so on both counts ... 1/32 is still kicking along. In China - Trumpeter/Hobby Boss are ticking along as usual ... Border released 1/35 kits and maybe the (overwhelming) feedback will push them into moving forward in 1/32 instead. In Japan - Hasegawa hasn't really produced anything startlingly new in ages even re-pops have dried up a bit.... but Tamiya just did an alternate parts/decals re-pop of their Mustang so maybe nothing NEW, new but at least they're dipping a foot in every now and then ... I wouldn't be surprised to see a Bomber/Recon perspex nosed version of the Tamiya Mosquito at some point ... the instruction booklet has a picture of that version on the cover along with the FB ... and the modular design of the kit lends itself to a 1 sprue addition/swap ... ZM are working on multiple 1/32 designs in the background ... and in the next OM Blog we're going to be reading about where were up to in a couple of the designs to come. In Europe - Infinity model is JUST getting going ... with about 5 announced subjects in development (including a Val and a Kate which I'll definitely be up for) ... With any new start up like ZM (2010??) or Infinity (2018-19??), one or two kits are worked on initially with a gestation period of about 5 years given all the corrections to processes and BS that goes on behind the scenes ... meanwhile other concepts are worked on behind closed doors ... and slowly the product-to-market gathers momentum ... of course market slowdowns can have the same effect - the company stops designing or mothballs certain projects that haven't reached moulding or test shot stage ... as the market recovers (and the company) ... these projects may be re-engaged although to us the timing seems all weird due to the delays. 1/32 is alive and well and to be honest ... my stash could use the break!! Rog
  3. I'm not sure ... it doesn't appear to be Wolfe Flakken's Experimental Dimensional Space Submarine to me ... anyway ... Scrolling down ... ------- The first kit that caught my eye was the 1/20 Tamiya Lotus 33 F1 ... I really like that one Then the sign on the table that says "Lets Reboot Dragon" ... I hope, besides the box art, that translates to ... lets get rid rid of DS tracks!! ... also The Panzer II Ausf.F Afrika Corps in 1/35 ... complete (at last) with Rommel Bin. Then under that pic ... the Lotus 99T ... although there's no scale mentioned or who the manufacturer is?? Then we have a bunch of Mecha ... followed by our space subs ... and they are 1/700 - awkward next to my 1/500 Yamato so I'll probably pass anyway ... Down a little further Takom have a 1/35 Pz.I Ausf.B that might be likely ... Then theres a big FlaK 88mm but not scale or manufacturer there either Then Tamiya's Panzer IV Ausf.G (early) ... the artist formally known as the F2 until recently. Which I've had my eye on for a while ... Tamiya started the whole link and length track thing with a Pz.II kit they released a few years back ... It's obviously caught on - Its Takom's MO now... and I THINK even Dragon has realised that its the happy medium between Magic Track and DS. All the right detail ... no real issues ... and complete with figurines (a bit of a Tamiya standard from way back). In box reviews seem good and it seems a good buy Next is the rather drool-worthy Sauber Mercedes ... and finally the Kettengrad ... other than that I'm not into most of what there though ... didn't see ZM there at all either?? Rog I'm looking at Dragons Pz.II
  4. Thanks Steve ... That was my (substantial) gut feel as well ... why bother paying with no intent? ... but it doesn't stop me being more that a little nervy ... especially when the bank account is looking quite anaemic ... I'll be scouring the Seek site again tomorrow ... and keep pushing the tempo until someone says congrats ... I'm glad you're cruising through your probation Ok so ... Since the Panzer III Ausf.M, N and StuG.III Ausf.G chassis' are all the same ... I'll probably get cracking on the lower hulls first ... so the first WIP will be a little monotonous ... I have the Takom StuG III.G in route as we speak along with a Ferdinand and some Tracks for a mid to late Tiger as well as some for a Panzer. III / IV - the 40cm variety ... When you think of Kursk you tend to think Tiger, Panther and Ferdinand. I have Border Panzer IV.G and the above Panther Ausf.D ... I MAY do a second Panther ... but once I secure that job ... I'll be grabbing a couple of those Border Tiger.I's. I guess the idea ... is to start the Pz.III chassis work on them all and go from there ... I will do a similar thing with each new chassis type ... there might even be a bit of room for a side-by-side kit comparison or two and build reviews - which I've never done before. Anyway Job first ... but I am determined to get building and actually looking forward to it!! Rog
  5. Thanks for that Steve ... I really wanted to start that WIP now ... but I can really focus because the pressure is building now with no ACTUAL job on offer yet and the dollars shrinking in the bank account - I'm reaaaaaaly hoping I get a call on Monday/Tuesday next week to say "Congrats - we want you!!" ... if that happens I'm on my way ... if not ... stuff is REALLY getting tight. The big problem with my body and the last job is that with the constant go, go, go all day ... I was living off fast food ... and I've gotten fat ... my medical that I did on Tuesday left me sooooo sore all Wednesday ... but if I can get moving now, eat healthy etc ... I might be able to turn the clock back a bit. I have a 10-15 year plan heading toward retirement ... Rog
  6. Don't be sorry friend. In Western Australia the unemployment rate is pretty low thanks to the State Premier utilising fear of the COVID to close the state borders and keep those pesky easterners out from taking our jobs ... I decided to do something about advancing my future and resigned with about 3 months + in Annual and Long Service Leave accruals ... In the first week afterward I did my Forklift licence ... and I was supposed to complete my HR (Heavy Rigid vehicle) licence also ... but the timeframe for completion and the expense got away from me ... so I really have to get back to it now. I have a job lined up (I think) to do as a mining camp utility (cleaning etc) on a FIFO 2-on-1-off swing while I finish my HR licence and then apparently I'll be driving a bus up there ... and that's my entry point into a whole new world where the pay can be quite handsome ... The relevance here is that ... once I've secured my FIFO job ... I'll have 7 days every 3 weeks to get cracking on a WIP ... I may even get to start it before I leave for my first swing! Rog
  7. Nice mechanics there Ern ... That GTO at the top has a lot of Aussie Ford Falcon about it ... but the BelAir is the pick of the litter for mine!! Rog
  8. The priority is securing a job after 2 months unemployed ... but yes it will begin ASAP You can never get enough Space Battleship Yamato gear!! Rog
  9. So ... the "Citadel Projekt" continues ... I received a package from the UK today ... A Takom Panther Ausf.D. This one can be built into the early version - great for building Kursk era Panthers. Besides a couple still available in China ... there was only one other in the UK and one in the USA. There was at least a couple of months of dithering around between the new-tooled Tamiya kit, the Dragon kit (of which I have a Premium edition version in stock), The Zvezda kit, the Meng kit and a couple of outliers that were just re-branded re-pops of the kits mentioned here OR not worth mentioning at all ... I picked this one for the overall bang-for-buck and because of the simplicity of the build ... (yeah, yeah I know it has a full interior - which I'm not all that interested in) ... What I AM talking about is great external detail - with a clever style of link and length track assembly ... I'm having to go on Takom Panther Ausf.A reviews in my choice for the kit ... as there are little in the way of highly descriptive reviews around for this one to gauge accuracy - yet it looks to be ok based on the key indicators differentiating a 'D' from an early 'A' at least ... The reviews on the Ausf.A are pretty decent anywhere you look online ... and, of course, Jim provides a couple of his usually in-depth reviews complete with an abundance of Hi-Def photos here: and here: There are more items on the way ... and some that haven't even yet been ordered - due to unavailability here (Like the new Border Tiger.I kit) ... It's not clear to me yet about how exactly to create the build thread for this auspiciously large project ... But I get nagged a lot - so I'm going to have to get cracking soon on something ... I think my first build thread will have a production line for the Pz.III's - there's no point in doing a separate one for all the 'M' unit's ... but I might separate the 'N's and the StuG.III Ausf.G's out on their own. What do you guys think? Rog
  10. Nice work ... Always good to find a score!! I had a similar experience not too long ago with the Classics Series Me-262 4 volume book set. e-Bay prices were over $1000 and I nabbed a set for less than $200 including shipping with a bunch of other references thrown in. Rog
  11. Hey Gaz ... VERY noice work there m'lad ... Did I send you that one?? Rog
  12. All the best Mark ... At least we can all type this ... instead of yelling our a$$es off - what with you hailing from artillery and all Rog
  13. Thanks Carl ... I'll look into it ... as soon as I'm working again. From memory - I did an order ages ago through dawngrocerystore and also xfree-hobby at one point with no issues ... it's always hard to distinguish the complaints from people who have some genuine grievance from those who take that as their default position in life! ... there's always some twit with a smart-alec response ... Although slow shipping may indeed be an issue ... if my PayPal buyer protection dates are exceeded well before the package is due to arrive!! ... it's always wise to have your rear covered Hubert Rog
  14. From China eh? ... I've seen the Border Tiger.I tank on eBay for reasonable prices in China ... and I think I've also bought items from there before in the distant past ... before the world went crazy ... I've been a little reluctant to pull the trigger because of negative reviews on a lot of the China based advertisers (I always check them) ... there's usually about 12-15 negatives against a few neutrals and 300+ positives. Not so bad really until you see the feedback ... selling stuff that was out of stock etc ... Which distributor did you use and how long did it take to get there?? Rog
  15. Yep ... starting to catch on - I figured that because Pz.III Ausf.M's were attached to strengthen a lot of heavy tank battalions it would probably make sense to assume it's a Pz.III (F-1) such as the Cyber Hobby kit in the link below (not ruling out the Hetzer BTW - just going of a Teutonic commonsense hunch): https://ipmsusa.org/reviews2/mil-veh/kits/cyberhobby_35_flammpanzer/cyberhobby_35_flammpanzer.htm No markings are mentioned ... so I checked the kit number against the Scalemates website (wonderful resource, this one!) whose info still wasn't precisely clear ... but gave me a quick link to an Armorama in box review - which says there are decals supplied for - surprise, surprise (you guessed it) - GroßDeuchland division. https://armorama.kitmaker.net/modules.php?op=modload&name=Reviews&file=index&req=showcontent&id=9235 What is yet unclear is the quadrilateral boxes with the 'm' inside them ... obviously it pertains to 'medium' class panzers .. but whether these are Pz.III's or Pz.IV's remains to be seen - so back to a 'deep dive' later today!! Rog
  16. Thanks again Steve ... I guess for the most part I'm looking in the wrong places ... Your explanation on translating the unit identifiers helps a lot also!! Theres still some stuff I'll need to work out ... The quadrilateral shapes seem to be Panzer related while the rectangular ones are infantry ... I'm trying to work out the 'Y' symbol inside both the quadrilateral shapes up at the top there (not included in the symbols identifier below) ... and RHS of the second row from the bottom in what seems like an engineering regiment?? ... then in the same section theres two smaller figures - but according to the identifier chart these both mean the same thing - light engineering company?? Anyway ... I'll keep looking myself - but many thanks for the assist!!! *** EDIT - I found the sheet below!! ... The 'Y' symbol is a flame thrower!! (on any designated vehicle type) ... the first of the pointy arrow cart thingy's has 'le' ... it's a light engineer transport column - motorised ... and the second one is a bridging column 'K' type - motorised (obviously a either a component or particular size of bridging) ... This little sucker will be very useful *** Rog
  17. Well ... I have a couple of them in the stash so I'll check the markings
  18. Steve ... Currently in preparation for an epic build ... I wanted to include a few more vehicles though... specifically those that were common during the period (Stug's, Trucks, Halftracks) or had their introductions during the battle (Panther, Ferdinand) ... though not necessarily immediately - as I'm going to split this now into two separate "North" and "South" projects - and I think we both know I'll have my hands full with the "Northern" project for now ... I tried your link above the see if there was any info on unit numbers and deployment similar to the charts you've supplied here ... but some scattered info reviewing a publication on GD's supposedly poor performance is all I could find ... Since GD was the largest and most diverse Division present in the south (and had both Panther regiments attached to them as being part of 48th Corps) I figure I might focus on GD ... Do you have a resource handy or any information on the equipment make up of GD at all?? Also can you think of any glaringly obvious vehicles I have missed out?? Rog
  19. Today the replacement parts arrived for The Ute Barrier (TM) ... The first mission was to remove the damaged rail and replace with the new one ... So ... here we go - all caught up! So now its time to look at the final stage of the installation ... the gate(s) for: The Ute Barrier (TM) The gates have 2 attachment points on either end at the sides for fitment of a triangular bracket/brace ... with a hand tightening bolt at the opposing apex for screwing into the adjustable rails on either side of the tub. One of the holes on either end has a bump stop screwed in that needs to be removed and screwed into the base of the gate so this is done first ... And then the bracket is attached ... ... And because we were well overdue for Murphy to insert his presence into the day - it turns out that the bump stops are a little on the soft/sticky side ... Even though it springs back into shape after being left alone for 30mins or so ... they're not all that good to be kept in their current role moving forward ... Fortunately it seems to be a fairly generic sort of item ... and a quick trip down to Bunnings found a replacement ... Not exactly the same - slightly larger in all dimensions but well within the tolerances of what were dealing with here ... (Insert Grace Randolph Sooooooo here!) replace 4 bump stops ... place gates into position and screw in 4 hand tightening bolts and were done! ... I couldn't be more impressed with the final result ... Rog
  20. Ooooo .... You've purchased from him?? ... Reliable?? ... Have you got a link?? Rog
  21. Nice one ... I'll check these out when I have a bit of time ... I've been tossing up the idea of replacing the kits as I know there's at least one other manufacturer doing moulded on Zimmerit with separate track links ... A few of the Dragon kits in the stash are the "Burger-with-the-lot" types with PE, metal barrels etc etc ... so I'll try with those ones I must admit that theres something about metal track that put me off a little ... but, I'll look into it ... I try to keep an open mind. Even more choices to research! ... excellent contributions everyone ... I'm surprised looking through the boxes at which kits were purchased without Magic Track and at the ones which include both (Dragon) ... or those which have other options such as link and length (Academy, Bronco) ... Also I'll need to work out which track set is applicable to which vehicle!! Just about every single vehicle had different tracks fitted at different stages of the war ... and Halftrack vehicles will need them too - although with those maybe someone produces a kit with individual links ... I was surprised to find that my 251 command vehicle from AFV has rubber bands I guess there's no one-stop-shop out there. Rog
  22. Ok ... I'm reorganising the model room a little so that I can begin a new project that's been swimming around in the back of my head for a while. I have a LOT of models of tracked vehicles ... Now - a LOT of them are Dragon kits with Magic Track supplied ... But I have a lot of Tamiya and Dragon kits that are supplied with poly or DS only ... and I very passionately dislike tracks like rubber bands. The conundrum is that ... although I'm happy to set aside most of my kits with rubber band track ... there are some that are quite good (Dragon Zimmerit - with the stuff moulded in!!) that I'd rather not have exiting the stash ... I know that a LOT of people love Friul metal tracks as an option ... but the things are darned expensive and I might as well grab a whole new kit rather than spend that kind of doush for realistic track sag ... (insert Grace Randolph soooooo here) I was wondering if there is a low cost (or lower than Friul) for individual tracks that is reliable and with clean detail ... I'm looking at a variety of WWII German stuff ... Rog
  23. Steve ... I know ... I know ... Smart-ar$e!! BUT ... I'm looking to change that within the next few days ... finally (yeah, yeah) If you remember the discussion that we were having regarding unit numbers?? Feel free to stop by and drop some science when it starts Rog
  24. Ok ... While I was waiting for package number 4 to arrive, I got to work on installing the Ute Barrier. Konstantin, the guy who owns the company that produces the product (really just him and a couple of associates), is really very helpful ... I had to call him a couple of times during the process and he had no hesitation in giving me any assistance or advice. The first step in the process was unpacking all the items and checking to make sure everything was present, but once that was done I had to roll the ute forward partially out of the garage so I had room to work ... I used a couple of spare broom handles (I have NO idea why I had them spare in the store room - but they were ideal for the task so I'm not arguing!) to prop up the ute hard lid after disconnecting the gas struts. Along the inside top edge of and on either side of the tub, there are 3 anchor points: one near the front, one in the middle and one near the tail gate ... These are for securing a cargo net over any load carried. From the factory these are usually bolted in with a hex bolt but there were accessory options available for loops to be fitted as a substitute for the hex bolts (as shown below) and my vehicle was bought with these already on: When the hard lid was fitted, the loops on the middle and rear anchor points were removed and replaced ... the rearmost anchor points have an additional bracket with an adjustable u-bolt latch point bolted on so that the hard lid can close (much the same way that a door latch works. The middle anchor point loop was replaced with stud bolt ball mount for the gas strut supports for the ute lid ... Now ... ALL of these anchor point bolts need to be removed and replaced with "stand-off's" (as shown below) in order to fit the barrier gate adjustment rails along the front to rear length of the tub: The larger stand-offs are bolted into the front and middle anchor points while the smaller stand-off is fitted to the rear anchor point. The ute tub narrows a little at the rear so the rear anchor points are a fraction closer together (looking left to right) than those in the middle or front, hence the shorter stand-offs. Annnnnnnnd ... it's at this point that I run into my first problem ... I undo the bolt for the rearmost anchor point and screw in the stand-off ... The rail is supposed to be bolted onto the stand-off but the gap between the stand-off and the downward adjustment and fixing nuts for the ute lid u-bolt anchor is insufficient. I spent a few hours that day trying to adjust the bracket positioning or figuring some other sort of work around all to no avail ... The "problem" was only really a lack of about 2-5mm of gap - and after chatting with Konstantin we came to the conclusion that the best option would be a trip to Bunnings for some spare bits that could be used to replace the stand off with "spacers". I might trim down the stand off at a later date but for now I lack the tools required for that job. I was not sure of exactly what would be needed so I bought a range of stuff as seen above. As you can see from the open packet I went with using a couple of 50mm black hex bolts, using the nut to assist with spacing (there were originally 4 in the packet). For adjustment I used a packet of the flat black washers seen above ... 5 were needed ... and the result is: Not bad With that problem out of the way its just a matter of bolting up the rest of the rail to the stand-off's ... While on the earlier phone call with Konstantin, he advised me of the two special attachment points on the rail for the gas strut ball mount - on either side of the middle stand-off rail anchor point. He seemed to think that the best position for fitment was on the back side of the rail (between the tub liner and the rail) ... my gut instinct was that this was wrong ... but I went with the designers instructions ... needless to say that I tried it at both front and rearmost positions and neither allowed me to close the lid ... Annnnnnd then I run into the second problem ... The barrel nut thingy that's inserted into the rail isn't secured well and starts turning so I can't undo the ball stud!! ... I tried various methods of loosening the stud ... none worked ... Meanwhile I disconnected the gas strut on the opposite side ... went through with fitting the rail and fitted the ball mount stud on the opposite side of the rail ... annnnnnnnd ta-da!! At that point Konstantin decided to just send me a replacement rail ... since he had some spares laying around - and also another ball mount stud - which is why I took the photo above (with the steel rule) for him... (Insert Grace Randolph "Sooooo" here) ... now I'm just waiting on the rail to arrive here ... and then I can finish the fit out. More later ... Rog
  25. That's the plan with the Kursk Dio ... Just setting a few things up here at home ... In the next day or so I'll be starting some assembly with the Pz.III Takom kits ... and drawing up my dio plan on butcher paper ... Rog
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