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Everything posted by JohnB

  1. Resin "K" tail installed. Nearly ready to start painting. 🙂
  2. Rest in peace Harv. You will be missed.
  3. I'm planning to start on this "project" soon. I have a set of instructions but they are a bit blurry. Would any of you have a sharp copy you could scan and email to me? Thanks! John
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  4. I decided to put this one back in the box for now. Various reasons but I intend to get back to it later on. 😐 Now it's back to the P-40K.🙂
  5. The resin tail from Tim Biggers is the way to go for sure.
  6. I went through numerous boxes of "parts" but had no luck. I built one of these Fortresses something like 35 or 40 years ago using a Monogram kit. I looked high and low but wasn't able to find it or the radome (I figure that after all this time it HAS to be here some place but I still wasn't able to find it.)ðŸĪŠ It'll probably turn up after I have the model built. ðŸĪŠ
  7. I "borrowed" one from a built up Lanc model. It'll work okay but then I'd have to locate a replacement for the Lanc!
  8. I'm seriously considering building this one as a RAF Fortress III of 100 Group but I need a H2S radome. Any ideas as to where I might find one? 🙂
  9. I'm expecting the new tail piece to show up the first of next week. Then I can resume work on this kit.
  10. I agree Kevin. Something a bit different but I have no idea as to where I'll put it when done! LOL 🙂
  11. This kit has been in my stash for a good while. At one point I had decided to sell it but got no takers. Soooo, now I'm gonna build it OOB. I'll use kit decals for "American Beauty" in NMF. 🙂 I'm just getting started and it looks like it will take some time to finish it.
  12. I don't recall having many issues with the leading edge wing root but, since it's been a while since I built it, it's likely I have just forgotten! I like that scheme you have picked out. Is it Portugal?
  13. Agreed Scott!🙂
  14. The kit is a "E" which has the straight leading edge on the fin. The resin tail is to convert it to a "K" which had a fillet added to the leading edge.
  15. Thanks Tim. I'll be on the lookout for it. 🙂
  16. I've decided on this one.
  17. I've decided to build another P-40K using Tim's resin tail piece and a Hasegawa P-40E. I'm considering these two but haven't decided for sure which one just yet. 🙂
  18. Making some good progress Chris. Nice work.
  19. Thank you Paul. 🙂 Those days are long gone except for the restored birds that still fly. I was fortunate to fly with Jeff Ethell in "Baby Duck" some years ago so am happy to be able to say I have a little P-51 time in my old log book. 🙂
  20. Thank you! I'm glad you like the results of my efforts. 🙂
  21. Thanks Martin. I'm pleased that you like it. 🙂
  22. All done and RFI. https://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/20585-ang-p-51-rfi/
  23. Finished with this one. I decided to build this model as a post war Air National Guard a/c. Something a little different from all those WW II birds. After market items are FineMolds belts and Barracuda wheels. I went to my decal stash to come up with all the needed markings. Nearly all are pieced together from various sheets and re-sized as needed on my computer. Painted with Alclad. I like the way it turned out and I hope you do too. 🙂 I decided to add the last 2 photos to show it's not quite as SHINY as the first ones posted. LOL 🙄
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