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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by JohnB

  1. Yes Phil but not a lot. I've already done some weathering by spraying the treads, etc with "dust". Look a little closer and maybe you'll be able to tell.
  2. May as well finish some of what I started Kevin.
  3. I was working on this build in 2021 but set it aside. It's been sitting next to my work area ever since waiting for me to get back to it. I decided today to do so and go on and finish it up. It's very far along now and mostly just needs the external stuff like pick, shovels, water cans, the .50 on the turret, etc. plus some weathering. A nice break from the usual.
  4. Thank you Scott, I'm pleased that you like it. The rigging is stretched sprue.
  5. Completed. https://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/19551-tamiya-f4u-1-birdcage-bubbles-finished/
  6. Ready for your perusal. It's always enjoyable to build one of their Corsairs and this one was no exception. Great fit and detail throughout. What more could you ask for? LOL The only after market parts used are the Barracuda resin wheels. Everything else is box stock. Painted with Testor's MM. Decals are from Eaglecals. I tried to be careful with the weathering so as not to over do it and I feel like I got it done okay. I hope y'all like it and PLEASE remember to click on the first photo for best resolution and to view as a slide show. THANK YOU!!!
  7. I used to always use decals for that but decided to take a different approach this time. I think it worked out okay too Peter.
  8. Thank you Kevin. Pretty tedious but worth the effort I think.
  9. Walkway masking and over painting done. I plan to do some weathering/wear a little later.
  10. Making progress on painting and prep for weathering. Waiting for some .03 wide masking strips for the wing walks coming from SB.
  11. I've decided to do a different Corsair instead of "Tojo Eats S**t". Not particularly happy with the Tojo name and the very heavy weathering needed plus I haven't done "Bubbles" yet so I'll do that one.
  12. LOL Bill. Could be a problem with the little bitty fiddly bits! 😂
  13. Looking good so far Kevin. I've used masks a few times but the thing about them is if it's a little off and you don't see it until after painting then you have to go back and re-paint everything. The beauty of using decals IMHO is they can be "adjusted" in place so, usually, there's no going back to re-paint, etc. Easier process for this lazy old man! LOL
  14. Certainly will be a beauty Peter. I hope Diane does well!!!
  15. You just can't beat those Tamiya Corsairs. Excellent kits. Your build looks really good! Nice weathering.
  16. Thanks Carl. That's a great start on the Spitfires!
  17. Thank you Chris. My old Paasche H has seen a lot of paint through it!
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