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Everything posted by Peterpools

  1. Got ya - been there and done that more then I care to admit.
  2. Ernie Yup, it's been an enjoyable and rewarding journey for those of us on board and following your progress. Take it from a guy who spends a lot of bench time looking for parts and yes, somehow, they always seem to show up. Awesome work for sure🏆
  3. Welcome aboard - terrific 109 and figure.
  4. Only wish it was once or twice on a build but I'm consistent, it's all the time.
  5. HI John Same deal here with my 76-year-old eyes and hands and of course, throw in the quickly declining lack of coordination these days. I work now almost 100% under a LED magnifying lamp, tripled the room lightening and use tweezers more then ever. Of course, I spend as much time looking for parts I've dropped on the floor as building and try to avoid getting on my hands and knees to look for parts, as getting up is a whole deal unto itself. 😉
  6. John Amazing and even a new record for you. 🥇 A few of the benefits of 48th scale to my way of thinking: Variety of subject, smaller display space and of cost on the average.
  7. Oliver Terrific work on the toolbox and adding a good number of tools for effect.
  8. John WOW, even for you, this has to be a new record. Fit looks perfect and I'm ready for your upcoming painting photos in a few days' time.
  9. Kriss Not so, all the details will add up and easily bring your P-61 up to a new level. Both the panels look remarkable.
  10. Thanks Kev Finally making nice progress and if all goes well, the Spitfire should cross the finish line this week.
  11. Thanks Paul, much appreciated.
  12. Martin Mine just arrived a few minutes ago as well.
  13. Just arrived and I was amazed it was a Sunday delivery, of which I only paid for standard delivery.
  14. Thanks Sott Very much appreciated.
  15. Thanks Dennis Getting there slowly but surely - seems to be now some nice steady progress - hope I'm not putting a jinx on the build
  16. Carl Thanks for the update ... seems years ago we had so few paint companies and now, and abundance to choose from. Please do a short review on the paints and especially how they differ from all the other paint lines. It's almost to the point now of having too many paint lines to choose from - if that's possible.
  17. Oliver Nice progress on the dio details - the cart looks so good and will fit in perfectly.
  18. Thanks John and I completely agree. Just goes to show I panicked Un needlessly and juts should have put my faith in Kotare's research and judgement.
  19. Thanks Rob and that certainly is a complement. Hopefully I'll be following your Spitfire build not too far done the line.
  20. Thanks carl. very much appreciated. Just glad the decal issues turned out to be a non-issue and I'm able to keep moving forward. Trying to add a bit more lighter weathering and will see how it goes.
  21. DECALING IS DONE Thank goodness, my misconceived decal issues are a thing of the past and I’ve completed this portion of the build. The decals went down beautifully and being Cartograf (my best guess) a pleasure to work with. I’m not a huge fan of adding a lot of stenciling and keeping with my preferences, I kept it to a minimum. Last of the decals to be applied were the leading edge MG tape covers, which fit perfectly. Once the decals had a good 24 hours to dry, I thoroughly cleaned the Spitfire and then applied a seal cote Tamiya LP-9 now thinned 2:1 to seal and blend the decals/carrier film in. Still a few issues with laying on the LP-9 super smoothly as I normally do and right now, I seem to have better results using Tamiya X-22. Panel lines were next on the list and were picked out using Flory Dark Brown Wash – still my favorite way of doing panel lines. Next up the final semi sheen clear cote, adding the gear and the balance of the glass. I can see the finish line form here.
  22. Tim So glad to see the Skyhawk back on the bench and underway again.
  23. Tim Glad your work schedule has changed for the better and life is also allowing bench time. Looking forward to you resuming work on the 172, one of my favorite airplanes of all time. I've logged so many hundreds of hours in Skyhawks, they are all just old friends.
  24. John Taking your advice for sure.
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