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Everything posted by harv

  1. It's terrible to loose a family member I know.i hope you have happy thoughts. ..harv
  2. Afraid it will be.a long time till I can build again ....harv.😪 ..
  3. My huge bd present arrived at BEV's today.....harv
  4. Well I dood it. Ordered Easy8 ! Birthday present to myself !....harv
  5. Love your work...harv
  6. Awesomsauce Oliver!!...harv
  7. Who males a good 1/16 WWII Sherman ? ....harv
  8. Love the St Chamond. Would love a 1/16 one...harv
  9. I'm managing thanks !! I guess this will take a year or so to get to the point where for modeling again....😭...harv
  10. I've seen pics, but not the video....harv
  11. Can't wait to see this. About ready to pull the trigger on ordering both his Sherman's ....harv
  12. Thanks buddy . Really surprised at the prices ! Expecting much higher prices. I might just get both Sherman's ...harv
  13. Ɓeautifuĺ.....harv
  14. Does he have a site...harv
  15. Have one too. One day....harv
  16. I've needed one since day!.. one lol 😆...harv
  17. Workers buddy, Congratulations on your finished work...harv
  18. Have any pics Carl ? I have a Firefly in the stash too.. harv
  19. Have one in the stash. Gonna be a Polish or Greek fighter.....harv
  20. His mash is great!!...harv
  21. Wow I love it...harv
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