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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. The only thing I really don't care for is the push button starters. I miss turning a key.
  2. My Sierra used to warn me of Ice on the road. (I'm in Florida)
  3. My Ridgeline doesn't have any of that...but you can push a button and the entire truck bed becomes a speaker. Its really clever.
  4. Nice shots James and very clean as it should be! Ryan
  5. Awe crud forgot about that one!
  6. Man that thing looks angry!
  7. Thanks Carl you are right about the craftsman pool we have here, just great! Ryan
  8. You can't see it but i'm bowing. Like many of us, we always find fault in our own work.
  9. Here is the brush. DH9 by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr Ryan
  10. Very kind Jeff, but there are plenty of errors! The brush you use is important, the one I used was a 1/8" angled or chisel head brush. By far toughest part was the first brush stoke, the rest is just filling in the blanks. If you are trying this I suggest getting the WNW book volume 1 where David Parker explains how to do it. The simplest way to explain the pattern is use straight dashed lines for the most part and look at plywood sample to get the hang of it. Ryan
  11. Good now you can work on something else and post! Ryan
  12. Thanks Martin, I need more practice, most of that will be hidden but the parts that show are acceptable. Ryan
  13. Took the plunge and started some hand graining on my DH9....of course the close up photography is brutal the finished product closed up looks good. DH9 by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr DH9 by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr DH9 by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr Ryan
  14. Hey guys back on the ceramic coating, my wife doesn't really know too much about it to give a recommendation.
  15. Nice painting.
  16. I meant can the cutter start in the middle of the medium....in other words it doesn't have to start cutting at the edge of the material and then travel to the part coordinates. The PE masks are nice as long as the surface is flat. I was thinking a a mask could be applied over parts that have molded detail on them.
  17. Hubert, can this make plunge cuts? Do you think it could make a wood grain template?
  18. This will be fun to watch.
  19. That cat has 4 paws put him to work sanding seams! Ryan
  20. Good start on the Owl, not one I have acquired yet. The the oil paint graining really took a tole on me yesterday...hours of work with mediocre results, plus parts that needed stripped etc. I thought, "you know this isn't fun" and decided to go this route. Working with (oil paint) wood is like pigments...if you really know how to do it it looks grand if not it just looks a mess. Ryan
  21. Thanks but its just paint, I had an awful time trying to grain it, so said screw it and just painted it instead. Ryan
  22. Not much to report, just some wood tones on my DH.9. DH9 by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr DH9 by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr Ryan
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