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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. I'm with yah man, keep immersed in plastic.
  2. I used to have severe anxiety about any little twitch or spasm in or around my scalp...figured this is it again! Having knowledge of what could happen really sucks. Ryan
  3. See the belt location I was speaking about earlier.
  4. Base weathering is spot on sir. Ryan
  5. I have had plenty of MRI's.....stroke at age 18 and 30. I know it must be hard to be positive Harv, but hang in there. Ryan PS Volks really know how to do customer service!
  6. I swear it happened to me on the RE8 Harry Tate.......
  7. Picked up a WNW Gotha on Ebay and paid dearly for it....sigh. The good news is any minute now they will release a Duelist version of it at half the price I paid for mine. Ryan
  8. Yes that was a "do as I say, not do as I do moment". (at the hobby shop) The stash comment is funny, I have a couple for friends that I have brought into the hobby and now their wives scowl at me when they see me. "It's your fault he buys all these kits!" they remark.
  9. Good luck Carl, I tried with my boy, but he's a sports kid and wants nothing to do with kits.
  10. Yeah prob should have rephrased my question "in general" how does clear resin hold up.
  11. Nice product, how does the clear resin hold up to yellowing? Ryan
  12. I have this kit too, I want to say there was some drilling required on the seat back to allow the belts to pass through. I think Trump would have you just either drap them over the back rest or butt joint glue them to the seat. Ryan
  13. Kinda look like that thing Musk wants us to go to Mars in! kidding the finish looks smooth, I too am looking for Alclad alternatives.
  14. The figures give a great sense of scale to these small machines, well done. Ryan
  15. Not to take anything away from the Spit, but the Russian fighter in the background looks great. Ryan
  16. Thanks here are some close ups of the fine grain. DH9 by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr DH9 by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr Ryan
  17. That may have been easier!
  18. It's shockingly easy....you apply oils as usual with oil paint graining. Once that application is done, wipe away the oils in the direction of your desired grain. The last part is the magic maker...using a very wide clean soft brush you lightly drag and tamp down the grain to get the effect. There is a little of stipple involved too, but once you begin it's very intuitive. I also detailed the floor board today with some wood graining on the hardwood planks at the front of the part. If you are going to attempt hand graining, oil by far is the way to go. All it needs now is few days to dry, the clear coat and washes to tie it all together. DH9 by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr DH9 by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr Thanks everyone for the comments. Ryan
  19. My grain pattern was still bugging me on the DH9...so out came the 90% ISO and I killed it. DH9 by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr After studying some full size wood grain artist I came up with this and can now sleep at night. DH9 by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr DH9 by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr Damn models.
  20. Hehe yep been part of that club for 27 years..... Ryan
  21. For me ideally would be a nice normally aspirated sports car in the garage and one of these for daily use. And you are absolutely right about charging stations...hell even repair shops for these things, seems there is a fair amount of infrastructure that is missing for these new vehicles.
  22. Forgot cost too...if they can get these things into the $40K range or less.......
  23. I know man and that important for sure. Plus other issues...range, battery life etc. But man the pluses like gobs of instant torque, no gas fill ups etc. I'm not one of these tree huggers, just like the technology.
  24. I hate to admit this too, but I'm really strting to get excited about the electric vehicles coming out. This one in particular https://www.bollingermotors.com/#video-gallery-5 Also the Rivian truck
  25. Gross. I did like the Peugeot in the second Blade Runner movie though. Ryan
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