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Everything posted by Martinnfb

  1. Thank You for stopping by guys. Jeroen, the only finish applied on Mig-9 within the VVS is overall grey. A common misconception of NMF is myth based on the example in Monino museum. Here are some examples.
  2. Another place to altered are the wing tips, originally way too rounded. I sanded down the lower part to recreate this look.
  3. Dry fit was excellent, so I moved to the basic assembly. That went very smoothly . The only hick-ups that I should point at wat slightly bent tail section, inconsistent panel lines and rivets , that were rather square, then circle. So I decided to drown everything in automotive primer and re-punch the whole beast.
  4. Ladies and Genteman. Few days before my birthday a postman delivered parcel from Ukraine. Surprisingly it was this kit that I did not order, for a split of a second I had the urge to call Andrei and let him know that he made mistake. But , what a minute , where did he get the address to my highly classified location? Of course those two cheeky monkeys ! Ernie and John were gang up on me in order to poison me with the help of resin dust...... Thank You ! I will not start with a picture of the box-art because it doesn't represent any progress and I have been working on this project for a month now, well more like 10 hours, whenever I have a minute to spare and empty kitchen counter to sand on. This was in the box
  5. We are here to help you Ernie
  6. I should first finish Mug-9 and that Godforsaken Aircobra too
  7. Oh, I forgot to mention. 50. anniversary of invasion of Czechoslovakia is coming up, so there will be some tanks, stay tuned
  8. Thank You for the warm welcome Guys, yes the primarily sphere of my interest are bad guys, so shortly you should see lots of crosses and red stars. The first in line should be Mig-9 from LEM. It is basically LW 1946 project with red stars on it. I will elaborate in work in progress section soon. There is also list of planned or partial started builds of Czechoslovak He-219, S-199, S-99, S-92, LA-7 and......... the list goes on
  9. For some reason this forum feels very easy going and Martin-friendly, even with you guys onboard, strange..... Eyes are much better,Thank You Maru, still a bit itchy, the redness is almost gone. High price to pay for ignoring the power of the desert sun.
  10. The real reason why Martin wasn't present was the fact that he is scared of rigging and rigging is scared of him. It is a symbiotic relationship and that would be the reason why we don't have satisfactory intell . ok,,, ok ,,, radiation poisoning played it's role as well.
  11. OK, my incoherent post above is basically a way to say: "I am glad to be here" Cheers Martin
  12. Thanks Guys. This place is filled with pure awesomeness
  13. "My name is Martin H.. and I am a new member of Large Scale Modellers. I say I am a member of LSM because I believe there is an important difference between being a member and being a member of LSM. As a member, I could not stop building, but not finishing my projects. Even when my doctor diagnosed me with certain social distortions, I could not stop building. I admitted my building was often injurious, yet I knew, as right as the sun would rise tomorrow, I would build again. I can't stop building. This is the horror and hopelessness of being a member that doesn't finish his projects. Yet, here I am, as a new member of LSM, many years not finishing a kit ! How is this possible if I be a modeller and everything in my experience tells me I will build again to finish? Well, I found a way out. By working the Twelve Step program as described in the Big Book of Modeller Anonymous and living in the disciplines of Steps 10, 11, and 12 everyday, I am able to remain, almost effortlessly, abstinent from starting new kit and all mind-altering research ! I have had many spiritual experiences due to the Twelve Step program or/ and I now know how to live without placing my kits on the SOD. The obsession to start a new build has been removed. My progressive research-obsessive illness has been arrested. My SOD disease has been put into remission. I have recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body, by placing another pile of plastic on the shelf of doom" What ? Damn! I forgot to close the Tamiya extra thin again....
  14. Thank You Mike, I was just about to ask. Neat !
  15. Be a MAN, build Mig-17
  16. First night at the IPMS in Phoenix we couldn't face the heat, so William choose wisely the local movie theatre as a hiding spot. That was when I spotted this trailer . Very intriguing plot and casting. Can't wait
  17. I believe it makes sense and it would also attract another new members. *** Of course I am out , since I am giving my stash to Smitty, but that's beside the point Edit: Maru gets some as well
  18. Thanks Phil, here is the English version of the movie trailer.
  19. Roy from Barracuda Sudios mentioned that he's preparing a several sets of cowlings for Revell's 109 G, that will transform the kit to G-10 (Regensburg) K, etc. He didn't specified all of the sub-variants, but it should be worth a while.
  20. Jets in 48 scale are actually pretty big and in many cases well better executed then their counterparts in 1/32, especially when we're talking about Russkie aeroplanes.
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