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Everything posted by Martinnfb

  1. my spirit animal
  2. on my way
  3. Very effective way how to add a fresh breath of life to otherwise usual subject, excellent !!!
  4. Absolutely impressive project. Just one question about the turquoise colour of the frame. Why not green or black? Cheers Martin
  5. Ha ha, this is way too cool. I love dioramas with added realism of the ordinary life. nice!
  6. T-10M should do
  7. bullet holes are not needed unless
  8. Wow, what a great story. Thanks for sharing Jiri. Ahoj Martin
  9. I am running out of memes
  10. well played Mike
  11. Ok, I should explain few things here. I run out of cardboard stock I run out of unicorn sticker and rainbow stamps I often ,,,every single package I received from Ern was addressed to some Serbian war-lord, even the correspondence from Fed-Ex was addressed to all kinds of scary guys. Ernest has pretty much the same, twisted sense of humour as I do, ( that was an understatement) so it is all fine and dandy !
  12. awww
  13. There not much else to loose, is it not? Oh wait,I almost forgot,,, the freedom of speech.
  14. Nice!, I missed out n the build, but the result tells the tale. Not a easy build thats for sure, complex breakdown , unnecessary detail, etc.. I shelved my Ta-152E conversion for the very same reason :). Once again BRAVO! Cheers M.
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