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Sir Desmond Glazebrook

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Everything posted by Sir Desmond Glazebrook

  1. Good to hear. Oh and John, I can't wait until tomorrow when your Mossie is complete!
  2. I have had trouble completeing kits ovet the last couple of years. What does that mean? I don't why. Although I am currently completing my SOD. In fact I am completing one today. I got up at 4.50 AM to work on it all day. Sydney's weather allows me to paint quickly. Paint dries in 5 minutes. Thanks Wumm.
  3. I have the Texan. My 1/32 build at present is the Trumpeter SBD3. (Lovely kit) Once this Dauntless is complete I should build the Texan. Although I am itching to build a jet. I have several KH kits from which to choose. Definitely getting the Trojan. I am attracted to it by virtue of it never being on my modelling plan. When I was a kit like most around my age I built loads of 109's, Spitfires etc. Thanks again guys.
  4. Carl. I am very sorry to learn of your health. I can attest to the fact medicine and practices in our age is first class. Over my 31 months in hospital I got to witness modern medicine up close. I am very impressed. My advice is: always remember your charger when entering hospital. Get visitors to bring gentle toilet paper. Find the wi-fi password for the hospital. And if you ate too tired to sit in a chair, it is okay to simply lay in bed. No matter how many times the nurses and doctors ask. Most importantly, show the nursing staff your respect. They enjoy that. Another thing of note. Try to stay confident. It is my very sad experience that when a patient becomes negative, that patient is in grave danger. I have witnessed this too many times. It is heartbreaking to watch. Trust in yourself and know you are respected and cared about. Frankly, you matter. I will be thinking of you and monitoring your progress.
  5. Ha! Thanks yet again, Hubert. (Why would anyone hate a company?)
  6. Hi guys. Has anyone built this kit? Virtually all reviews of Kitty Hawk kits are negative. I considered the Roden 1/48 kit but the KH kit is only 20 bucks more. Interested in your thoughts.
  7. Hi guys. 1 model on my shelf of doom is the 1/48 Tamiya F-84. Before hitting it with paint I want to double check the colours. Thanks.
  8. When I was young I liked the struts on the E tailplane. They removed my eyes from responsibility.
  9. What, when, if, past, future, ease, complex... why do you do what you do? I am fascinated. This post happened in your past. Thanks!
  10. You knew this was coming. So, is it the A, B, C, D....? Personally I am torn between the E & F models. If pressed I would choose the F.
  11. Who at Trumpeter is to be denounced?????
  12. Back in the 90's I used to sell models through Napoleon's military book shop in Pitt St Sydney. I was charging 10 bucks per hour. I was building 1/48 scale and spending around 30 hours per model. So at the time $300.00 was normal. I recall building an F-18 for a RAAF pilot. I charged $600.00 for that model. On the flip side I built an Academy Super Etendard in 1/72. I got $200.00 for that little kit. I don't know if military book shops exist these days. If you find one ask if you can sell models on consignment.
  13. Hi guys. I am going to use the hairspray technique on my Tamiya Seiran. As a result I want to be sure not to metalise non metal areas. Are the control surfaces metal? Thanks from the past.
  14. Hi Carl. On canopies do you apply it before masking?
  15. Has anyone read The German aces speak? Steinhoff said the Mk.XIV gave the Luftwaffe a very hard time. Harder than any other. There are two volumes. Very good books. Rog, yeah mate I wish Tamiya made the Mk. I. The Revell Mk. II isn't great.
  16. Okay thanks very much. I do wish these Japanese companies could offer some information in English. I might have to build a Ferrari.
  17. Will do. I will use it tomorrow and see how the new Super Metals look when sprayed onto it. The varnish was $16.99 AUD.
  18. Today I bought Tamiya varnish, GSI Super metals and glue. Yay!
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