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Sir Desmond Glazebrook

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Everything posted by Sir Desmond Glazebrook

  1. Fantastic work. Thanks for sharing.
  2. Wonderful work. Thank you for sharing.
  3. Very beautiful. I also like the Special Hobby Tempest completed by Australian modeller, Chris Wauchop.
  4. I must say I have a fond spot for Special Hobby. The company offers aircraft one usually doesn't see. I own several kits in both 1/32 and 1/48 scale. Thank you for sharing this story.
  5. I have also stopped posting at imdb. When it became apparent I knew nothing about filmmaking, and yet kept writing reviews, it rather seemed I didn't belong. I do hope my future planned film reviews on this site are more readily accepted and enjoyed.
  6. My respect, Sir. I have this model but am afraid to tackle the thing for fear of making a pigs breakfast of it.
  7. Sterling work, Sir. My compliments.
  8. Finance is no laughing matter. When I was Governor of the Bank of England under Prime minister Hacker I had a devil of a time suppressing the many guffaws some of the lads were wont to utter. Of course, things improved when I retired. That is, as they say however another story. I stuck those wing thingies together. I must say that the reed model company, Saxophonist, has done a bang-up job with this early MiG fighter. Or is it a trumpet? One never can be sure.
  9. Happy birthday Mr Hav, Sir. We in the antipodes also have birthdays. At least one per year. My blue rinsed female friend, Dot, has at least two per year and with each birthday strangely, she gets younger and younger.
  10. I hope following this is permitted? The last time I followed something, the police arrived and handed me a piece of paper. As long as there is no paper trail, I will follow. (Why did I think of a spy plane whose pilot has an Irish accent????) I shall follow you dauntlessly in your endeavour to build this American stuka.
  11. Here is a photo. I checked the definition and can confidently say, this is indeed a photo. My intention is to form a model aircraft around this...I think it is called a cockpit? I have built more but cannot find my camera. I think it is in my phone. When I get off this call I will look for my phone/camera. I know nothing. I'm a banker.
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