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Posts posted by GazzaS

  1. 7 hours ago, Martinnfb said:

    I wouldn't drill, just cut them and glue them together with Tamiya super thin. If you place the whole assembly on a sheet of aluminium kitchen foil, you will be safe safe to peal it nicely off even if you spill or melt some.

    That's a great idea.  I could glue each half, and mirror it up precisely...   and then join them with the "dowels".  Thank you!


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  2. 5 hours ago, Clunkmeister said:

    Well, my vote is for a Hawker Henley. 😇  For some odd misguided reason, I really love that plane.

    But you know if that was their initial release, they would be doomed to obscurity.

    We all have a lesser well known plane or three we’d love to have kitted in styrene.  But I know that my long hoped—for Roland D. II would not be an intelligent choice for an initial release.  
    Though I expected WNW to get to it eventually, I would never expect any new company to risk their launch on a subject which didn’t earn fame on the Western Front.  Though it did serve for some time on the Eastern Front.

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  3. 7 minutes ago, HubertB said:

    From experience, you will need to drill the « rods » holes with a very small (0.3) than slightly larger (0.5 / 0.6) bit. Be prepared for some nerve-wracking job ;) and a lot of failures

    If you have a vertical drill, it’s even better, and will save a few drill bits. I’d then recommend stacking the pieces of strip together and holding them in a mini-vice. 

    I appreciate the info, Hubert.  I have a Dremel drill press.  But the speed is just too fast.  Last time I drilled styrene, I melted styrene.  Stacking them...   that would be a very interesting effort.  But at least starting with a smaller bit...   I can work with.

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  4. 11 minutes ago, HubertB said:

    I take this remark personally, and resent it deeply, Gary 😩  😭 …. Why, oh why so much violence 🥴 ? (🤣 😂)

    Hubert 😄

    PS: the next big question is : will JohnB buy one, and then how many more will he churn out ? More than Corsairs ?

    I'm glad I didn't get your goat too much...   I knew you would approve.

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  5. On 9/13/2021 at 4:42 PM, HubertB said:

    That’s WHEN Gary will have spilled a bottle of Tamiya Extra-Thin and a pot of enamel, plus let a drop of hot solder fall on the mat, that he will really be able to claim he has joined the rest of the modelling world 😁!

    Just my :2c:


    Sorry Hubert...  I missed your comment.  I've been pretty lucky with the extra thin so far...   don't jinx me.   And...  my dearly beloved would never let me solder in the house.

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  6. Even though not my favorite plane...   it is my favorite version of that plane.  Thankfully they used their heads and didn't whip out some interwar &(**%$!^, some unarmed @(&%, or some civilian %()(@.

    I'm sure they'll be famous....   unless their next plane is a Fairey Battle, or Blackburn Skua.  Personally, I wouldn't turn my nose up at an early Tiffie....  or have those been "done to death"?

    • Like 4
  7. On 9/14/2021 at 5:42 AM, Martinnfb said:






    Great pics, Martin!  Thank you!


    17 hours ago, Kaireckstadt said:

    Great progress Gary. The camo came out perfect to me! I love these 109 camos with the blotches on the fuselage side. Not easy to replicate but you did it perfect. 

    Chair is also stunning! Curious how it will look like in the end! 

    After trying to thin down the strip evenly, I decided to buy thinner strip.  The new strip will be .5mm X 1mm.  Should be interesting to work with.  There is a lot of work to do on the camo.  Step 1 of the weathering process will be to stress the paint by wet sanding.  This will eliminate some 1/1 scale overspray as well as show wear given to the fuselage in particular as the upper layers of paint on the fuselage were often buffed away in places showing the RLM 76 underneath.

    ...  then there will be touch up and more weathering.

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  8. 3 hours ago, Clunkmeister said:

    Buffalo is looking up…  I goobered up the tail decals, then made a mess out of painting the stripes on, now I’ll try it again, this time taking more care.  The Killer Egg was the result of getting pissed off at the Buffalo for a few days. I’m not a helo guy, but that little kit is a really precise and nice building kit.

    Haven't got as much bench time as I really wanted, simply because I’ve been enjoying the summer with the old cars.



    For a half second I thought you had two of those egg plane kits on your bench.

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  9. 2 minutes ago, DocRob said:

    Very ikeaesque Gaz :D. By the way, they have manuals to download, which could help with the proportions. The chair would clearly benefit from narrower strips.

    Cheers Rob

    It was hard to find the same-ish design of chair.  I may have already ordered the stock when I found the DIY article. 


    It's not quite the same.   But it has a lot in common with Weiroster's chair.

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  10. 3 hours ago, Clunkmeister said:

    Gazz, here in the USA, it’s 230 to my door with discounts. That includes around 35 bucks freight. Tamiya and ZM kits are often more expensive than that. 

    No worries, Ern.   I was just taking this opportunity to sob.

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