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Posts posted by GazzaS

  1. 16 minutes ago, Clunkmeister said:

    By this time next year, I should have turned this:

    Into this:





    Man I love a 57 Ford!  Especially the Skyliner retractable hardtop.  I’ve been working on mine for 8 years, and it’s about time for final paint, then the fun of installing the mechanism and adjusting the top.  It’ll be the same colors as the one there  copper and light tan.

    The car has a 245 hp 312 V8, auto trans, And full power everything. 


    Sheesh!  No wonder you're not getting many models done!  I admire your patience to complete a project like that.

    • Like 3
  2. Thank you, Jeff!

    The final photos are posted here:


    Meanwhile, here are a few more tips for your future rigging adventures:

    1.  Tape finger:


    You can see how tiny the eyelet and brass tube are.  They easily fly or drop out of your tweezers.  This little bit of tape on your finger tip will save you a lot of agro either while moving the parts to the model, or while threading the tube, minimizing tweezer-time and tweezer launches.


    2.  A sticky cutting surface for the eyelets.


    You can waste a lot of time trying to shorten the eyelets to the desired length with side cutters.  It's far easier to stick the eyelet to a loop of tape on a hard surface, and cut it with a blade.  

    3rd and final tip:

    Start from the middle and work your way outwards:


    You don't want to be reaching past rigging to try to work with other rigging.  It's a fiddly enough process.  I imagine this point in the wingroot area is the center for rigging on most planes.  But you get the idea.


    Happy modelling!


    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  3. On 5/30/2021 at 1:48 AM, DocRob said:

    The Hellcat is save for the moment and was not converted to real flying duties. After calming down a little yesterday, I partly scratched the residues of the HGW wet transfers away. Interestingly the parts which were still on the Hellcat adhered pretty strong. I carefully applied the eyes and mouth over these parts. This was made more difficult, because I had to cut the eye decals, to have the cowling panels removable. Luckily, I found some 3's in my decal stash, which meant I could depict the plane I intended. Today I had some only partly funny hours with the stencils. They were not so far from a E-4 Phantom by the time :icon_eek:.  



    Cheers Rob



    Nice save, Rob!  I hate to see a good model go to waste.

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  4. Well, Kai...   You've done some great work on so much stuff that many have given up on.  Those parts look nice...  your washes look especially good. 


    I think after this, you should reward yourself with a WNW (or Meng Fokker) kit where the worst you have to do is eliminate the dorsal seam.   For motivation I present to you the Rise of Flight Forum where you can see lots of inspirational artworks based on Fokker fighters.

    ...you may have to join to see the photos.


    And some of the photos...  due to the age of the posts have disappeared.

    I had the game Rise of Flight years ago, but got disillusioned with it shortly before I returned to building models.

    Anyway....   looking forward to paint!



    • Like 2
  5. 7 hours ago, Kaireckstadt said:

    Hallo Gary,

    Awesome progress and close to the finish-line now! 
    The engine room and the cockpit look fantastic as does the camouflage scheme.

    Looking forward to seeing her finished!

    Bis bald! 

    Thank you, Kai!  It looks like my building plans have been held up a little by life and some difficulties getting the top  wing on this morning.  I'll talk more about that on the final reveal.

    During some TV time this past week and a half I was watching the TV Series Deutschland 83.  I still have to read the english subtitles but I'm hoping to improve my very spotty German by watching the next two.  I had to look up 'Bis bald'.


    But I'll try not to use Google translate if I can avoid it.


    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  6. 3 hours ago, DocRob said:

    Indeed fantastic Gaz, enjoy the view, unblocked by the upper wing. Later some of the detail will be hidden in eternal shadow.

    Cheers Rob

    Thanks Rob!  Yes...  the joy of the eternal shadow.  It sometimes makes me wonder if all of that work in the engine deck area is worth it. 

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