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Posts posted by GazzaS

  1. 7 minutes ago, Kaireckstadt said:

    Spot on weathering of the tub Gary! Looks quite convincing! With the modeling knife close to the tub one can really imagine how big this Tank is! Where do you put all these models when finished? 

    Seems like the track-assembly isn’t one of the easiest jobs. They are metal aren’t they? 

    Thank you, Kai.  The tracks and pins are actually the same plastic as the kit.  I sprayed the tracks with a very dark brown (with some black in it) while they were still on the sprue after some light cleaning.  Then I just clipped them from the sprue and gently removed the rest of the unwanted plastic.   I will give them a final spray once all of the pins are in.  ...before detail painting them. I bent one pin so far on the way in.  I'll try to avoid bending more.  There is only 1 pin per link, and they are each as long as the track is wide.

    • Like 2
  2. While cleaning up for my granddaughter's birthday party, I discovered well-hidden signs of rat infestation.  So, I bought your standard spring operated large-sized rat trap at the local hardware giant.


    Now...  I often give my dogs beef neck bones.  Keeps that tartar off their teeth and keeps them outta my way when I get off work.  I had assumed that they chewed them up.  But no.  Anything left over, the rats either dragged into the chest freezer or put them atop a 7-foot tall cabinet with smooth steel sides.  Yes, they climbed the red brick walls carrying chunks of bone and hid them among the automotive tools and modelling crap that I casually laid on the top of the cabinet.


    So, I set up the trap baited with a piece of salami and a bit of peanut butter.  And twice, it's been set off with no rat trapped, and the bait partially eaten.  After it's gone off, it's been a few days before the rat went back for more.


    So...  I need a better rat trap.  These bloody Aussie rats must have extra strong necks or something.

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  3. I had some of that putty.  After a while it started getting stuck in crevices and refusing to come out.  Maybe mine got old with paint and the paint trapped in it began to bind with the model.   After the second event, I chucked it. 

    • Like 2
  4. HI everyone,

        Haven't touched this one for a few weeks as I sought to complete the Roden Albatros.  Anyway...  I have applied three coats of dust to the hull tub and running gear (most of it anyway) and started on the tracks.



    The four track bogies are held in place by plastic c-clips.  I broke one of the four and lost another.  So, I used a little fine copper wire twisted tight on the axle.


    Happy modelling!

    • Like 5
  5. 1 hour ago, Peterpools said:


    Did you ever think you would spend this much time, energy and money purchasing AM for a build? How the hobby has changed.

    So what is going to be your fill in project until the 109 AM arrives?

    Keep 'em comin


    Peter...  honestly there was one point where I convinced myself that I would never be a slave to aftermarket.  But here I am...  chained up.

    To keep me busy....  I already am working on a Takom 1/16 scale Panzer I.   I'll work on that, and the cockpit of the 109 when the mood strikes.  This weekend is pretty much gone, so I'll bang away at the tank for a bit.  It's also on this forum.

    • Like 4
  6. Hah!  a small success.  I just remembered I have donor kits.  I have a Hasegawa G6 (which I really don't want to strip) and a Trumpeter F4 (really a G2) donor kit.  So, the Turmpy kit will give up it's 151 pods. 

    Unfortunately, the Trumy spinner is almost 2mm too skinny.  I was going to use my Dremel as a lathe (it works, really) and reshape the too-bulbous for-end.  But....that's not gonna happen now.

    Anyway...  Ebay will provide a spinner and bays.

    • Like 2
  7. The slippery slope just keeps getting steeper. 

    You know...  I have seen a fair number of modellers complain about this airframe being "done to death".  But the truth is...  it has been done very poorly by Revell. 

    1.  The LG are scheisse (prone to breaking) and here I'm replacing them with brass. 

    2.  The beulen, all four of them are bad.  I will sand the wing beulen trying to get them closer to correct, and the fuselage beulen are being replaced by resin parts.

    3.  The spinner is too cone-shaped and the propeller blades are poorly shaped.  I will have to order them.

    4.  The supercharger intake is wrong, and I have a brass one to replace it.

    5.  The oil cooler is wrong...  I have a replacement for that.

    6.  No R6 gun pods.  I will have to order them.

    Number 7...  is a recent addition to my knowledge about this kit. The troughs for the MG 131's are too close together.  I sought to order the part...  but it doesn't seem to be anywhere.   It is by Barracuda studios but doesn't seem to be in stock anywhere. 


    It's called: Barracuda Studios BCR32157. 

    I will do some online begging...   and if worst comes to worst...  I will try to make alterations to the kit parts.

    So...  I have AM for this kit twice what the kit cost me to buy.  There is more to get, yet.:wtf:

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  8. 6 hours ago, Kaireckstadt said:

    Hope you enjoyed the 5th birthday of your granddaughter Gary!

    The fit of the kit looks really nice.

    If you don’t find something for the worksno. come back to me. I‘ll check if I have them in my stash and if yes I can send them to you. 

    Thank you Kai!  The best part is seeing your grandchild happy.  Thank you for the offer.  I haven't had a chance to look, yet.

    1 hour ago, harv said:

    Wow, almost missed this. I have a comfy chair too.....harv:popcorn:

    No need to worry, Harv.  It certainly won;t be done quickly.

    1 hour ago, Martinnfb said:

    I can look, maybe I can dig some out, Also check out the high gloss finish on the upper surface. Quite impressive.

    Thank you Martin.  Yes, the high gloss finish is tempting.  But you don't want it to look like a car.  I think...  and I could be wrong...   for it to look right, you would need to furnish some imperfections in the aluminum.  Certainly not major oil canning...  but slight signs of metal stress here and there.  Lemme know what you think.

    • Like 3
  9. Not much of an update here.   Just slapping together the largest parts with tape to check for fit and alignment.


    Most of the joins seem pretty close to where they should be, though there is a fair amount of flash.  Interestingly the rudder is meant to be positionable and is equipped with interior hinges.


    Not sure I'm happy with the spinner.  It looks a little bit more cone-shaped than I'd like.  But...  it is better than Trumpeter's.  Probably going to have to buy one of those, too.


    Anyway...   no time for modelling.  It's my granddaughter's fifth birthday and we'll be heading over soon.


    Happy Modelling!

    • Like 7
  10. 19 hours ago, Wumm said:

    Some more information to complicate things...

    Werk No. is 15912, it is an Erla-built G-6 variant although technically a G-5 airframe... G-5's were pressurised, and built alongside standard Erla G-6 batches, but they lacked the fresh air inlet under the windshield on the left side, as well as the plate that sealed the cockpit behind the main canopy... Note the normal headrest with gaps here.


    This photo also shows the typical Erla process of painting the gun cover in the lighter RLM 77 grey. As you can see, the wings and tailplanes featured saw-tooth Camo demarcations, and the whole airframe was highly polished to gain the most airspeed possible (note the sheen on the tailplane, and the Balkenkreuz worn away in some places).


    Refer to this photo rather than the colourised one for camouflage markings. Mottle is heavy in the typical mid-war Erla style, with spots in RLM 02, 74 and 75. Tall aerial mast, and green is usually given as the numeral colour, but red is equally likely.

    The first two of Weiroster's victories were scored on the Schweinfurt rain of August 17th 1943, and we see him here with 4 tabs on the rudder when the Wochenshau PK crews paid JGr.50 a visit on 16th of September that year.





    Thanks, mate!  That added photos and information with come in handy!  Not sure how I'll fudge the W.NR...  but I'll do my best.

    • Like 4
  11. 20 hours ago, Kaireckstadt said:

    Quite an interesting topic and model Gary. I‘m a 109 fan (have decals in my stash of Grafs green 1 in 1/24 Scale and Barkhorns G in 1/32 Scale) and will closely follow your build. 1st row and place in the middle is occupied by me !:popcorn:

    I have a nice book about Graf&Grislawski. Major Graf was the commanding officer of Jagdgruppe 50 and Weiroster was one of his pilots.


    I found the same fotos in the book indicating the 3 on his aircraft was green (like on Grafs „1“).



    But the sources I know also state, that it is not sure. It may also have been red. 
    Since red is more eyecatching than green your choice is ok.

    Also a challenging camo scheme, especially on the fuselage sides. Does Weirosters plane also have the zigzag camo on the wings and tailplanes?

    Do you also plan to include the Gondola Weapons under the wings? The G-6/R-6 was one of the most build variants of the 109. Saw no AM stuff in your picture). Or are they included in the Revell kit (should know it because I also have the G-6 like you and the G-10 in my stash)?





    Thank you for the information.  I can't really argue with a published book regarding the color of the '3'.  Honestly...  I have always been suspicious about blue, green, and brown markings on 109's and 190's.


    Inexplicably, the R6 gondolas and barrels are not included in the kit.  I imagine I shall have to acquire some.  Every 1/48 kit of a 109 G that I have ever had came with the R6 equipment.  Pretty staggered that this one doesn't.


    Weiroster's plane does have the zigzag camo which will be interesting to replicate.



    • Like 5
  12. 8 hours ago, Peterpools said:


    So much appreciate your awesome rigging tutorial. Not only is it filled with techniques and tips - there is an endless supply of modelling juices in there as well.

    Keep 'em comin



    Glad to be of help. Peter!  Maybe you'll find yourself building something like this some day:


    Hasegawa 1/32 scale Boeing P-12E.  Not my work...  just one I saw on the net.

    • Like 1
  13. bf109G6RED3.jpg.cb3be5d288c33a86338da2341899df7a.jpg

    Gottfried Weiroster was a luftwaffe ace with 6 kills in only 19 missions.    He flew with Jagdgruppe Sud, Stab/Jagdgruppe 50, and JG11


    He gave his life defending his country in aerial combat against against US Bombers and their escorts over the Jade Bight on 26 November 1943.

    The materials at hand are the Revell Bf 109G6 early/late:


    And a whole bunch of AM.


    I don't know the W.Nr of this machine, though it is written that he fell flying a bf109G5/U4 W.Nr 26112.  In the color photo, you can see a small hint of the gondola under the port wing which would house a single MG 151.  This has been reported as being 'green 3', but I much prefer the red and will be working to emulate the color photo.


    Of course...  if anyone knows more, I'd be happy to learn.




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