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Posts posted by GazzaS

  1. A little more done on the office.  Details painted with acrylics.  Different shades for different components.  And the 2 applications of oil look a little rough.  But I know that 109 cockpit well...  it will be dark in there, even with the canopy open...  and the seat belts will cover a lot of space.   So, it should be ok.

    'There are still a lot of little detail pieces to add.  But I wanted to get the base structures painted first.







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  2. 7 minutes ago, Artful69 said:

    ok Gaz I get your point buddy  … but

    A/ I now own the models so whatever is in - or not in - the box is mine to deal with now  …

    B/ what can I do about it 100s of kilometres away from them while working?? … And most importantly …

    C/ when I do get back to them in 2 weeks from now -  what do you suggest I do about it exactly?!?

    The above comments might sound a little harsh or like I’m annoyed but I’ve had a running battle trying to deal Davey Byrden’s constant poo-poo-ing and negativity which approaches levels that would send the average modeller suicidal.

    Providing the tracks go together as indicated and your Joe-average modeller can fix any issues that may present themselves in assembly … the kit is accurate enough for what I need it for … much cheaper and less complex than it’s Dragon counterpart - with a better track assembly type (now that Dragon are using those crappy DS tracks) and with more “extras” included in the box .., If Dragon hadn’t dropped the ball by removing the Premium kits from the market - I would suffer the additional expense and  and count the additional attention to accuracy as a bonus.

    I looked at the video review on Andy’s Model Headquarters … there didn’t seem to be any manufacturing issues there - just a few whinging Dragon fanboys like Davey in the comments  … but I will flick through the box when I get home before I start my Pz.III build thread and see if there’s any issues.


    Rog :)

    My point was:  If they sit in your stash for a year or two, it might be too late (for whatever reason) to ask for a refund or replacement parts. 

    • Like 6
  3. 10 hours ago, Artful69 said:

    Well Gaz …

    I’m a few hundred kilometres away from the kits now … but I guess I’ll find out about any issues when I start building them … it’s still looking to be a much easier task than building the dragon kit!!

    Rog :)


    Rog...  I'm talking about holes that could have been made with a 1/35 scale152mm gun.  Not about blemishes that can be fixed with a lick of putty.





    • Like 3
    • Confused 6
  4. 21 hours ago, Artful69 said:

    So ... I finished my first 2 weeks away at work ...

    It was night shift ... got back a week ago tomorrow and started organising the house and budget ... didn't get any time in for model work ... but I did go to the post office to collect a package that arrived ...


    The first kit is a Dragon double ... What I really wanted was the one with the FlaK 88mm ... but this one will do until I can locate the one I'm after ...


    The next couple are the first 2 kits of the Border Model "Early" type Tiger 1 ... I've seen mixed reviews and viewpoints on this ... With it's simplified assembly layout, yet crisp detail, it seems to be the pick of those available - especially for the Citadel Dio ...



    I'm hoping that when I arrive home in 2 weeks from this next swing I can get cracking on my WIP ...

    Until then ...

    Rog :)


       Check the mouldings on the turret of your Tiger.  Particularly on the turret halves around the trunnions and escape hatch.  There have been reports on facebook about bad workmanship.


    • Like 3
  5. 11 hours ago, ThomasProbert said:


    Fear not, I always have a tube of CA for quick repair jobs - it’s happened on a few occasions even with relatively straightforward scribing on this one. 

    I keep hoping that there is another remedy other than another application of CA....    but I guess that's it.

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Kaireckstadt said:

    Stunning progress on the weathering Gary! This simply looks like the real thing. 

    These oils really offer a lot of possibilities. 

    Thank you, Kai.  The thing about oils, is that you can control what your effect will look like, and have time to add to, remove, or change before they dry.  Pigments on the other hand are dependent upon light, and harder to manipulate.  White pigment is especially undependable.  I've given up on them, except to tint earth effects.

    1 hour ago, Peterpools said:


    Some gorgeous weathering - looking fantastic

    Keep ‘em comin


    Thank you Peter.  The real question is:  "Where to stop?"

    • Like 2
  7. 6 minutes ago, Peterpools said:


    Awesome painting and detailing on your commander ... looking mighty good.

    After reading how the wheels would be ‘polished’ by the tracks , the weathering looks quite realistic. As far as the base goes, the warping actually looks quite good and adds to the Vignette.

    Keep ‘em comin


    Thank you, Peter.  I fear I'll redo the base...  it's kinda driving me crazy.

    5 minutes ago, Kaireckstadt said:

    Absolutely realistic Gary!

    Did you do it with the airbrush or with pigments? 

    Thank you Kai.  Oil paints, my friend.

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