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Everything posted by ScottsGT

  1. Before I retired that was my line I used as I was leaving work. Especially since the new home was an hour drive.
  2. Soooo true!
  3. 8’ whip hose Also comes in other lengths at HF Mini filter with 1/4” NPT inlet and outlet. Quick disconnects put quick disconnect on hose whip end, other end into filter. Go to hardware store and get a 1/4” NPT nipple and connect quick disconnect to outlet on filter or screw air hose directly onto nipple to reduce chance of air leak. Use Teflon tape on all threads. Hose with 1/4” NPT on one end. But like I mentioned, I don’t have a moisture issue in my house.
  4. Question. Are you airbrushing inside with the compressor in the house? Is so, it shouldn’t be a problem. I don’t have a moisture issue. But apparently your Badger says you do. But yea, very simple. Hold on, let me go find what you need and post it. As far as the airbrush hose, mine has a 1/4” NPT female end that a quick disconnect goes into.
  5. JB Weld for a temporary fix. This for a permanent fix!
  6. I’d pick out one with the underwing bombs and stuff you want to use or keep as spares. That’s a great price on those kits.
  7. Any of the three will work. All the usable parts are the same. When I built mine there was a shortage of the kits. Took me a while to get my hands on one. Typical of my luck. Go for the lowest cost kit you can find. Im pretty sure I used the AD-4 boxing with the sea blue plane on the front.
  8. Got a little something in the mail from Squadron yesterday.
  9. Cool. I’ll sit down with the instructions tomorrow sometime and PM you. I will say, there is no rhyme or reason for their sprue numbering of parts. An assembly might require parts 87, 88, 89 & 90. None of them might be close on the same sprue and I can almost guarantee they will be on three different sprues. And the sprues are not lettered like Tamiya does. You’ll spend a lot of time parts searching.
  10. Not sure which is more impressive. The build or the cleanup? Obviously the build! Beautiful job, Carl.
  11. Would you like a few tips on navigating the instructions? I’m in the painting phase of mine now.
  12. Thanks everyone! She sitting in her recliner next to me right now. Pulled through with much success and came home this morning. The exciting part is all markers and gland biopsies came back negative!
  13. Poor Harv, he’s had to take quite a few bites from that poo sandwich lately. 🙁 prayers sent my old buddy!
  14. We have paint! I just need to do some research on the paint separation between top and bottom color. Hard line or soft line.
  15. Peter, procedure is happening right now as I type this out. I’m in the waiting room doing my part. You would have thought a celebrity was here with all her coworkers stopping by to wish her the best.
  16. Hey Peter, My “big gun” airbrush is the Grex Tritium with the fan nozzle. It can blast some paint for an airbrush! I should be good to go. I opted out for the spray can of primer because I’ve had it on hand a few years and didn’t feel like swapping over airbrush’s yet. My regular work airbrush is the Iwata HP-CS. And still trying to figure out how to make the model fit in the paint booth!
  17. Looks good Scott. Everyone loves the Tomcat! Me? It’s a love/hate relationship.
  18. Beautiful! But, um…..What took you so long??
  19. Just an update. 8 am surgery in the morning. She opted for the double mastectomy just to get out all the breast tissue and to have a more balanced reconstruction when all is done. She pushed this through today using her hospital clout and contacts. Remind me to never piss her off. She has connections!
  20. I think I’m going to nominate you “pot stirrer of the year” Or maybe “drug dealer of the year” making sure everyone gets another fix when they least expect it. Reminds me of the Huey Lewis song “I need a new drug”.
  21. Antennas on the bottom are fragile as can be. One was broken on the sprue. I bent some up out of 22 ga wire.
  22. That’s a lot of primer! I opted out of airbrushing and went for the Tamiya rattle can.
  23. Today my wife made it back to work after her skiing injury. Thought I’d take advantage of the alone time before she’s off again for the cancer surgery. I completed the taping the other day and today I sprayed the RLM02 on the window frames and then shot primer on the bottom. I’ve got 2 or 3 rough spots to correct and then I’ll move on to priming the rest. I have a few details like antenna I need to add, but I’ve got to be very careful how I place the model after that. Trying to wait until the absolute last minute for these details.
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