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Everything posted by ScottsGT

  1. Sounds like a “lucky break” y’all got there. Back in February when I posted about my wife’s skiing accident it worked out the same way. Border line needing surgery but avoided it. Tell Diane we’re still thinking of her and this little pain is nothing compared to the one she married. So glad to hear it’s healing without surgery.
  2. Just watched the Squadron TV announcement on YouTube. Apparently they are too big for the small town they are in. No kidding. PO cannot keep up with out going orders, Warehouse is slammed full. Town is so small that truck shipments come once a week at most. They’re staying in Georgia, but just across the border from Chattanooga TN. Chattanooga PO can handle their loads and is looking forward to them coming late this summer. Brandon said in all of his years involved in the hobby business this will be his first place with a real loading dock.
  3. Got a package for Biggtim of B&B Resin Design. Woohoo! Phantom stuff! Some nose corrections and hard to find (until I found out Tim has the molds) early hard wing tip conversions for the Revell Phantoms. These open up a lot of options with the old Revell kit.
  4. They told her $21,000 on trade it. If they said $24,000, she said she would have drove home the new one.
  5. I want one of those David Union sander bad, if it works good. Please report back on how well it performs.
  6. How’s she doing Peter?
  7. LOL! Wife wanted to skip the servicing and trade it in on a new Pilot. Now she’s really pissed I didn’t go along with her scheme. She actually has them giving us a trade in value quote with all the work done. I don’t know, we still might be driving a new Pilot by the end of the day. UPDATE: Cars done. No extra charge on the bolt removal and she brought home the same car. No new Pilot for now. Mustang goes in the shop Tuesday morning for AC repairs.
  8. Not a fun day for me. Dropped off the wife’s Honda Pilot off for the 100,000 mile service. timing belt/water pump/tensioner spark plugs flush brake fluid trans fluid change valve adjustment all for the low, low price of $3500. But wait! There’s more!! The damned tensioner bolt broke off in the block as the tech was removing it. Said they would eat the first two hours of labor but anymore than that it’s on us. And the icing on the poo cake? The AC compressor died on the Mustang today on the way home from the wife’s drs appointment. I’m afraid to start my truck up now.
  9. If all else fails, I have my old cafeteria table/bench I could set up. 😁 I also have AM resin intakes in the stash to add to the build.
  10. Oh, and I thought about throwing a third up on the bench too. Those Thunderbird decals aren’t going to build the kit without me!
  11. Y’all think I’m already nuts, wait until all of my latest aftermarket hunt pans out. Correct non-slatted wing tips from Tim, KAI conversions from Japan, Phantom Phreaks Last Samurai decals for white and black phantoms all equals two Revell kits on the bench at the same time. 🤪
  12. Just an update. I reached out via email and they got back with me. Hopefully due out at the end of the month and putting aside two sets for me. No idea on pricing yet.
  13. True, forgot it was for Tamiya. I have it and the EJ kit along with the Panther Squadron decals. One day….. But with my recent wild ass idea and decals from Sprue on order, resin from Tim on order and kits in the stash, I realize I need these too. Strange thing is I didn’t see how to order any of their products. Okay, I clicked on “more” and there is a gmail address posted. I sent a message. Let’s see where this goes!
  14. Book of faces link could not find how to order, who carries their products or a price. But it’s looking like the externals that came with the hard to find Wolfpack conversion. If anyone is in the know, let us know where to order. I don’t have a Facebook account to reach out to them.
  15. I’m mostly a ford guy like Ernie, but two “off the wall” corvettes stand out that I’d love to own. First is the ‘78 pace car in black and silver. Second one is this 1981 in a very un-sporty, but elegant color combination. https://inyourgarage.com/listings/1981-chevrolet-corvette-one-owner-54k-original-miles/ Love to have one bone stock appearing with a very mildly built LS swap and modern trans with a 3:55 or 3:73 rear gearing.
  16. Love it Carl! I picked up a set of the red 10 decals for my kit.
  17. Hey Peter, think it’s bad with models? Try prepping a car for paint. You can work on it for weeks and it looks the same to the untrained eye. When I was prepping my ‘66 Mustang my wife thought I was crazy spending all those weeks priming and blocking, priming and blocking, priming and blocking…..”Will you just paint it already!?!” No. It will look like crap if I did.
  18. Yea, they guy he works for collects them. One is probably this one with 28,000 miles on it.
  19. Another hour spent working on it without any real change. Shot a few coats of semi flat clear to seal the decals so I can start the touch ups and weathering process.
  20. 😱 Watch that ticker, brother! My wife is done with her pain meds she was prescribed for her surgery. One they gave her was Celebrex. Like Motrin on steroids. Really serious anti-inflammatory. She told me to try it out for my knee issues. Now I’ve gotta contact my GP about getting an Rx for it. Much better than the 800 mg of Motrin 3 or 4X daily. This is 1 capsule every 12 hours. I’m actually catching myself walking properly again on stairs. Kind of funny thinking about it. 40 years ago I might have experimented with Rx meds to “feel good”. Now I experiment with them to feel better.
  21. Oh yea, at 61 (yea, I’m a young whipper snapper in some of you guys eyes) with bad knees myself I’m there. Muscle atrophy is a real thing, especially when you don’t use certain muscle groups from shooting pains when you try to use them.
  22. I don’t know, but the expression on his face says he just saw Carls bench for the first time.
  23. Peter, I watch my 85 yo FIL stumbling around on his very bad knees. It kills me that he refuses to use a walking cane. I’ve watched him several times go into “break dancing” mode trying to catch himself when he stepped onto an uneven surface or stairs without a hand rail. It seems that hardheadedness and stubbornness is also part of growing old. He refuses to admit he needs a “crutch”.
  24. Spent some time this am hosing down the decals with Leveling Thinner. Wow. What a difference. Didn’t have time for the flat clear yet, maybe tomorrow.
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