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Everything posted by ScottsGT

  1. Done! No longer on the bench. And one of Harolds great prop corrections.
  2. Been waiting for years for this one! At a minimum, two kits. Depending on aftermarket for Super Stearman’s, maybe 6. I want to build the Red Baron Pizza squadron.
  3. Today was decal day. Tomorrow I start making it look old. But it’s so pretty right now!
  4. The wait is over! My stamped Form 4 showed up last Monday. Had a ball out at my friends farm ringing steel plates at 100 yards. And very quietly too, I may add.
  5. My 6 rolls of Tamiya tape arrived yesterday. Wife intercepted the package from the mailman. I got the stink eye.
  6. I made a run to Hobby Lobby last week to only find they had quit carrying the Tamiya tape. I did grab a roll of their brand and another bottle of Tamiya thin cement and a few cans of Tamiya primer. Came home and ordered Tamiya tape with Sprue Brothers along with some sanding sticks and various paints. Unfortunately, either I didn’t see it, or they don’t carry it, but I missed the 40mm wide masking tape. SO today I ordered 6 rolls from Tower Hobbies. I think I’m good for a while.
  7. Now we’re hearing August return. So today I got some Gull Gray applied!
  8. Thanks for bringing this subject back up. I’ve done some brain storming the past 24 hours and came up with a brilliant idea. As I mentioned in the post linked above, my hobby room is in a basement with 10” thick concrete walls. I cut a hole years ago to install a window AC unit. What I didn’t think about was I lined the opening with 2X10 boards. It dawned on me that if I removed the unit and removed the unnecessary 2X10 upright boards, this would give me a 3” opening if I slide the AC unit over to one side. I would need to reline one side with some plywood so I can tack in an AC transition duct with a 24” long duct to get it past the AC unit out the opening. Already spec’d out an inline fan on Amazon with something like 380 cfm for 8” duct. I can build a booth on a cart with the fan built in, inside a “box” to keep the noise down and flexible duct to connect to my exhaust ducting next to the AC unit. Keeping my fingers crossed! Update: just took a look. No side space, but plenty of top/bottom space. Wife isn’t happy that I’m coming up with a new project that will cost $$$ though. Oh well.
  9. Got tired of waiting on my Form 4 silencer for my MP5, so I built my own on a Form 1 for my SBR AR.
  10. An IM 1/32 Helldiver sure is tempting! Not saying yes, not saying no. Any further info, I will plead the 5th. I do have one of the new Star Trek 1/32 Space Shuttles on pre-order. That was placed before the SHTF. Been waiting patiently for years for the announced 1/32 IM Stearmans that are in the pipeline. I might be in for anywhere from 2 to 6 of these depending on the aftermarket. Think Red Baron Pizza. If decals and resin upgrades came out, I’d have 4 of them in a display like I did with my Thunderbirds.
  11. Since we are on the Corona lockdown, I feel this is a good place to post this.
  12. Congress just passed our relief bill, but there was a major snafu in it. Those already on unemployment without jobs are also getting the stimulus help to cover them out of jobs. Those unemployment payments come from the states, so Congress has asked the governors to try and straighten this mess out. Wife is a CRNA, so our income is above the assistance level. But she has lots of friends that she works with that are losing their jobs during this pandemic. They are already stretched thin and living paycheck to paycheck and will not get assistance. It amazes me so many financially well folks are not financially well off. Over the years we have heard stories of one couple that probably makes a combined income of close to $400K per year. They are constantly changing homes to something bigger, trade cars more often than I change my underwear, actually dumb enough to co-sign on student loans to their daughter that has changed majors 4 or 5 times and is now on the hook for $500K+ in student loans. My head spins hearing about these bad decisions they are constantly making. If there is one silver lining to this pandemic, I hope it wakes up the world and educates or opens the eyes of people living way beyond their means to reel it in. One of our local watering holes is staying open for take out. The one waitress is still working for processing orders and getting them ready. I walked in last Thursday, picked up my to-go order and left a $10 tip. I won’t miss that $10, but for her it might make the difference of paying her power bill. And I usually never tip for a take out. Just when they actually serve us at a table.
  13. Now they’re talking about June/July before returning. Oh Lawd, my stash is enjoying this! But on the other hand, wife is pissed that I’m playing retirement (while she still works) and not being her house keeper. I guess today I’ll spend more time cleaning and dusting and less time building.
  14. 16.5” deep measured on the outside, probably 16.25” inside space. Good size for WWII fighters and smaller jets. Wish I had the room for it! Price of glass alone is more than that at a local glass shop.
  15. A little update. Getting down to the little fiddly bits before some paint time.
  16. This threads reminds me of the issues Zacto had getting canopies for his A-7 correction kit. He made it sound like vacuum forming canopies was some kind of lost black art. It was his reasoning for discontinuing the kit.
  17. We’re shut down and working from home, but my wife is a CRNA, so she’s in the hospital on a daily basis around patients. So only God knows what she’s bringing into the home.
  18. Close friend is a workers comp lawyer. He’s winding down his career and retiring in 18 months so he’s not taking any new cases, but he told me the WC legal community is drooling over potential cases from businesses not taking precautions.
  19. Just got word today its now May before we return. Glad I have a healthy stash! In two weeks time I will have my Fisher Skyraider ready for paint. I thought this was going to be a 6 month project.
  20. Just got word campus is shut down for all non-essential employees for the next 2 weeks. No reporting to work until April 1. Maybe I can get quite a bit of kits built!
  21. Ernie, any progress on this one? I just started mine this past week. I'm now out Googling for tips and hints. Scott
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